Chapter 2 Work in Construction Site

As I was moving bricks, Sofia didn't respond to me but instead quickened her pace, leaving me behind. I, in my flip-flops, couldn't keep up, so I slowed down, letting her hurry ahead. Soon, she turned back, her gaze cold and piercing as she confronted me, " Beaumont, are you even a man?"


Surprised, I stared at her, "What's the matter?"


She said, "I have to go to work. If you're this slow, how am I going to make it on time?"


Realizing she was genuinely trying to help, I replied with a sheepish grin, "Sorry, these flip-flops are slowing me down." With that, I slipped off my flip-flops and followed her barefoot. The sun was scorching, and the sensation of walking barefoot on the hot ground was truly unbearable.


Seeing my plight, Sofia stopped and said urgently, "You should keep your flip-flops on; it's not good if your feet get burned. I'll slow down, and you just follow behind."


I obediently put my flip-flops back on, and my feet were much more comfortable. Though she was ahead, she no longer rushed, and her pace slowed to match mine. Eventually, we found a hotel, and she turned back to me with a smile, "Beaumont, you'll stay here, okay? Don't go anywhere. I'll come back after my shift to take you out for dinner. Promise me you'll stay!"


Her words were gentle, almost pleading, which took me aback, but I didn't ask her. After all, she was a girl, and it wasn't strange for her to act this way. So, I followed her instructions and checked into the hotel. She didn't accompany me to the room but left directly.


I felt like I'd stumbled upon a windfall, such a sudden stroke of luck. Just for sharing a piece of bread with her, she was willing to book a room for me and even promised to take me out for dinner after her shift. How did I get so lucky? I pondered this as I lay on the soft bed, staring at the white ceiling, eventually dozing off.


I woke up to a knock on the door, thinking it was Sofia coming to take me out for dinner. I quickly got up, rushed to the door, and opened it. Indeed, it was her, smiling brightly at the door, "Get ready, I'm taking you out for dinner tonight."


I hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Why are you being so kind to me? We've only met twice!"


She laughed, "You've just met a good person, that's all. Stop fussing and come eat. If you're not hungry, I'll just go home, okay?"


I hurriedly agreed, "I'm hungry, of course I am! " With that, I closed the door and followed her as she led the way. From behind, her figure was captivating, her back straight, waist slender, and her hips inviting, stirring my imagination.


Perhaps my gaze was too intense, because she suddenly turned and said, "Beaumont, walk in front of me. Don't dawdle behind with your wild thoughts."


I looked at her in surprise and said, “How did you know I was watching you and lost in my own thoughts behind your back?”


She replied, "My back is very sensitive; I can feel it." She stopped and waited for me to walk beside her before continuing.


She took me to a KFC restaurant and asked, "Do you want a Family Bucket or would you rather order separately?"


Hearing this, I knew we were on the same wavelength, and I grinned, "Can we finish a Family Bucket between us?"


She paused before answering, "The real question is whether you can manage it or not."


I nodded, "Of course I can."


We sat down, and she went to the counter to wait. A few minutes later, she returned with a bucket of food and challenged me with a smile, "Let's see if you can really finish this, huh?" Her smile was tinged with a hint of mockery, and I sensed her reluctance, but in the face of such delicious food, I didn't resist and began to eat heartily.


"Eat slower, can't you?" She leisurely nibbled on her chicken, advising me, "You look like you've just been released from prison. Be more refined, will you?"


I continued eating, and once I was full, I wiped my mouth with a napkin. Sofia asked, "Are you full now?" I nodded silently. She went on, "Look at you, without even a decent pair of shoes. Let's go to the mall after this and get you some new clothes and shoes."


Stunned, I questioned, "Why are you being so kind to me? We've only known each other for a few hours."


She laughed, "Why am I kind to you? Because you're handsome, of course! Otherwise, why else? In any case, I'm willing to be good to you, so why overthink it? It's not like it'll do you any good!"


  After our KFC meal, Sofia indeed took me to the mall to buy clothes and shoes. I could only follow along, realizing that when someone treats you well without conditions, refusing their kindness would be unwise.


   After buying clothes, I checked my watch and it was already eight in the evening. I looked at her questioningly and said, "Sofia, shouldn't you be heading home now? The money you spent on me today, I'll definitely pay you back when I have some!"


   She, expressionless, asked, "Do you see how bustling this supermarket is?" I nodded. She continued, "But the only person I know here is you. Can you understand that?"


    I didn't really understand, but to show that I could, I nodded.


    She snorted, "Actually, you don't understand. I just want to tell you, when people connect, it's fate. Can you understand that?"


    I nodded again, but was speechless.


   After dropping me off at the hotel, she left, and I lay on the hotel bed unable to sleep. The events of the day felt like a dream, especially Sofia's attitude and actions, which I couldn't quite fathom. Perhaps she was interested in my watch or my phone? I speculated wildly, unconsciously underestimating Sofia.


   Then, my thoughts began to drift. After all, I couldn't continue like this tomorrow; I couldn't let a stranger take care of me and enjoy their services without a qualm. So, what should I do? Should I look for a job first to support myself? But after all these years of having others work for me, it felt awkward to work for others now.


   After much thought, I decided to check out the nearby construction site first. This kind of work didn't require education or work experience; one just needed to be able to endure hardship.


    The next morning, I got up early and, looking in the direction of the bus stop, took the bus to the suburbs. The few coins in my pocket were enough for the bus fare. Buddy things are different now; endure some hardship and support yourself first, I thought to myself in the bus.


   The suburbs arrived quickly, but I couldn't find the construction site. I asked a passerby, who pointed to a distance and told me there was a site hiring laborers. Excitedly, I walked over. I was received by a small contractor who immediately agreed when I explained my intentions, saying that as long as I was provided with food and lodging, I didn't need a wage. He then called over a man in his forties.


  Thus, I became an apprentice to the middle-aged man, learning the work of a laborer.


   The middle-aged man tried his best to teach me, but these tasks were easy to learn and didn't really need his guidance. However, for the sake of three meals a day, I pretended not to know anything and followed him. Once he thought he had taught me, he would stand aside and watch me work, quickly reporting to the small contractor when he came by.


I smiled wordlessly and began moving bricks under the scorching sun.


    Around noon, the small contractor ran over to me and said, "You're Beaumont, right?" I could only nod, having not told him my real name in the morning. But how did he know?


   Seeing me nod, the contractor urgently pulled me away, saying, "You're going to get me in trouble, aren't you?"


   I asked in surprise, "What's going on? We don't even know each other."


   The contractor pointed to a distant shed and said, "Take a look for yourself. Who's that?"


I looked over and saw a graceful girl standing there, looking very beautiful in the sunlight. It was, of course, Sofia. Even from a distance, I recognized her immediately.


   "How did she find out I was here?" I muttered.


   The contractor heard me and responded, "Young master, you should go back with her. My place is too small for someone like you!"


   I followed the contractor to Sofia, who looked at me resentfully before waving him away. "Beaumont, what are you trying to do? Why did you come here?" she interrogated me.


   I was confused and hesitated to say, "How did you know I was here? And besides, what does it matter to you that I'm working here?"


   Sofia moved her lips but didn't speak. Then, to my surprise, she grabbed my hand and led me outside to a parked black sedan.


   Sofia's ample chest heaved with anger as she led me to the car. I couldn't understand why my affairs concerned her. Could it be that because I used her money and left without a word, she was looking for me everywhere, afraid I wouldn't pay her back?


   Lost in these thoughts, I was led to the sedan before we stopped.

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