Chapter Six Martial Arts Competition for Marriage and Guo Jing Wins

  Huang Rong was naturally clever and quickly got the hang of it.

  But what she found most interesting was taking selfies! When she saw her photos in the phone’s gallery, she exclaimed in excitement that looking incredibly adorable.

  During the Song Dynasty, bronze mirrors were commonly used. However, the clarity of these bronze mirrors could hardly compare to the sharpness of photos taken by modern smartphones with tens of millions of pixels on the Blue Planet.

  During their journey, Huang Rong happily took selfies everywhere and even asked Fang Yichen to take pictures of her.

  Seeing Huang Rong like this, Fang Yichen could only smile wryly and shake his head, thinking to himself: “No matter the era, women always love taking photos. The ancients don’t lie to me!”

  However, he was delighted to enjoy this joyful time with Huang Rong in his deep!

  After strolling for half a day, the three of them arrived at a relatively large inn. By this time, it was already late. Fang Yichen led Huang Rong and Guo Jing into the inn and rented three rooms, where they stored their belongings.

  After coming out, Fang Yichen found a waiter and said:

  “Brother, please take good care of these three horses for me. Wash them thoroughly and feed them with good fodder. Please don’t neglect them!”

  With that, he handed the waiter a small piece of silver. The waiter happily accepted the silver and promised:

  “Sure thing, gentleman! You can rest assured that I’ll feed your horses well.”

  As the three of them left the inn and walked along the street, they suddenly heard loud noises and cheers coming from ahead.

  Looking ahead, they saw a large crowd gathered in an open space, but they couldn’t see what was happening.

  Fang Yichen led Huang Rong and Guo Jing into the crowd to see what was going on.

  In the middle of the crowd, there was an open space with a silk banner planted on the ground, embroidered with the words “Martial Arts Competition for Marriage.” Standing under the banner were a middle-aged man and a young woman in red.

  Seeing the banner, Fang Yichen knew that it was Mu Yi and his daughter, Mu Nianci. He had felt sorry for Mu Nianci’s fate when he read the novel.

  She was a good girl, but she shouldn’t have fallen in love with Wan Yankang. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have ended up alone in the world, pregnant with Wan Yankangng’s child, and eventually dying in poverty in Niu Family Village.

  Fang Yichen felt that he should do something to change Mu Nianci’s fate.

  He looked at Guo Jing beside him, his mouth curled into a smile, and he began to devise a plan.

  The young woman in red had just defeated a man and was standing behind the middle-aged man and panting slightly.

  She possesses a striking beauty, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a demeanor as graceful as an orchid. Her figure is also quite alluring, no wonder many challengers are drawn to her.

  The middle-aged man bowed to the crowd and said loudly,

  “My name is Mu Yi. I am passing through this place and have no desire for fame or fortune. I am only here because my daughter has come of age but has not yet found a husband.”

  “She once made a wish that is not hoping for a wealthy husband but wishing for an outstanding husband with exceptional martial arts skills. Therefore, I dare to hold this martial arts competition for her hand in marriage.”

  “Anyone under the age of thirty who is unmarried and can defeat my daughter in combat, I will betroth her to him.”

  “My daughter and I have traveled from south to north, through thirteen provinces, but because the renowned heroes are already married, and the young heroes are unwilling to fulfill her wish, she has yet to find a suitable match.”

  He paused for a moment and then bowed to the crowd again and said:

  “The capital is a gathering place for talented individuals. Please forgive our absurdity.”

  “My daughter is tired now. We will rest in the inn and return tomorrow to continue the competition.”

  After explaining, he was about to remove the banner and end the event when suddenly two people shouted from the crowd:

  “Wait a moment!”

  Two figures rushed into the circle from the east and west, causing the crowd to burst into laughter.

  The one coming from the east was a fat old man with a full beard, most of which was gray. He was at least fifty years old.

  The one coming from the west was even more comical—a bald monk.

  The fat old man shouted to the crowd:

  “What are you laughing at? He is holding a martial arts competition for marriage, so why can’t I participate? I'm still unmarried, aren’t I?”

  The monk grinned and said:

  “Old man, even if you win, will this delicate young lady end up a widow as soon as she gets married?”

  The fat old man angrily retorted: “What are you, a monk, doing here?”

  The monk chuckled:

  “With such a beautiful wife, I’ll give up being a monk immediately. Haha!”

  The crowd burst into laughter at their banter.

  As they continued to argue, they started fighting, punching and kicking each other. The onlookers laughed and teased:

  “Old man, your punches are so weak. Even if you win, will you be able to consummate the marriage?”

  Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing it, even the plump old man, who grew red with anger and embarrassment. His mind unsettled, he was then sent flying into the crowd by a swift kick from the monk, knocking over several onlookers in the process.

  The crowd erupted into chaos, some angrily cursing the fat old man, while others accused the monk of causing trouble. The monk paid no attention, feeling proud of himself and ready to speak to the father and daughter.

  At that moment, Fang Yichen saw an opportunity. He forcefully pushed Guo Jing’s back, sending him flying towards the monk.

  Fang Yichen’s strength was immense, thanks to the modification of his body through spatial energy. His arms alone had the strength of thousands of pounds.

  In a moment of unpreparedness, Guo Jing was pushed with such force that he was sent flying, carrying the weight of thousands of pounds with him.

  The monk was unprepared and couldn’t dodge in time. When he realized Guo Jing was coming at him, it was too late.

  Although Guo Jing appeared somewhat simple, he was not foolish, and his martial arts skills were not weak. As he approached, he instinctively pushed out his palms, striking the monk’s left arm.

  The monk stumbled, falling to the right, and then rolled like a gourd, coming to a stop at the feet of the crowd, who burst into laughter.

  The monk lay on the ground groaning, clutching his left arm, while Guo Jing stood steady, looking at his palms in amazement.

  Mu Yi was stunned by the scene. He had intended to end the event for the day and return tomorrow.

  But he hadn’t expected the monk and the fat old man to disrupt it. Then this young man knocked down the monk, solving his problem for him.

  Mu Yi saw that Guo Jing was tall and robust, and he had a handsome appearance.

  Moreover, judging from Guo Jing's martial arts skills displayed earlier, Mu Yi sensed that he was quite capable. Secretly, he began to consider him as a potential son-in-law.

  Mu Nianci was standing behind her father at this moment. When she saw Guo Jing’s handsome face and sturdy physique, her cheeks suddenly flushed red and she lowered her head and turned away.

  Seeing this situation, Fang Yichen laughed heartily and bowed to Mu Yi and said:

  “Uncle Mu, it seems my younger brother has won the match. You wouldn’t go back on your word, would you?”

  This word was a bit misleading. Originally, the martial arts contest was supposed to be between Mu Nianci and the monk, but now Fang Yichen made it seem like it was a contest between Guo Jing and the monk.

  Mu Yi naturally understood his intention, but he indeed felt that Guo Jing was a suitable match for his daughter. Moreover, he had a feeling of familiarity with him. So, he went along with Fang Yichen’s words and said:

  “Haha! Indeed, this young man has won. I will keep my word! Hahaha!" Mu Yi was quite pleased with this moment and turned his head to look at Mu Nianci.

  Mu Nianci feeling shy and embarrassed, saw her father looking at her and couldn’t help but protest coquettishly:


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