Chapter 4 Alien Plan

Sometimes, appearances are the exact opposite of reality. While the surface may be overflowing with vitality and peace, it could be concealing deadly traps and lurking dangers.
The Kuafu spacecraft entered the atmosphere.
"Jiuquan Launch Center, Jiuquan Launch Center, this is Kuafu spacecraft, this is Kuafu spacecraft. We have entered the atmosphere. Please respond if you receive this," Yang Zhiyuan called the ground control center multiple times but received no response.
Everyone looked through the spaceship's viewport, and a deep blue planet appeared before their eyes.
It was wrapped in swirling white clouds, like a beautiful maiden veiled in white, so mysterious and yet so unfamiliar.
The spaceship circled this planet, gradually descending bit by bit.
The sky was dotted with white clouds, and the ground was a sea of lush green. Those clouds, like flocks of sheep grazing lazily, appeared to be scattered randomly but were constantly vigilant of their surroundings, as if ready to scatter at the slightest disturbance.
The spacecraft pierced through the cloud layer, and a vast expanse of green land came into view.

"This is not Earth, this is definitely not Earth," murmured Yang Zhiyuan, an experienced navigator. "The radar shows that this planet is much smaller than Earth, with only one piece of land that's not very large. The whole planet is almost covered by oceans. Where on Earth are we?"
Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.
Since they had already entered the atmosphere of an unknown deep blue planet, all they could do now was to land first and then figure out the rest.
The spaceship was gradually slowing down. Through the spacecraft's viewport, the scenery on the ground was gradually becoming clear. Below was an endless stretch of green, with vast forests and grasslands, and lakes and rivers scattered like stars...

This was an incredibly beautiful planet, with mountains and plains, rivers and lakes, abundant animal and plant resources, and plentiful water sources. They were about to embark on a mysterious journey.
"Look! There's a golden light ahead," Zhou Ke suddenly said.
Indeed, in the distance, there stood a structure resembling a pyramid.
The pyramid stood towering, like a colossal golden Buddha. Under the sunshine, it reflected a brilliant golden light, dazzling and radiant to the point of blinding.
The pyramid was now right below the spaceship.

Everyone looked down and found that this pyramid was situated in the middle of a city. With the pyramid as the center, several roads radiated outwards like the spokes of a wheel.
There were moving black dots in the city, resembling humanoid creatures. These beings seemed to have noticed the Kuafu spaceship in the sky, and they were looking up, shading their eyes with their hands, pointing at the spacecraft, and discussing among themselves.
Suddenly, a strong light was emitted from the tip of the pyramid, directly hitting the Kuafu spaceship.
The spaceship's control panel immediately started flashing red lights.
"We've been hit by something!" Yang Zhiyuan exclaimed, "Captain Zhou, the No. 1 and No. 2 power systems of the spaceship have failed. Please urgently activate the backup No. 3 system. We need to find a landing spot for an emergency landing."
"Understood." Zhou Ke pressed the control panel button, but the spacecraft did not adjust its position. "Captain Yang, the No. 3 backup system has also been damaged and cannot be started."
The spaceship was gliding forward by inertia, like a kite with its string cut, showing an unstable swaying flight status.
"Captain Yang, the spaceship's radar shows a large, flat open area about 1500 kilometers ahead. Let's make an emergency landing there."
"Alright, that's the only option we have left."
The Kuafu spacecraft managed to glide to its destination. It was a flat area filled with lush aquatic plants, with a large lake nearby. The spaceship lowered its landing gear and landed securely next to the lake.
Everyone in the spaceship was still in shock.
"Captain Zhou, please check the information about the outdoor oxygen content, temperature, etc., of this planet."
"Roger that, Captain," Zhou Ke responded. "The spacecraft's instruments show that the atmosphere of this planet contains 29% oxygen, with no harmful elements present. The current outdoor temperature is 20 degrees, suitable for human life."
An emergency meeting was immediately convened among the crew. The meeting reached the following consensus:
This planet is unknown. The spacecraft encountered some kind of incident on its way back to Earth, which brought them to an unknown planet;
This planet has an advanced civilization. The strong light just emitted from the pyramid, which instantly destroyed the spacecraft's power system, demonstrates immense power;
They need to repair the spacecraft's power system as soon as possible and leave this planet.
While everyone agreed on the need to repair the spacecraft's power system quickly, the scientists believed that since they had arrived on an unknown planet suitable for human life, this was a rare opportunity, and they should go out of the spaceship for scientific exploration.
The crew, on the other hand, argued that the recent attack on the spaceship indicated the presence of an aggressive advanced civilization on this planet. Leaving the spacecraft posed a significant risk, and they should repair the spaceship as soon as possible and leave the planet quickly.
In the end, the crew reluctantly agreed to let Wang Yue, Zheng Ya, Su Ziqi, Dong Yifeng, Bao Mingkai, and Hua Mei exit the spaceship first for a brief stay and scientific investigation outside the spaceship. Yang Zhiyuan and Zhou Ke from the crew would stay inside the spaceship to repair the power system.
Before departing, the diligent Wang Yue asked, "Captain Yang, is it possible that the advanced civilization inside that pyramid could continue to pursue us?"
"Professor Wang Yue has a point. I will activate the spaceship's cloaking system right away," Yang Zhiyuan nodded. "Also, those of you who are leaving the ship, please take your defensive weapons with you, just in case."
By this time, human aircraft cloaking technology had advanced to the point of ecological invisibility, enabling it to blend into the surrounding environment, making it impossible to detect the spaceship's location by the naked eye or radar.
The spaceship's hatch opened, and a team of six people disembarked. They were wearing simple spacesuits without helmets, each carrying a laser gun and a backpack with some supplies.
Looking up at the sky, this planet, like Earth, had only one star hanging in the sky during the day. At this moment, based on the position of the star, it appeared to be morning.
Observing this star with the naked eye, one could clearly sense that it was nearly a full round larger than the sun seen from Earth.
Underneath their feet was soft grass, and nearby were clusters of plants that looked like chives, blooming with pink flowers. The flowers hung low, facing the ground, and nodded frequently in the breeze, as if welcoming those who had just disembarked from the spaceship.

The temperature outside the cabin was very comfortable, and the air was fresh. Everyone was filled with excitement and joy at having arrived on such a habitable extraterrestrial planet.
By the year 2069, human spacecraft had visited the entire solar system, leaving human footprints on both Titan and Europa, but neither were suitable for human habitation.
Although Mars had been transformed by humans and a permanent base had been established, it was still necessary to wear protective gear, making life on Mars quite inconvenient.
However, this planet was similar to our Earth, except that it had a higher oxygen content, which initially made them feel a bit dizzy as if they were oxygen-drunk.
There was a lake next to the spaceship, and a mountain across the lake, with the lake located at the foot of the mountain.
Everyone walked lightly towards the lake. It was a sandy beach without any grass, and the lake rippled under the breeze.
"Is this liquid water in the lake?" Professor Dong Yifeng took out a measuring stick and dipped it into the lake for testing. "Indeed, it's liquid water, and there's not a trace of harmful elements in it. It's natural mineral water!"
Upon hearing this, everyone scooped up the water with their hands and drank it.

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