Chapter 4: Tomb

1. Night rainLate at night, two new graves were hastily added to the town's cemetery. No one was there to bury them, no one was mourning, and only a lush field of marigolds greeted them in the pattering night rain.Looking at the lights of the tombkeepers in the distance, the pastor sat thoughtfully at the table. He casually opened the scripture wrapped in a velvet cover, but accidentally dropped a few pages of the gospel that were already out of line on the corner of the table."Pastor, are you looking for some answer in that book?"The pastor did not answer the doctor's question. He just felt as if he had been inspired by something. He unconsciously gathered the loose pages together and stacked them in his breast pocket."That's right. If we could really find the answer there, we wouldn't be here." The doctor sat on the bedside and sighed."Doctor, do you believe what this book says?""Then do you believe it?" the doctor asked.“Anyway, there are only two of us in this room, so I'm not afraid to tell you. In fact, I originally believed in it, so at that time I would come to church to worship and pray before meals. But later I didn’t believe it anymore, because I discovered that I didn’t rely on reading words to treat people, let alone praying, but relying on the knowledge accumulated by people from generation to generation, the tools developed, and the drugs that have been proven to be effective. My life and my work all follow the principles of this world. You say there is a God in this world, but what does all this have to do with God? "After hearing what the doctor said, the pastor closed the scripture in his hand, sat with his eyes closed, and asked the doctor in a calm tone: "Doctor, why do you think the mayor, with his reputation and ability, still complies with the resolution of the residents' meeting in the end? ""Because he is upright? Or, paranoid? Or is there no other choice?""Then do you know why the residents would rather endure not seeing their quarantined family members for a night after the mayor was dismissed, but had to wait until the next day when the resolution came into effect before going to the church to receive family members?""Is it because of the spirit of the contract? Or do they only accept dead rules ?" The doctor was confused by the pastor's question, so he had to deal with it casually.“In fact, these are all because everyone has to respect the rules set by our town. In order for our town to be what people envision it to be, everyone must abide by these rules. From this point of view alone, God is the same. According to what is written in this scripture, God created the world and determined the principles by which it operates, so He allows the world to operate according to these principles. This is the way for Him to demonstrate his power and gain glory. Therefore, the blessings and grace he bestows on people are all realized through the principles of his creation - after all, we who receive his grace depend on the principles of this world for our existence. ""Hahaha, your statement is applicable to everyone. It sounds like it can explain everything!" the doctor laughed."This is the origin of the world. It can only be used to explain God's actions and cannot explain anything else.""What about people's own achievements? According to this statement, the knowledge we have discovered about the world is just the discovery of the rules created by God, right?""right!""So, what about thoughts? You believe in God, but I don't. Why doesn't He let everyone believe? Why is there such freedom?"“Remember the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? "The pastor said calmly."Hahahaha! This answer is simple and clear! However, I think the so-called faith is just a kind of civilization achievement created by people, and civilization is just a tool to help people survive, not the purpose of human existence.""Oh? This idea sounds interesting!" the pastor said with a smile."Actually, this is not my idea. I learned it from the quarrel between the mayor and the deputy mayor today.""Ah? They also had a quarrel? Can you tell us in detail?""Hey, I don't see that you are also quite gossipy! Okay, let me tell you briefly!" After that, the doctor recounted to the pastor the general content of the conversation between the mayor and the deputy mayor that day. The pastor listened very carefully and did not say a word during the whole process. At the end, the doctor joked, saying that the two mayors should study philosophy, as they were wasting their talents in administration."So, whose opinion do you agree with?" said the pastor."To be honest, I think there are some problems with their statements.""Oh? Tell me!"Let’s talk about the deputy mayor first! Since he agrees with the statement that "civilization is a tool for survival," he is still willing to give up survival in order to stick to civilization. This is a bit strange. If it emphasizes the self-sacrifice of some individuals to preserve the powerful survival tool of civilization in order to maintain the overall survival of mankind, I think it makes sense. After all, the core is still 'survival'. However, he said that he himself could not accept the survival of abandoning civilization, and he had a very uncivilized or rather die attitude. This actually deviated from the core issue of 'survival'. According to him, if one day he was lost in a ravine and had to survive like an animal, he would rather hang himself on a southeastern branch than let anyone see his miserable appearance. This is a bit... Give up the basics and pursue the last. You said he could obviously live a good life after returning home! Why do he have to fight against himself? ""Haha, that seems to be the case!" the pastor said with a smile.“ As for the mayor... I think he emphasizes the overall concept a little too much. Everyone is an independent individual with his or her own ideas. People as a whole need to continue the species, but as individuals they also need to continue their lives. The two are complementary to each other. I think what the mayor said, "Sacrificing the small to achieve the greater self" is a noble act. We need such people to stand up when facing disasters. However, the reason why this behavior is considered noble is not only because of its own overall concept and positive attributes of self-sacrifice for others, but also because this behavior is simply impossible for most people. ! This is the so-called ‘things are rare and valuable’. Of course it's not worth mentioning if it's a little effort, but it's very difficult if you have to sacrifice everything for others! So we can't ask everyone to do this. If we need many less 'noble' individuals to 'sacrifice the ego' because of a disaster, we can only rely on coercive force to implement it, which means there will be some ...Um...something 'contrary to human nature' happen
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