AIWENZHE User Agreement

To use the services provided by AIWENZHE Company, you must read and comply with the "User Service Agreement" (referred to as "this Agreement" below). Please carefully read and fully understand the terms, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability. All bolded text represents important information from our side. If you are under 18 years old or do not have full legal capacity, please read this Agreement with the accompaniment of a legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms for the use by minors. Otherwise, AIWENZHE Company will not be responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from subsequent registration or use of website services by you and will have the right to terminate the service agreement between the two parties after becoming aware of such a situation.

I. Scope of the Agreement This Agreement and the "Privacy Policy"

 constitute an agreement between you and the operator of AIWENZHE Company regarding the use of AIWENZHE Company's overseas products and related services. The operator of AIWENZHE Company refers to the legally recognized responsible entity. The products under AIWENZHE include Novelperson and the corresponding mobile app for the website mentioned above. "User" refers to the user of AIWENZHE Company's products and related services, referred to as "you" in this Agreement.

II. Account and Password Security 

2.1 When using AIWENZHE Company's services, you may need to register an AIWENZHE reading account.

2.2 AIWENZHE Company specifically reminds you to properly safeguard your account and password. After you finish using them, you should log out securely. Failure to properly safeguard your account and password may lead to theft or loss of password, and you will be held responsible for any resulting consequences.

2.3 AIWENZHE Company recommends that your password should include at least three of the following four types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters on the keyboard. If your password is too simple and leads to theft or loss of password, you will be held responsible. AIWENZHE Company is not responsible for any account security or privacy protection issues caused by reasons not attributable to AIWENZHE Company, nor for any losses incurred by all parties involved.

2.4 The right to use the AIWENZHE reading account belongs only to the initial applicant and registration person. It is prohibited to donate, lend, rent, transfer, or sell the AIWENZHE reading account. If AIWENZHE discovers that the user is not the initial registrant of the account, AIWENZHE has the right to reclaim the account without notice and without assuming any legal responsibility towards the account user. Any resulting losses, including but not limited to loss of user information and virtual currency, shall be borne by the user. AIWENZHE prohibits users from privately transferring accounts for a fee or for free to avoid disputes arising from account issues. Users shall bear any losses incurred due to violation of this requirement, and AIWENZHE reserves the right to pursue legal liability against the violator.

2.5 When using our platform, you should provide accurate and complete information (such as your name, nickname, contact email, etc.) in accordance with the instructions on our platform page, so that we can contact you when necessary. You understand and agree that you are obligated to maintain the truthfulness of the provided information.

2.6 Your chosen nickname and avatar image must not violate the laws and regulations of Hong Kong, as well as the basic rules of our platform regarding nicknames, which may be subject to handling based on the laws and regulations of Hong Kong.

2.7 You understand and agree that the information you provide must not contain illegal or harmful content, must not impersonate affiliated organizations or public figures, and you must respect the laws and regulations of Hong Kong during the account registration process.

3. Protection of User Personal Information and Privacy Protection See "Privacy Policy" for details.

4. Information We May Collect See "Privacy Policy" for details.

5 How We May Use Information See "Privacy Policy" for details.

6. Ways of Using the Service 

6.1 Usage Methods

a. Unless otherwise agreed between you and AIWENZHE Company, you agree that the service is for your personal non-commercial use only.

b. You should use the service in a manner provided or approved by AIWENZHE Company. The rights granted to you under this Agreement are non-transferable.

c. You shall not interfere with, disrupt, modify, or exert any other influence on the services under this Agreement using unauthorized plugins, cheats, or third-party tools not authorized by AIWENZHE Company.

d. Reserved Rights: All other rights not explicitly authorized remain with AIWENZHE. Any use of other rights requires separate written consent from AIWENZHE.

6.2 Violation of the above provisions constitutes a serious breach of contract, and AIWENZHE Company may suspend your service, and terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, without refunding any fees paid by you. This will be considered as your payment of liquidated damages to AIWENZHE Company. If the liquidated damages are insufficient to compensate for the losses incurred by AIWENZHE Company, AIWENZHE Company may also seek compensation from you through other legal means.

7. Service Provided "

As Is" You understand and agree that AIWENZHE Company provides services based on the current technology and conditions. AIWENZHE Company will make every effort to provide you with services and ensure their coherence and security. However, AIWENZHE Company cannot foresee and prevent legal, technological, and other risks at all times, including but not limited to force majeure, viruses, Trojan horses, hacker attacks, system instability, defects in third-party services, government actions, etc., which may result in service interruptions, data loss, and other damages and risks.

8. Self-provided Equipment 

8.1 You should understand that in order to use AIWENZHE Company's services, you need to prepare the necessary terminal equipment (such as a computer, modem, etc.) related to the services and bear the associated expenses (such as telephone fees, internet fees, etc.).

8.2 You understand and agree that when using this service, it may consume resources from your terminal equipment and bandwidth.

