Chapter 2 Dong Sanshao's "Craftsmanship" (1)

Dong Sanshao looked at the young lady standing tall under the light and said with a smile, "Miss, it's already late at night. Let's talk tomorrow if we have something to say, okay?"

Dong Yuwan looked at him with a smile on his face and slowly leaned closer. He exhaled in a low, blue voice, "You've been out for two or three days, can you tell me about Wuhan?" As he spoke, his smaller and weaker right hand quietly reached out and quickly grabbed Dong Sanshao's waist muscles, piercing his nails hard. With a tug and pull, Dong Sanshao let out a terrifying scream: "Little girl, please let go, it hurts!"

Dong Yuwan giggled coquettishly, while Dong Sanshao twisted his waist and buttocks, acting like a clown, inhaling and exhaling relentlessly in his mouth, but his body never dodged, allowing Dong Yuwan to tug and tear.

Dong Yuwan smiled and said, "Tell me, how did you incite my second brother to join the army? If it goes smoothly, I'll spare you!"

Dong Sanshao looked at her gorgeous face like flowers, feeling a bit dazed. He casually said, "Where did I incite your second brother? It was all because of the Second Young Master who caused me to go back to the army. Miss, you can judge me. I was originally going to pick him up and the day after tomorrow will be his wedding day, right?"

Dong Yuwan stared into his eyes. She had seen this Chinese character shaped face that had not yet fully grown into an adult shape since childhood, and didn't feel much. Even the pulling and tearing movements were common to Xi Kong. She responded, "You are much more cunning than my brother, you must have instigated it! Do you still not admit it? Hmm?" She began to exert her strength in her hands. Young Master Dong had deliberately pretended to hurt before, but this time it was really painful.

Dong Sanshao stared at the beautiful face in front of him for a while before saying, "Miss Yuwan, listen to me talk about it. It's not like this torture!"

Dong Yuwan stared at him quietly, then suddenly chuckled, followed by a giggle. Dong Sanshao watched her smile as she bent over, restrained himself from laughing, and just stared at her motionless.

Dong Yuwan smiled uncontrollably and said, "Dong Sanshao, Dong Sanshao, Dong Sanshao, where did you learn these civilized words? You're so funny!"

Dong Sanshao stared at her and said, "Don't you let go yet? I guess the flesh on my waist is swollen!"

Dong Yuwan looked back at him with a smile and said, "If you don't run, I'll let go. If I let go and you run, then it's not trustworthy."

Dong Sanshao felt a burning pain in his waist and said, "My young lady, why am I running? I'll answer your question honestly, so I can go to bed, right?"

Dong Yuwan pursed his small mouth and nodded, saying, "Okay, I'm letting go of you, I'm letting go!" Then he slowly let go of his finger. Dong Sanshao smiled cunningly in his eyes, ready to run away after Dong Yuwan completely let go. Little did he know that just as his leg took a step back, he felt the burning pain coming again. It turned out that Dong Yuwan's reaction was faster than him, and he grabbed him again.

"Oh, forget it, I'll tell you exactly what I meant!" Dong Sanshao smiled, I only found the Second Young Master at the school gate this morning. Hehe, let me tell you, if it weren't for the Third Young Master's sharp eyes, your brother might be in the military camp at this time. But I caught him and insisted on bringing him home, but the Young Master didn't come back. At the entrance of the military camp, there happened to be a conscription soldier who came over to ask us when he saw us arguing. The Young Master said he wanted to become a soldier, saying that the school had moved to Chongqing Qing has gone, we must go and join the army to fight against the Japanese! "

Dong Yuwan listened with great interest, and when he stopped speaking, he asked, "Keep talking, keep talking."

Dong Sanshao chuckled and said, "That's all, miss. Besides, if it's just me and the young master having dinner and defecating, can you also listen?"

Dong Yuwan was so angry that he pinched hard, and Dong Sanshao called out "ouch ouch", "Please, miss, you're going to pull off my flesh!" He happily said the words in the play. Usually, when people hear too much about books, he opens his mouth and follows along.

Dong Yuwan saw that pinching him was also such a playful and smiling face, so he took the risk and slowly let go of him. Dong San Shao didn't move this time and still stood in place. Dong Yuwan said, "San Shao, the day after tomorrow is my second brother's engagement day. When will you leave?"

Dong Sanshao said solemnly, "Miss, when we registered and returned, the conscription officer instructed us to report to the military camp at noon the day after tomorrow. If we didn't report on time, we would be punished by the Republic of China government for deserting soldiers! So, Miss, I'm afraid this marriage between Second Young Master and Second Young Master won't be successful!"

Dong Yuwan chuckled and said, "It's better if we don't succeed. I'll raise my hands in agreement!"

Dong Sanshao sighed and said, "Alas, I'm as big as your second brother. No one told me about my wife. It's really frustrating to be compared to others!"

Upon hearing this, Dong Yuwan felt a surge of anger in his heart. He grabbed his ear and cursed, "You're such a useless person. You're so young, thinking about getting a wife. It's like I'm blind!"

Dong Sanshao smiled and said, "I'm just talking. Besides, when I talk about my wife, why are you blind? What does my wife have to do with you?"

Dong Yuwan wriggled her lips and looked at him with hatred, then twisted her body away. As she walked, she said, "Wooden bumps, dead person, ignore you, sleep!"

