Chapter 15 Failed Reconnaissance

The winter in Botinemann Forest is much quieter. Both the humans and orcs who live here stay in their respective homes, with nothing necessary to do, and no one willing to move a step away from the hearth. The most active creatures in the forest are the squirrels, whose figures can always be seen on the snow-covered branches. Other animals seem to be more lazy. Charles arrived at his destination through a teleportation portal. The comfortable living environment in front of him will never make him think of the betrayers, the entire tribe of orc betrayers. According to Sidese's description, the half-horse grassland stronghold was located quickly. The area was lush with grass, with streams flowing, and quite different from the snow-covered dead grass and frozen river. This was probably the reward that humans promised them. Charles thought so.On the grassland, there were several humans building houses, and they seemed to be working harder than the orc slaves i
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