Lady Wo Long

Around noon, Selena Chenxing, the Goddess of Miracles, rolled up to Pelufas Manor astride her trusty warhorse, Iao.The gate guards gave her a respectful nod as she passed, and the badass leader of the mercenary crew, all beautiful and determined, gracefully dismounted, shooting back a friendly smile.After parking Iao, Selena went hunting for Lady Elnora, but found the council chamber deserted. So, she sauntered through the halls toward the back garden.If Lady Elnora wasn't holding court in the council chamber, she'd definitely be kicking it in the garden.Selena's gut feeling was on point. "The classy sorceress was posted up in the gazebo dead center of the garden." . But instead of barging in right away, Selena decided to hang tight and wait.She didn't want to crash the tea party with the ladies and young girls.The spotlight at this shindig was squarely on Lynn Piaoye, the tree elf, fresh back from Hegeral that very morning. Barefoot and full of beans, she was holding court in the gazebo, gesticulating wildly and spinning yarns about her escapades in the capital to the two eager listeners inside.And just as the little elf made her grand retur
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