Chapter 3. The Young Married Woman

I was surprised to find that Sofia had her own car. "Is this your car?" I didn't immediately open the door to get in, but asked her instead. She looked at me with a hint of disdain, "It's just a car, no need to be surprised. Are you getting in or not? If not, I'm leaving."


I got in, and to be honest, working on a construction site with screws isn't easy. My hands were already burning from the reaction, and as expected, blisters would likely appear by tomorrow. It's not a job for just anyone. I sat in the passenger seat as Sofia prepared to drive. "Can you drive, handsome?" she asked while fastening her seatbelt.


I thought of the yellow Porsche and the red Ferrari parked at home, but shook my head and said, "I can't drive, beautiful."


Sofia snorted and said, "You're kidding me, right? Hold on tight and don't get hurt." As she spoke, she started the car, and the Volkswagen sputtered forward.


Sitting in the passenger seat, I felt the car sway as Sofia drove unsteadily. It made me think, and I asked, "Sofia, how did you know I was working on the construction site?"


She was silent for a moment, then burst into laughter. The car couldn't help but sway more with her body shaking from the laughter. "Hey, stop laughing and focus on driving, okay?" I said worriedly, wishing I could take over the wheel.


"Beaumont, don't be so formal, alright? I saw you struggling with the bricks, it's just too funny!" She said with a smile, "If you're broke, just say so. What's with this?"


I looked at her in surprise, "Miss Sofia, we don't know each other, and you've already helped me a lot. How could I, a grown man, let a girl support me, especially someone I've only met twice?"


She grinned, "Son of rich man reduced to working on a construction site. It's quite a story, isn't it?"


I looked ahead speechlessly as the car now drove smoothly but was consistently straddling the line. "Sofia, pull over up ahead, please," I said impatiently, "You're straddling the line, it's dangerous."


She quickly pulled over and we switched seats. I was used to driving my sports cars at home, and this felt like driving a toy. I started the car, and she sat quietly in the passenger seat, glancing at me a few times as I drove expressionlessly.


The road was not congested, the sun was bright, the trees were singing in the wind, and there were not many people on the sidewalks. Everything was peaceful. "Sofia, where are you taking me?" I asked. Sje quietly looked ahead and replied, "Just keep going, I'm taking you to eat and meet someone."


I was taken aback, "Who? I don't even know you."


Sofia said, "You'll find out when we get there. You're so curious."


I slowed down and followed Sofia's directions to the restaurant. We parked and went straight to the second floor, entering a room with a sign "Jiannanchun." There, I saw a graceful young married woman seated. Upon seeing me, she stood up with a smile, "Sir Beaumont, what an honor!"


I was stunned! I didn't know anyone here, so how did this charming woman know my identity?


"May I ask who you are?" I used the term "you" to show respect.


The woman smiled sweetly, "Garvin Beaumont, also known as Sir Beaumont in the underworld. Right?"


Knowing she had discovered my true identity, I stopped pretending and pulled out the chair next to her to sit down. However, the young married woman said to Sofia, "Sofia, don't you have eyes? Don't you know to prepare a cup of tea?"


Sofia, standing by, hurriedly picked up the teapot to pour water into my cup, but suddenly her hand shaked, and the hot tea spilled onto me. It hurt, but I didn't even flinch, and said with a smile, "I'm not worthy, Sofia is indeed my savior."


The young married woman waved her hand dismissively, "Useless, can't even pour tea properly!" She took the teapot from Sofia and bent over to pour water for me. Her chest was now directly in my line of sight, revealing a well-endowed and experienced figure.


I glanced at Sofia, who was blushing and looking very uncomfortable, and said with a smile, "Lady, Sofia is my savior and a good friend." I was making it clear to the young married woman not to give Sofia a hard time or say anything unpleasant.


The young married woman understood my meaning and said with a smile, "Alright, since Sir Beaumont has spoken, I'll rest easy. You just called me Lady, I wonder, do I look old to you?" she flirted with her eyes.


I didn't know how to respond, so I just smiled and said, "Lady refers to your grand presence and strong aura."


She laughed, " Sir Beaumont is quite the charmer. Aren't you curious about who I am?"


I nodded and said, "Please introduce yourself, Lady."


After glancing at Sofia, the young married woman said, " Sir Beaumont is quite famous in the underworld. I wonder if you've heard of the Garden family?"


Upon hearing this, I was filled with astonishment. Charlie Garden was a prominent figure in the secret realm. I wondered what connection this enchanting young married woman had with Charlie Garden.


I nodded and said, "Charlie Garden, a big shot in the secret realm."


The young married woman's face suddenly lost its smile, and she stared at me sharply, "Charlie Garden was my late husband, and an old friend of yours, right?"


I was shocked to hear this. Five years ago, during a secret realm expedition, it was Charlie Garden and I who went together, but only my uncle and I returned safely. Charlie Garden disappeared mysteriously.


My face turned pale as I said, "Mrs. Garden, are you here to accuse me?"


Mrs. Garden suddenly smiled again, "No, no, since my late husband is gone, how could the Garden family hold it against you, Sir Beaumont? That would against the rules of the underworld."


I didn't know what she was getting at, so I asked with a smile, "Mrs. Garden, what do you want? Look at my current situation, I'm a wanderer, like a stray dog. If not for Miss Sofia's kind help, I'd still be working on the construction site."


Mrs. Garden said with a smile, "Charlie Garden has been missing for five years. I think it's time to look for him, so I'm asking for your help, Sir Beaumont, how about it?"


I was stunned. After a while, I said, "Mrs. Garden, to be honest, the secret realm expedition is not something ordinary people can handle. You, a frail woman, how could you possibly look for Charlie Garden?" My implication was clear: with no strength to speak of, how could she participate in such a dangerous journey? It's a matter of life and death!


Mrs. Garden naturally understood my meaning. She picked up a white porcelain wine cup from the table. Without seeing her exert any effort, the cup turned into white powder in her hand. I stared at her, speechless. To be honest, my title of Sir Beaumont in the underworld was nothing more than a hollow name, with no real skills. Now, Mrs. Garden had effortlessly crushed the solid porcelain cup with just her fingers. This is a true skill.


"How about that, is it enough?" she asked with a smile, as Sofia quickly cleaned up the crushed powder.


I nodded expressionlessly and said, "Mrs. Garden, even your late husband Charlie Garden had such skills, yet he still disappeared in the cave. Skills aren't everything. What’s more crucial is this!" I pointed to my head.


Mrs. Garden seemed at a loss for words, and then looked at Sofia.


Sofia looked at me with a grievance, and I felt oddly nervous. So, I smiled and said to Mrs. Garden, "Mrs. Garden, let's connect with WhatsApp I'll message you when we're ready to set off, okay?"


Mrs. Garden's face brightened at my words, "Alright, alright, Sir Beaumont. This is Turku City, and all your expenses for food and lodging will be covered by me. You don't need to work on the construction site.”


In my heart, I knew that the "Turku City" the young married woman referred to was the city I was currently in, and also the stronghold of the Garden family in the secret realm. Five years ago, my uncle and I had come to Turku City at the behest of Charlie Garden to embark on an adventure in the secret realm. It was nighttime, and the city's appearance was obscured, so I was unaware that I had wandered here.

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