Chapter 8 First Entrance into the Stars

If  Qingchun Huang hadn’t gone to watch that outdoor movie with Chen Gang and the others -


She would have been just an ordinary girl with a talent for music.


Only spending every fickle season in the constant alternation of day and night…


But after she went to see that movie, witnessed the alien spacecraft, and was enveloped by a blue light, everything changed.


When Qingchun  Huang woke up in the spacecraft, she felt as though she had just slept soundly. She had never slept so well in her life.

At this moment,  Qingchun  Huang found herself lying in a pale purple mist, surrounded by a calm and gentle atmosphere that was very comfortable. She didn’t feel hungry or thirsty.


As the mist gradually dispersed, Huang Qingchun finally saw the scenery around her. The room was very strange, with five or six chambers, two or three times larger than an ordinary living room. In front of her stood two “people” - more precisely, two humanoid extraterrestrial life forms. They had slender bodies, smooth all over, as if wearing a body suit, and wearing masks on their heads. They looked exactly the same, with no visible gender or age.


 Qingchun Huang  didn’t realize that she had already left Earth. But she was also very scared, thinking that she had been kidnapped for ransom.


“Where am I? Let me go back quickly. I don’t…have any money. My family doesn’t have any money either,”  Qingchun Huang  asked those two people with a trembling voice, thinking that she had been kidnapped.

They remained silent, maybe they didn’t even know how to speak Earth’s languages.


At that moment, another person walked in from another chamber. He looked friendly, without a mask; wearing a blue cloth gown in an ancient style, with his hair tied up and wearing a blue square scarf, a typical attire of an ancient Chinese scholar.


This guy really knew how to blend in. Not only could he shapeshift into human form, but he could also dress himself up as a modest and courteous scholar.


The scholar walked up to Huang Qingchun with a smile on his face and spoke in a language she could understand -


“Girl, don’t be afraid and don’t worry. We invited you here to ask for your help in doing something very important. Once it’s done, we’ll naturally send you back.”

 Qingchun Huang was very surprised. Who was this apparently scholar-looking person?


“Where are you taking me?”


“To a good place. Anywhere is better than your Earth!” The scholar laughed heartily.


A place better than Earth? So, this is not Earth?


Qingchun  Huang was shocked and quickly got up, crossed the purple mist, and ran to the window (actually the porthole of the spacecraft) to observe. Through the porthole, she saw an incredible scene that made her anxious and unbelievable-


A vast sea of stars appeared before  Qingchun Huang. The dazzling stars were not just shining points of light, but actual planets!


Each planet was rapidly rotating and moving. Some of them were silver-white, some were orange-yellow, and others emitted a dazzling purple-red glow. They varied in size and distance, creating an extremely strong three-dimensional sensation!

The spacecraft continued to move forward. The colorful and magnificent scene of space was extremely shocking!


For the first time in her life, Qingchun Huang found herself in the vastness of space, feeling a sense of wonder and excitement. Her fear gradually vanished, replaced by curiosity and awe for the vast and majestic universe.


“Where are we now?”  Qingchun  Huang turned back and asked the scholar.


The scholar suddenly produced an apple out of nowhere and handed it to Huang Qingchun. “Girl, have some food. Our spacecraft has already escaped Earth’s gravity and is accelerating through the outer Oort cloud of the solar system, about to enter the Cygnus constellation of the Milky Way. We still have a long way to go until we reach the target planet, so eat the apple and go back to sleep. We’ll wake you up when we arrive.”


Qingchun  Huang took the apple and started to munch on it. She understood that the apple must have been stolen from Earth, and she couldn’t resist it!


As she looked out at the strange and cold stars outside the spacecraft,  Qingchun  Huang suddenly missed  Gang Chen. She wanted to look back in the direction of her hometown, but didn’t know which way to look -


Where is the Milky Way?


Where is the solar system?


Where is Earth?


 Is Gang  Chen doing on Earth at this moment? She thought.

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