Dong Sanshao stared at her graceful and twisted figure, with a strange radiance in his eyes. Then he turned around and walked out of the room to the courtyard. The sky was dark, and he couldn't see his fingers. He silently walked towards the room to the east, which was his home. Dong Sanshao and his family all lived in the Dong family courtyard, which was also considered Dong Xuanshu's care for his family.

The next morning, Dong Sanshao was shouted out by his father Dong. Dong Sanshao rubbed his eyes and exposed a large section of his belly, saying, "Dad, I will join the army with the young master tomorrow, and you won't stop talking."

Dong Da's mother lit a stove in the yard, and a thick smoke drifted up from the yard. She heard a cough, which Dong Sanshao was very familiar with. When he saw Dong Xuanshu walking into the yard wearing a big cloth robe, he ran over with a smile and said, "Master, have you woken up?"

Dong Xuanshu put on a posture in the yard to practice Tai Chi. At this moment, Dong Yaoting's mother also got up. Dong Yuwan carefully helped her mother walk into the yard, and Dong Yaoting's elder brother and sister-in-law also got up and came out. In addition, the three parents and workers also walked into the yard, making the Dong family courtyard lively.

Dong Xuanshu responded with a "hmm" and stopped speaking, practicing Tai Chi in one move after another.

Dong Yuwan saw Dong Sanshao squatting at his mother's feet with his belly exposed, helping to light the stove. He giggled and walked over, shouting loudly, "Dong Sanshao, why are your navel eyes round? Let me take a good look!"

Dong Sanshao looked at his mother with some embarrassment and casually replied, "This outfit is still from last year. The clothes are too small, making Miss laugh! I'm really sorry!"

Dong Yuwan laughed heartily and said, "You are a little taller than my second brother. Making clothes really requires a lot of fabric!"

Dong Yuwan's mother gasped for breath and said, "Mr. Dong, your son and my son are both ours. Yuwan and you are going to pull some fabric to make new clothes for the two of us. We will join the army in a few days, and the days of meeting again will be far away."

Dong Sanshao's mother immediately stood up and said, "Just pull on the new clothes for the second young master. My third young master can wear his father's clothes and not waste money!"

Dong Yuwan chuckled and said, "Goddess, look at what you're saying. Third Young Brother is accompanying my second brother to join the army, so we must go there in a decent way. We can't let others laugh at our family, can we, Dad?"

She spoke, her eyes fixed on Dong Xuanshu. Dong Xuanshu let out a "hmm", which was considered permission. At this moment, Dong Yaoting lazily walked out and couldn't help but burst into laughter when he saw Dong San Shao showing his belly.

Dong Sanshao knew why he was laughing and decided to take off his shirt, revealing all his tendons and flesh. He said, "Second Young Master, don't laugh. Yesterday, I deliberately brought you back to save face, otherwise you wouldn't even fall on me!"

Dong Yaoting seemed to remember something and smiled, "Yes, I even said I wanted to give you a reward. Come on, what do you want?"

Dong Sanshao shook his head and said, "If you really want to reward me, you'll think of what to give me. You can't really ask."

Dong Yaoting was washing his face under the water pipe, while Dong Sanshao's mother was receiving water to wash rice and vegetables under another water pipe. Dong Yuwan was accompanying her on the side. The morning air was very fresh, and the village was filled with smoke, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. The sun slowly rose, illuminating the Dong family courtyard like a layer of gold. After finishing breakfast, Dong Xuanshu said to Dong Da, "Brother Dong, both your son and my son are our children. Yao Ting's health has not been good since childhood, but your third young man is full of flesh and tendons. I want to discuss this matter of becoming a soldier with you!"

Dong Da was smoking a dry tobacco bag, and the water inside the bag was making him snore. Dong Da said, "Master, if you have anything to do, just let me know. Don't let me guess."

Dong Xuanshu smiled and said, "Is it okay for San Shao to replace Yao Ting in the army?"

Dong was taken aback for a moment and quickly responded, "Whatever the boss says, I have no objection."

When the two adults said these words, Dong Yaoting and Dong Sanshao went to find a place to practice their craft, throwing stones to beat chickens and birds.

"San Shao, thinking of reporting back tomorrow makes me feel ecstatic. As for you, talk about it!" Dong Yaoting said, lying on the rocks by the pond.

Dong Sanshao aimed at a chicken searching for food on the ground. He gave a symbolic glance and quickly threw it out. Dong Yaoting saw that the thrown stone flew out in a straight line in the air and quickly hit the chicken's head. The chicken was trembling in pain on the ground and stopped moving for a while. Just as Dong Sanshao was feeling proud, a woman's curse came over: "You dog day Dong Sanshao, are you hitting our chicken again?" With the curse, a broom was about to fall off.

Dong Sanshao let out a strange cry and jumped up from the stone. The woman, still unwilling, waved her broom and flew towards him.

Dong Yaoting laughed heartily and took out a banknote from his pocket, saying, "Sister in law, I'll buy this chicken." Seeing that Dong Yaoting had paid, the woman could only reluctantly stop chasing Dong Sanshao's butt.

Dong Yaoting stared at the pond and said to Dong Sanshao, "Sanshao, stop hitting chickens. Show me the fish!"

Dong Sanshao asked in surprise, "Fishing? What's the method? I think everyone else uses fishing nets."

Dong Yaoting said, "You hit the fish swimming in the water with stones, can you hit them one by one accurately?"

Dong Sanshao silently picked up a stone and stared closely at the surface of the pond, waiting for the fish to float up.

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2024-01-25 21:17:16