9、Third-Party Products or Services

When using third-party products or services provided by AIWENZHE Company's affiliated products, you should not only comply with the provisions of this Agreement but also abide by the user agreements of the third parties. AIWENZHE Company and the third parties shall each bear their respective responsibilities for any disputes that may arise within the scope prescribed by laws and agreements.

Please note that the translation may not be an exact representation of the original text.

 10: Intellectual Property Rights Statement
10.1 The copyright or trademark rights of the commercial logos used by AIWENZHE Company in this service belong to AIWENZHE Company.

10.2 All information, materials, texts, software, sounds, images, videos, charts (including related software) related to the services provided by AIWENZHE Company, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, other intellectual property rights, ownership, or any other rights, are owned by AIWENZHE Company or its licensors. You are not allowed to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works, transfer, or sell any of the aforementioned information, materials, texts, software, sounds, images, videos, or charts. If you fail to comply with the above provisions, without prejudice to other rights, AIWENZHE Company may immediately terminate the provision of services to you, and you must destroy any obtained information, materials, texts, software, sounds, images, videos, or charts. Violation of this provision will be considered a serious breach of contract, and AIWENZHE Company may suspend your services, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and is not required to refund any fees paid by you. It will be regarded as you paying AIWENZHE Company liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are not sufficient to compensate for AIWENZHE Company's losses, AIWENZHE Company may also seek compensation through other legal means.

10.3 Without the written consent of AIWENZHE, users may not implement, utilize, transfer, or license any third party to implement or utilize the aforementioned intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. AIWENZHE reserves the right to pursue unauthorized actions described above.

10.4 Without the written consent of AIWENZHE, users may not engage in reverse engineering, decompiling, or disassembling of AIWENZHE's products or related services. AIWENZHE reserves the right to pursue unauthorized actions described above.

11: User's Illegal Behaviors
11.1 When using this service, you must comply with laws and regulations and refrain from engaging in illegal activities, including but not limited to:

(1) Posting, transmitting, disseminating, and storing content that endangers national security, disrupts social stability, violates public order and morals, insults, defames, is obscene, violent, or violates any national laws and regulations.

(2) Posting, transmitting, disseminating, and storing content that infringes upon the legitimate rights of others, such as intellectual property rights and trade secrets.

(3) Maliciously fabricating facts, concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others.

(4) Posting, transmitting, and disseminating advertising information and spam.

(5) Engaging in any other behavior prohibited by laws and regulations.

11.2 If you violate the provisions of this article, relevant state agencies or institutions may file lawsuits, fines or take other sanctions against you, and require AIWENZHE to provide assistance. If any damage is caused, you should compensate it in accordance with the law, and AIWENZHE does not assume any responsibility.

11.3 If AIWENZHE discovers or receives reports from others that the information you posted violates the terms of this article, AIWENZHE has the right to make independent judgments and take technical means to delete, block or disconnect the link. At the same time, AIWENZHE has the right to take measures including but not limited to suspending or terminating services, restricting, freezing or terminating account use, and pursuing legal liability depending on the nature of the user's behavior.

11.4 If you violate the terms of this article and cause damage to any third party, you shall bear independent responsibility; if AIWENZHE suffers losses as a result, you shall also compensate it.

11.5 Violation of the provisions of this article shall be regarded as a serious breach of contract by you. AIWENZHE Company may suspend services to you, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and do not need to refund the fees you paid. It shall be deemed that you have paid AIWENZHE Company liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are not enough to make up for AIWENZHE's losses, AIWENZHE can also pursue recourse against you through other legal channels.

12. Comply with local legal supervision

12.1 When using this service, you should comply with local laws and regulations and respect local morals and customs. If your actions violate local laws, regulations, or moral standards, you shall bear independent responsibility for them.

12.2 You should avoid involving AIWENZHE Company in political and public events through your use of this service. Otherwise, AIWENZHE Company has the right to suspend or terminate your services.

12.3 Violation of the provisions of this clause will be considered a serious breach of contract. AIWENZHE Company may suspend your services, terminate the service agreement and legal relationship between the two parties, and is not required to refund any fees paid by you. It will be regarded as you paying AIWENZHE Company liquidated damages. If the liquidated damages are not sufficient to compensate for AIWENZHE Company's losses, AIWENZHE Company may also seek compensation through other legal means.

 13: User's Content and Complaint Handling

13.1 You are solely responsible for the content (including but not limited to web pages, text, images, audio, video, charts, etc.) you send or disseminate through this service.

13.2 The content you send or disseminate should have a legal source, and you should own the relevant content or have obtained authorization from the rights holder.

13.3 You agree that AIWENZHE Company may use the content you send or disseminate for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement or providing this service.

13.4 If AIWENZHE Company receives notices from rights holders claiming that the content you send or disseminate infringes their rights, you agree that AIWENZHE Company has the right to independently assess the situation and take measures such as deletion, blocking, or disconnect of links.

