"Black and White Impermanence

  “Yes, I can!” I nodded, tears streaming down my face.

  Grandpa didn’t hold back either, and the two of us hugged and cried our hearts out.

  After a while, we sat on the kang and started talking.

  “Gouwa, why can you see me? Are you like Sister Lan, with yin-yang eyes that let you see spirits?”

  I had no idea if that was the case, so I just shook my head and said, “I don’t know.”

  Grandpa didn’t press further. He looked at the ashes scattered on the floor and asked, “Who told you to spread these ashes?”

  “A man named Liu Guoxing. He told me if I scattered this on the ground, I’d know when you arrived.”

  “Hm, there is such a belief, but…” Grandpa seemed to remember something but then said, “Never mind. Gouwa, you know where the money is kept, right?”


  “Good.” Grandpa sighed deeply before continuing, “I didn’t do much for you, didn’t leave you with much. The money at home should last you a year or two if you’re careful. Once you’re a bit older, if you want to leave Wangjia Village, then do it. It’ll save you from being bullied.”

  I nodded, feeling a mix of emotions.

  “If you’re ever in trouble, go find Wang Chunsheng. He won’t ignore you.”

  “The village chief is a good man. He handled all the arrangements for your funeral.”

  Grandpa nodded, then added, “Oh, and Li Changfu’s family has been wanting that piece of land in the south of our village. It’s up to you—sell it if you want to.”

  As Grandpa pondered and spoke, he made sure that even if he had to leave, he would safeguard me and plan for my future. Seeing him like that broke my heart. After he was gone, no one would care for me the way he did. From now on, I’d have to navigate everything on my own.

  That night, Grandpa shared countless words with me, offering advice and warnings. Time seemed to drag on until suddenly, the crow of a rooster cut through the quiet. Grandpa jumped up abruptly, his expression turning serious.

  “I have to leave now, Gouwa. Remember everything I’ve told you!”

  “Grandpa!” I threw myself into his arms, hugging him tightly, desperately not wanting him to go.

  “You need to take care of yourself from now on.” Grandpa gently patted my head.

  But I couldn’t bring myself to let go, clinging to him with all my might.

  “Let go, Gouwa, let go now!”

  Grandpa urged me to release him. Remembering Liu Guoxing’s words, I cried helplessly as I slowly and reluctantly let him go.

  “Gouwa, you...”

  “Don’t leave yet!”

  Suddenly, a harsh, ominous voice echoed from outside. Through the window, I saw two figures approaching the house: one tall and one short, one fat and one thin.

  “This is bad! They’ve arrived!”

  Grandpa quickly shielded me, his body trembling with fear. A chilling, eerie laughter filled the room, the kind that sends shivers down your spine—like a raspy voice laughing and crying from deep within a dark cave. As the laughter grew more distinct, the two figures stepped into the room. One was dressed in white, and the other in black, both wearing tall, pointed hats.

  The figure in white was tall and sinister, his grin mocking and unsettling, with a hat that read “Wealth at First Sight.” The figure in black was shorter, his face serious and stern, with a hat that read “Peace Under Heaven.”

  My heart pounded in fear as I thought, "Are these the Black and White Impermanence?"

  The legend of the Black and White Impermanence is well-known. The White Impermanence is named Xie Bian, known as Master Seven. The Black Impermanence is named Fan Wujiao, known as Master Eight.

  They were sworn brothers, as close as real siblings. One day, as it was about to rain, Master Seven told Master Eight to wait under a bridge while he went home to get an umbrella. But after Master Seven left, a torrential downpour caused the river to flood. Master Eight, ever loyal and honorable, refused to break his promise. Due to his small stature, he was overwhelmed by the floodwaters and drowned.

  When Master Seven returned with the umbrella, he found Master Eight missing and was devastated. Overcome with grief and regret, he hanged himself from the bridge.

  In the afterlife, their loyalty was honored by the King of Hell, who appointed them as Black and White Impermanence, officials of the Netherworld.

  “Hehe, Old Wang, it’s time for you to go!” The White Impermanence said with a chilling smile.

  “Old Wang, don’t tell me you’re trying to defy the rules and make us drag you along!” The Black Impermanence conjured a chain out of nowhere, his demeanor stern and authoritative.

  “Masters Seven and Eight, I’ll go with you right away!”

  “Grandpa, they’re the Black and White... Black and White Impermanence!” I hid behind Grandpa, peeking out with trembling fear and a racing heart.

  “Oh, Master Eight, this little one can see us. Could it be that this child has the Yin-Yang Eyes?” The White Impermanence chuckled, addressing the Black Impermanence. The Black Impermanence remained calm and said, “Impossible. Yin-Yang Eyes can only see ordinary ghosts; they can’t see us.”

  “Master Eight’s right!” The White Impermanence slowly approached Grandpa and me.

  “Master Seven, my grandson is still young, and he...”

  “Move aside!” The White Impermanence said coldly, causing Grandpa to shudder. He had no choice but to step aside, unable to defy the White Impermanence’s command.

  The White Impermanence knelt down to look at me. It was the most terrifying moment of my life—his ghostly pale face was less than ten centimeters away from mine, staring at me intently. An icy chill seemed to envelop me.

  Time felt like it had stopped in that moment; even the sound of a falling paper seemed crystal clear.

  “Master Eight, this child...” The White Impermanence hesitated, as if he had discovered something.

  “Hmm?” The Black Impermanence, noticing that the White Impermanence had not finished his sentence, grew curious.

  “Lao Seven, what’s going on?”

  The White Impermanence slowly lifted his head and said to the Black Impermanence, “You’d better see for yourself!”

  The Black Impermanence then came up to me, much like the White Impermanence, and observed me closely. Suddenly, he exclaimed, “He is...”

  “Shh!” The White Impermanence quickly hushed the Black Impermanence, saying, “The secrets of Heaven must not be revealed!”

  “Right, right!” The Black Impermanence’s expression changed to one of surprise. He glanced at the chain in his hand, quickly retracting it. His stern demeanor softened into a smile as he turned to Grandpa, saying, “Hehe, Old Wang, let’s hurry up. We need to report back soon.”

  Grandpa was bewildered by the sudden change in the Black Impermanence’s attitude.

  “Alright...” Grandpa said, starting to head outside. The Black and White Impermanence followed him, no longer appearing like the grim, soul-reaping figures of legend but more like two attendants.

  “Grandpa!” I cried out, but seeing the Black and White Impermanence, I dared not approach, my fear overwhelming me.

  “Gouwa, Grandpa’s leaving. Take good care of yourself!”

  The Black and White Impermanence exchanged a final glance with me before heading outside. I followed them, watching as their figures gradually faded and their footprints on the dust disappeared.

  Grandpa was gone, and the eastern horizon was already tinged with a reddish glow.

  Wiping my tears, I decided that since I couldn’t sleep, I might as well sweep the dust from the floor. I knew this was my last goodbye to Grandpa; I would never see him again.

  As I swept and wiped away my tears, Liu Guoxing arrived in a hurry just as I finished putting the broom away.

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