Chapter 1The Girl Lo

In the north of Qingqiu, there is a fox with nine tails.

She is pure and innocent, full of joy, but also melancholic.

In ancient times, at the beginning of the saga of the gods, there existed a kingdom in the eastern part of the land of God's Continent, spanning three hundred miles. This kingdom was called Qingqiu. In Qingqiu, the land was abundant with precious jade in the sunny areas, and lush meadows in the shady regions. It was a place where the spiritual essence of heaven and earth converged, forming a realm that emerged from the interplay of purity and turbidity and was ultimately shaped by the grand judgments of the universe. It can be described as follows:



In the presence of the flowing river, facing towards the Eastern Sea, one can witness the emerald currents beneath, with a delicate veil of sea mist in the distance. Like scenes from a painting, eight clusters of cassia trees grace the surroundings, while three mulberry trees seemingly float in the air.


Within the depths of the elusive clouds, a hidden gem known as the "Dan River" resides. It acts as a conduit, carrying the spiritual essence of Qingqiu towards the Eastern Sea.



In the realm of Qingqiu, a kingdom thrived, where a wondrous creature resided. It bore the likeness of a fox, adorned with nine elegant tails, possessing an innate knowledge of the celestial laws and a deep understanding of all living beings. Revered by all, its wisdom was unmatched.

Within the kingdom, even the foxes themselves dedicated their hearts to cultivation, aspiring to one day achieve enlightenment and ascend to the ranks of immortals. Among them, there existed a fox of breathtaking beauty, captivating hearts with her celestial grace. Yet, her true name remained unknown, and she was simply known as the "Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox."


One fateful day, by chance, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox happened upon two extraordinary beings from the neighboring kingdom - the Jade Lute Sprite and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Sprite. The three magical creatures engaged in delightful conversation, finding their interests and passions aligned, and soon they formed an unbreakable bond. As time went on, the three sisters dedicated themselves to rigorous cultivation, while also enjoying leisurely excursions through mountains, rivers, and the serene beauty of nature. They truly reveled in a life of carefree joy.

In the central plains of ancient China, during the twilight years of King Zhou of Shang, Emperor Xin, whose rule had become decadent and incompetent, the prospect of establishing a prosperous era of peace seemed remote. The divine realm sought to bring about a new ruler to build a reign of harmony. Thus, Empress Nuwa, the ruler of humankind, arrived in Qingqiu and summoned the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, saying, "Take on a human form, bewitch the king's heart. Once the task is accomplished, you shall reap the rewards." The opportunity to achieve this task, a longing cherished by many, was not forgotten by the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, who replied, "Empress, with my limited strength alone, I fear it may be challenging. Could I have my two sisters, the Jade Lute Sprite and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Sprite, accompany me?" Empress Nuwa, upon hearing this, granted her consent, saying, "So be it. Carry out the mission as instructed, and once it is accomplished, all of you shall reap the rewards." In a matter of days, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, accompanied by the Jade Lute Sprite and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Sprite, set out for the capital city, Zhao Ge.



In Zhao Ge, the city was filled with night after night of revelry and music, while Emperor Xin gradually neglected state affairs. Before long, Jiang Shang rose against Zhou and vanquished the Shang dynasty, establishing the grand Zhou dynasty. During the time of enfeoffment of gods, Jiang Shang declared, "Empress Nuwa's command led to the downfall of the Yin dynasty, as destined by the heavenly will. Little did we expect you to engage in wanton acts of destruction, harming innocent lives, ravaging the loyal and righteous, and violating the benevolence of the heavens. Today, your sins have reached their peak, and justice must prevail." With those words, Jiang Shang stripped the three enchantresses of their supernatural powers and cast them onto the platform of vanquishing demons.

On the platform of vanquishing demons, the executioner's blade fell one after another, and the Jade Lute Sprite and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Sprite had their souls severed from the mortal realm. As the journey reached the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, the sky suddenly changed. Dark clouds obscured the sun, casting a pall over all things. Yin and yang became inverted, and the white day revealed a moon-like glow. Yet the moon appeared with a unique hue, subtly tinged with cherry red. The gods, witnessing this phenomenon, were perplexed, raising their heads to gaze.


Suddenly, a burst of cherry-colored light emerged, slaying the executioner and merging with the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. In an instant, the gods were repelled, and the entity fled to the Western realm.