14: Force Majeure and Other Disclaimers

14.1 You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, there may be risks of force majeure or other factors that may cause interruptions to this service. Force majeure refers to objective events that are unforeseeable, unavoidable, and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics, and storms, as well as social events such as wars, riots, government actions, etc. In such cases, AIWENZHE Company will make efforts to cooperate with relevant parties and carry out timely repairs, but AIWENZHE Company shall not be held liable for any losses incurred by you within the limits permitted by law.

14.2 Within the limits permitted by law, AIWENZHE Company shall not be held responsible for service interruptions or obstructions caused by the following circumstances:

(1) Destruction caused by computer viruses, Trojans, or other malicious programs or hacker attacks on the user's own devices.

(2) Malfunctions in the user's computer software, systems, hardware, or communication lines.

(3) Improper user operations.

(4) Unauthorized use of this service by the user without AIWENZHE Company's authorization.

14.3 You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, there may be risks arising from network information or other user behaviors. AIWENZHE Company does not assume responsibility for the authenticity, applicability, or legality of any information, nor does it accept liability for damages caused by infringement. These risks include but are not limited to:

(1) Receipt of threatening, defamatory, offensive, or illegal information from anonymous or impersonating individuals.

(2) Psychological, physical, or economic harm or losses resulting from being misled, deceived, or otherwise caused by the use of services under this agreement.

(3) Risks arising from network information or user behaviors.

14.4 You understand and agree that this service is not designed for specific purposes, including but not limited to nuclear facilities, military use, medical facilities, transportation, and communication in important areas. If any failure in the above operations occurs due to software or service-related reasons, resulting in personal injury, property damage, environmental destruction, etc., AIWENZHE Company shall not be held legally responsible.

14.5 AIWENZHE Company has the right, as stipulated in this agreement, to handle illegal or non-compliant content. However, this right does not constitute an obligation or commitment of AIWENZHE Company, and AIWENZHE Company cannot guarantee the timely discovery of illegal activities or the corresponding actions taken.

14.6 Under no circumstances should you trust requests for loans, password solicitations, or any other network information involving property. If there are financial transactions involved, please verify the identity of the other party first and pay attention to AIWENZHE Company's tips on preventing fraud and criminal activities.

15, Effectiveness and Modification of the Agreement

15.1 We will provide you with the corresponding services only after obtaining your explicit consent and acceptance.

15.2 AIWENZHE Company reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement when necessary. The updated agreement terms will replace the original terms upon publication and will be notified to you separately. You can review the latest version of the agreement terms on the relevant service pages.

15.3 You have the right to reject the modified agreement, but this may require you to stop using certain software or services provided by AIWENZHE Company.

16, Changes, Interruptions, and Termination of Services

16.1 AIWENZHE Company may change, interrupt, suspend, or terminate the services provided.

16.2 AIWENZHE Company reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the services provided to you without prior notice in the following circumstances:

(1) If you are required by law to provide true information, but the personal information you provided is false or inconsistent with the information provided during registration without reasonable proof.

(2) If you violate relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement.

(3) If your account has been canceled.

(4) According to the requirements of laws or regulatory authorities.

(5) Due to security reasons or other necessary circumstances.

17, Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

17.1 This agreement is governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

17.2 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

17.3 In the event of any disputes or controversies between you and AIWENZHE Company, you agree to first resolve them through amicable negotiations. If negotiations fail, you agree to submit the disputes or controversies to the jurisdiction of the courts with jurisdiction at the place where this agreement is signed.

17.4 The titles of all clauses in this agreement are for the convenience of reading only and do not have substantive meanings. They cannot be used as a basis for interpreting the meaning of this agreement.

17.5 If any provision of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.

18, Terms for Minors' Usage

18.1 If the user is under 18 years of age, they are considered a minors and should read this agreement and use this service under the supervision and guidance of their guardian.

18.2 Minor users lack life experience, are easily deceived by online illusions, and have a strong curiosity. They often lack the ability to handle unexpected situations and are vulnerable to exploitation without adequate self-protection. Therefore, minor users should pay attention to the following matters when using this service, enhance their safety awareness, and strengthen self-protection:

(1) Recognize the difference between the online world and the real world, avoid being addicted to the internet, and not let it affect their daily study and life.

(2) Strengthen personal protection awareness when filling out personal information to avoid harassment from malicious individuals.

(3) Learn to use the internet correctly under the guidance of guardians or teachers.

(4) Avoid meeting or participating in social activities with strangers online to prevent criminals from taking advantage and endangering their own safety.

18.3 Guardians and schools should provide guidance to minors when they use this service. In particular, parents should pay attention to their children's growth, communicate with them, guide them on internet safety issues, and prevent problems in advance. If parents (guardians) wish for minors (especially children under ten years old) to use services provided by AIWENZHE Company, they must apply for registration on behalf of the minors using their own names. As legal guardians, they should judge whether the service is suitable for minors.

19, Others

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this agreement or the services provided, you can contact the customer service section of AIWENZHE Company's product website, and we will provide you with necessary assistance. (End of the text)

Note: This user agreement was last updated on January 4, 2024.