The Chapter of Homecoming, Belonging to the Cat

Today was destined to be a day of joy and celebration for all the tabby cat people.Because the lost little Ioram and the other lost big cat, Hinanum, had both found their way back home.Riding together on the back of the black steed "borrowed" from Pelufas, the duo of feline sisters, who had faced many trials, traversed the path strewn with dry branches and thorns, crossing the undulating hills, and returned to the tabby cat tribe surrounded by dense forests and clear streams.As the smile returned to Ioram's face, she joyfully ran into the tribe, then, with the elderly tribal chief and the tribespeople, went out to welcome the returning big cat. Beautiful half-cat woman Melfi, strong tabby cat woman Hinanum, tears welled up in her eyes again.Her tears had returned.Every tabby cat person, whether known by Melfi or forgotten by
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