After several days of travel towards the western realm, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox grew weary and exhausted. Despite feeling a loss of control over her own body, she continued to press forward. Sensing the presence of another soul within her, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox concentrated her focus and halted, speaking with utmost reverence, "Since you have saved my life, why not reveal yourself and meet face to face? Why dwell within me?" No one appeared, but a voice echoed, "Invisible beings cannot manifest themselves!" Perplexed, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox asked, "What do you mean, kind sir?" The voice replied, "All living things possess spirits, which make the world beautiful. Yet, they also bear grudges and discontent within themselves. The divine beings seek the great path, regarding greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt as the poisons of the world. Zhang, Fu, Po, turmoil, downfall, and stagnation are the darkness of the world. However, light and darkness coexist, and good and evil share the same realm. Beyond the great path, I am born through devastation. If you are willing, call me the TIAN-SHA, the manifestation born of the great path."


Upon hearing this, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox was initially startled, but then sighed, "So it seems that you, Benefactor, have also been abandoned by the divine beings, just like me." The TIAN-SHA replied, "Indeed, we share the same fate, yet you still possess a physical form. I, on the other hand, exist as a primordial spirit, possessing immense divine power but lacking a physical body. I can only wander and drift throughout the heavens and earth." The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox initially intended to banish the Heavenly Scourge from within herself. However, moved by the current circumstances, she felt compassion and said, "You have saved me, and I have no way to repay you. If you are willing to stay and share this body with me, benefactor, I shall be grateful." And so, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox and the TIAN-SHA temporarily shared one body.

Putting aside past affairs, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox fled to the western lands, her heart filled with disillusionment, contemplating a life amidst the ordinary realm for the rest of her days. While traveling along a main thoroughfare, she came across an inn situated by the roadside, nestled against a backdrop of meandering streams and majestic mountains. The air was filled with a hint of tranquility, and a lush green canopy stretched for miles around. It truly was a place of remarkable Feng Shui.

The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, upon witnessing this, approached the innkeeper and humbly requested to assist with serving tea and pouring water. From then on, she toiled from sunrise to sunset, gradually forgetting the troubles of the world.


As time passed, a deep bond formed between the innkeeper and the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. They eventually became husband and wife. On their wedding day, TIAN-SHA asked, "Do you truly desire this for the rest of your life?" The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox replied, "If the future holds such simplicity, why should it not be embraced?" Upon hearing these words, TIAN-SHA understood her true intentions and remained silent.


However, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox's extraordinary beauty attracted countless outsiders to the secluded inn. Each day, more and more people came solely to catch a glimpse of her radiant appearance. Word spread like wildfire, and over time, the entire Magadha kingdom knew of this phenomenon, flocking to witness it firsthand.

One day, a group of soldiers hastily arrived at the inn, proclaiming their intention to see the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. One officer declared, "We are here on the orders of the Crown Prince to bring this beauty to the palace as his consort." It turned out to be the guards of Crown Prince Ban who had arrived, explaining their unreasonable behavior. Upon witnessing this, a scholar in the inn called for the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. She, however, refused, saying, "As a humble commoner, I am ignorant of courtly customs and unfit to be an empress. Moreover, I am already married. I implore you, sir, to relay this message to the Crown Prince and ask for his understanding."

Upon receiving the report, the guards faithfully relayed the message to Prince Ban. Little did they know that Crown Prince Ban's desire for possession burned fiercely within him. He muttered to himself, "How interesting, how interesting. Someone dares to refuse me in this world. If I can't have this person, then where does my authority as the Crown Prince lie?" As a result, Crown Prince Ban gradually increased the frequency of the summoning orders from once a month to three times a day, yet the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox continued to reject each one.



Frustrated by his failure to obtain the beauty, Crown Prince Ban grew displeased over the following days. Sensing his discontent, a certain high-ranking minister in the court devised a scheme to win the favor of Crown Prince Ban. He proposed, "Your Highness, that beauty refuses to enter the palace solely because she already has a husband. You can accuse her husband of clandestine communication with an enemy state. Meanwhile, ensure that no other officials in the court handle this case. Such a significant matter requires special attention from the Crown Prince. In doing so, the beauty will come pleading to you, and then you can discuss the matter of her becoming your consort." Delighted by this plan, Crown Prince Ban praised the minister, saying, "You are truly resourceful and wise. This is an excellent strategy."


On that day, Crown Prince Ban executed the plan as intended. He had the innkeeper arrested and thrown into a dungeon, while the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox had her powers stripped away by Jiang Shang, leaving her with no choice but to seek justice far and wide. Following the orders, the officials declared that this case fell under the special jurisdiction of  Crown Prince Ban. To seek redress, one had to enter the palace and face the Crown Prince.


Having no other choice, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox reluctantly accepted the summons and entered the imperial palace. The officials, upon witnessing this, instructed the guards to facilitate her entrance. After a short while, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox stood before Crown Prince Ban in the palace.


At first sight of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, Crown Prince Ban felt as though he had been enchanted. Her otherworldly beauty captivated him, and his gaze remained fixed upon her for a long time. It could be described as such:


Throughout history, such a beautiful woman has never appeared. Therefore, when people lay eyes on her for the first time, they cannot help but recognize her as a woman of exceptional talent and beauty. However, this woman possesses a beauty that could overthrow a country or a city, causing people from all corners of the world to become utterly enthralled by her.



Crown Prince Ban regained his composure and said, "The beauty has finally come to see me, and my heart is filled with joy." Upon witnessing this, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox performed a grand gesture. The palace attendants promptly laid out a cushion, and the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox gracefully extended her hands as she kneeled and bowed, saying, "I am aware of my wrongdoing. However, my husband is an upright citizen who would never engage in clandestine communication with an enemy state. There must be a misunderstanding, and I implore Your Highness to discern the truth and grant my husband justice." Crown Prince Ban personally helped her to her feet and then summoned someone to present the prepared "evidence," stating, "Why go to such lengths, my dear? The evidence against your husband is indisputable. If not for your beauty and influence, he would have been executed already." Upon hearing these words, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox sensed Prince Ban's hidden motives and thought to herself, "What should I do? Should I seek the help of a higher power to save my husband?" Before she could make a decision, Crown Prince Ban continued, "If the beauty truly wishes to save her husband, there may be a way. If you enter the palace as my consort, your husband will be considered our matchmaker. This act of offering such beauty will be attributed to his merit, balancing out his transgressions and sparing him from the death penalty." The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox was shaken by this proposition and took a step back, placing her left hand lightly on her waist and pressing her right hand upon her left, as she bowed once again, saying, "This matter is of great significance. May I have a night to consider?" Seeing an opportunity, Crown Prince Ban agreed to her request.

The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox left the palace and found refuge in a tavern, where she decided to stay. As she settled in, Crown Prince Ban's guards surrounded the tavern, making it nearly impossible for anyone to come or go.


In the stillness of the night, when the moon hung high in the sky, its gentle rays of light cascaded upon the buildings and fell upon the blue bricks. The moonlight bathed the surroundings, casting silvery reflections and seeping through the windows, illuminating the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox's face.


Alone in her thoughts on this sleepless night, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox's mind was in disarray, filled with images of her husband suffering. It truly was a time of profound solitude:

My husband and I were together for such a short time, and now we are separated by vast distances. Every day and night, I yearn to be reunited with him, to the point where memories of our time together resurface in my mind.


I have never resented the pain of missing someone; I simply wonder why it is so difficult for us to be together again. Tomorrow, I will continue to long for my husband, eagerly awaiting his return.



Tian-Sha declared, "Surrender your physical form to me, and I shall save your husband's life, but you shall wander aimlessly in the world." Enraged, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox replied, "Tian-Sha, if I give up my physical form, my soul will scatter, and there will be no wandering. Do not underestimate my resolve."


With no physical presence, Tian-Sha dared not utter another word and chose to withdraw.

The next day, unable to find any other solution, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox resorted to adorning herself in front of the mirror, applying makeup, and dressing up. She then went downstairs and addressed the guards, saying, "Escort me to meet His Royal Highness, the Prince."


Once again, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox entered the palace and, following Prince Ban's instructions, was recognized as his consort.


Shortly after, Prince Ban bestowed upon the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox the title of "Princess Hua Yang." In accordance with his earlier promise, Prince Ban released her husband, acknowledging the merit of presenting such a beautiful woman.


From that moment on, although the palace was filled with many beauties, Prince Ban only favored the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. However, the distinction between humans and spirits remained. As Prince Ban's health deteriorated, he lost interest in political affairs. Concerned officials observed this and began placing the blame on the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox.




One day, a minister of the Magadha kingdom killed numerous white foxes and placed their bodies on display in the court. He proclaimed, "These fox demons bring calamity to our nation and its people. I have now slain them, protecting our country from any harmful spirits." After stating this, the minister pointed towards the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox and declared, "This seductive vixen has bewitched His Royal Highness. She is no different from the fox demons. His Highness should execute her to maintain his rationality." The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, hearing these false accusations, witnessed the massacre of her kin and promptly fainted. Prince Ban, witnessing this, considered it an act of rebellion by the minister and punished him accordingly.


Soon after, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox regained consciousness and seethed with anger, vowing, "Those who harm my kind will pay with their blood." She then approached Prince Ban and said, "Your humble servant has suffered from an illness since childhood, and only by consuming the heart of a Seven-Orifice Crystal Heart can it be cured. Otherwise, death is the only outcome." Prince Ban asked, "Where can we find such a Seven-Orifice Crystal Heart?" The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox replied, "Among those who executed the fox demons in court today." Upon hearing this, without further consideration, Prince Ban commanded the execution of the minister and had his heart cooked for the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox to consume.

Another day, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox slipped out of the palace and made her way to a remote shop, longing to see her husband. However, upon her arrival, she was greeted by a solitary grave with a dilapidated wooden tombstone bearing her husband's name. An innkeeper's assistant nearby explained, "Madam, when you entered the palace, His Royal Highness, the Prince, had the shopkeeper killed. We commoners had no access to the palace and couldn't inform you, so we buried the shopkeeper here." Upon hearing this, a mix of grief, remorse, and anger overwhelmed the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox. In a moment of blinded fury, she disregarded all consequences and proclaimed, "Since the world has shown no justice, and people refuse to let you live in peace, I will plunge this world into endless chaos."


The deity Tian-Sha interjected, "I too have resented the injustice of the world. If people don't wish for your well-being in this life, let's make this world suffer from constant warfare." The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox declared, "Tian-Sha, I desire to make Prince Ban pay for my husband's blood debt." Tian-Sha replied, "In that case, you must entrust your soul to me, and I will possess your body. With my supreme power, I can eradicate your enemies in an instant."


The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, regaining her senses, questioned, "There are countless beings in this world. Why do you insist on me?" Tian-Sha responded, "Ordinary bodies cannot withstand my supreme power." The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox asserted, "Even if you possess my body, your power will still be subject to my control. There has never been a case where the guest becomes the host. If not, should my body be destroyed, and I perish along with my enemy, you will still be dispersed throughout the heavens and earth, wandering aimlessly."


After wandering for countless years, Tian-Sha finally found this body. If he allowed the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox to risk her life, her body would be damaged, and it would take countless more years to find another suitable vessel. At this moment, Tian-Sha reluctantly conceded, and his power was entrusted to the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox.


After regaining her powers, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox underwent a dramatic transformation. Her temperament changed drastically, and her eyes took on a peculiar appearance, with one being emerald green and the other cherry blossom pink. The next day, upon returning to the palace, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox used her magic to mysteriously cause the demise of the ruler of the Magadha kingdom within a few days, leading Prince Ban to inherit the throne. From then on, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox used her magic to create illusions of countless beautiful women, enticing Prince Ban into indulging in pleasure and neglecting his duties of governance.


During her time at the palace, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, disguised as the queen, ruthlessly harmed loyal subjects, resulting in the deterioration of the people's livelihood and the decline of the kingdom. Before long, the Magadha kingdom fell, and as time passed, the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox's resentment grew day by day, consuming her heart like ants, leaving behind nothing but emptiness.


With old grudges unresolved and new grievances arising, the power of Tian-Sha began to backfire. The Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, unwilling to live in peace, directed her hatred towards everything beautiful in the world, realizing that she had no share in it. Therefore, wherever she went, whenever she witnessed a prosperous era, she repeated her destructive skills, causing the downfall of nations and suffering in the Western world.


It is  said:

Under the setting sun, the palace, now covered in wild grass, no longer feels like my rightful abode. If not here, then where do I truly belong?


The magnificent landscapes remain unchanged, yet the people are no longer the same loyal subjects as before.


The palace, once filled with the fragrance of prosperity, now lies desolate and forgotten. Like the reeds scattered across the ground, I too have aged. The people are displaced, with no place to call home, and the nation has ceased to exist.


Now, I must return to that familiar old place, but I carry with me a deep-seated blood feud.

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2023-12-04 20:52:18