Chapter Ten Night Raid on the Wang Mansion, Stealing the Treasure Snake

  Let’s skip discussing Wang Chuyi and Guo Jing’s encounter at the Wang Mansion for now. Instead, let’s focus on what happened after Fang Yichen and the others finished dinner at the inn. By the time they were done, it was completely dark outside, and there’s no mention of Yang Tiexin and his daughter retiring to their room.

  However, Fang Yichen was quite intrigued by the treasure snake raised by the elderly man Liang Ziwen. So, he turned to Huang Rong and said:

  “Brother Huang , how about we have some fun at the Wang Mansion tonight?”

  At this point, Huang Rong’s heart was already tied to Fang Yichen. When she heard her big brother suggest sneaking into the Wang Mansion at night, she was thrilled and readily agreed with a nod.

  After inquiring about the location of the Wang Mansion from the innkeeper, Fang Yichen and Huang Rong left the inn. They used their skills to navigate through the darkness and arrived at the back wall of the Wang Mansion.

  However, upon reaching the wall, Fang Yichen was taken aback. He thought to himself: “This mansion’s wall is at least ten feet high! I do not know any lightness skills! How am I going to get over it?”

  Seeing him standing there at a loss, Huang Rong couldn’t help but chuckle!

  She had long realized that Fang Yichen didn’t know any lightness skills; he relied on his physical fitness and endurance to get by. She understood his dilemma about scaling the high wall. So, she smiled and said:

  “Elder brother, I know a bit of lightness skill. I can give you a lift!”

  Fang Yichen blushed at Huang Rong’s words, grateful that it was nighttime, so his embarrassment wasn’t too obvious.

  However, he had good mental resilience. After a moment of embarrassment, he composed himself, not wanting Huang Rong to think less of him. So, he casually said with a calm demeanor:

  “Alright then! I’ll leave it to you, Brother Huang!”

  Hearing this, Huang Rong covered her mouth and smiled, reaching out her soft hand to grasp his warm and large hand.

  Feeling Huang Rong’s gentle touch, Fang Yichen couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his heart. He knew that Huang Rong was disguised as a woman, but he didn’t let on.

  He simply felt her delicate hand, slightly chilly in the early spring night, and tightly held it, using the warmth of his own palm to comfort her cold hand.

  Unaware of his thoughts, Huang Rong felt her brother’s hand grip tightening and thought he was scared. With a chuckle, she said:

  “Elder brother, it’s okay! Just hold on tight to me later!”

  Fang Yichen was speechless: “......”

  Finishing her words, Huang Rong led Fang Yichen forward, using her lightness skill to swiftly move a few steps, then forcefully leaped off the ground, alternating her feet on the high wall, ascending higher and higher.

  Although Fang Yichen wasn’t skilled in lightness skill, his physical fitness was excellent. He followed Huang Rong, stepping on the wall with her.

  Carrying a nearly two-hundred-pound person, Huang Rong’s lightness skill was greatly compromised. As they approached the top of the wall, she felt her inenergy depleting rapidly, her body becoming heavy.

  At that moment, Fang Yichen also felt that Huang Rong’s upward momentum suddenly slowed down, as if she was running out of strength.

  He quickly stretched out his other hand, just managing to grasp the edge of the wall, then released Huang Rong. With both hands on the wall, he exerted force, pulling himself up about a yard, leaping over the courtyard wall.

  As Huang Rong’s inner energy was depleted, she hadn’t yet crossed the high wall, feeling a bit panicked.

  But as the large hand slipped from her grasp, she immediately felt lighter. With a push of her feet, she vaulted over the high wall and landed in the courtyard after her elder brother.

  Huang Rong landed gracefully like a nimble cat, while Fang Yichen’s feet sank halfway into the mud, emitting a loud thud. If it weren’t for the secluded location, it would have surely alerted those inside the mansion.

  Seeing her elder brother land so heavily, Huang Rong couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, thinking to herself:

  “Elder brother’s martial arts might be good, but his lightness skill is seriously lacking.”

  Soon after, the two began searching for a path, sneaking into a corridor where they spotted a man dressed as a steward, carrying a lantern and heading their way.

  He hummed a lewd tune:

  “Oh my little sweetheart, if you don’t love me, who will? Still loving me...”

  The man approached with a mixture of hurried and slow steps.

  Huang Rong emerged from the shadows and swiftly approached him. Startled, the man hadn’t even spoken when she flipped her wrist, a gleaming dagger pressed against his throat and demanding:

  “Who are you?”

  The man was so scared he seemed to lose his soul. After a moment of hesitation, he stuttered out:

  “I... I’m... I’m the steward of the mansion.”

  Huang Rong asked in a low voice:

  “You’re the steward? Even better! Where does Liang Ziweng reside? Speak quickly!”

  Liang Ziweng is an important guest of the Wang Mansion. Huang Rong wanted to find out where he lived, but the steward naturally refused to say.

  However, Huang Rong had her ways of coercion. After snapping the steward’s arm with a “crack,” he could only grit his teeth and agree to take the two of them to Liang Ziweng’s residence.

  Avoiding patrolling guards along the way, they had to rely on the steward to lead the way when they couldn’t avoid them.

  Huang Rong and Fang Yichen supported him with one hand each, while two sharp blades pressed against his lower back. Any slight misstep could end his life.

  The nervous steward greeted cautiously under the dim lights, but the patrolling guards, recognizing him as steward Jian, didn’t approach to question him.

  The three of them arrived safely at the lodge where Liang Ziweng resided. Huang Rong struck steward Jian’s neck with her palm, causing him to faint on the spot.

  Seeing this, Fang Yichen quickly dragged him to the wall inside Liang Ziweng’s lodge, beginning the search for the treasure snake. It was actually easy to find because the large bamboo basket containing the snake was placed in a corner against the wall.

  At this point, Huang Rong also approached, and both of them saw the large bamboo basket.

  Fang Yichen knew that the snake would be tricky, and being in the Wang Mansion, any commotion might lead to a fight.

  So, he cautiously approached the bamboo basket, using spatial perception to confirm the presence of the treasure snake inside. As he reached out to touch the basket, he immediately pulled it into his spatial storage.

  Huang Rong kept her eyes fixed on the basket, alert for any movement, fearing the snake might leap out.

  The girl was naturally scared of bugs and snakes, like most girls are. Even though she knew martial arts, she still didn’t like these cold, slippery creatures one bit.

  Huang Rong was on high alert, carefully monitoring the movements of the bamboo basket. When Fang Yichen suddenly took it away, she was startled and quickly grabbed his hand, her voice trembling with concern:

  “Elder brother! Where did the bamboo basket go?”

  At that moment, Fang Yichen couldn’t easily explain, so he just turned to her and whispered softly:

  “We’ve got it. Let’s go!”

  Huang Rong was puzzled, but she didn’t press for details at that moment, deciding to wait until they were out of the mansion to inquire further. As they reached the doorway, Fang Yichen suddenly remembered:

  “Liang Ziweng’s place must have some medicinal herbs. The herbs in the world of the Legend of the Condor Heroes are not like the ones grown artificially on Blue Planet. They’re mostly wild, eco-friendly, and much more potent.”

  He stopped Huang Rong and turned back.

  Inside, he found various herbs scattered all over tables, beds, and the floor, along with containers of all sizes.

  He didn’t care what kind of herbs they were; he just grabbed them all and stuffed them into his space.

  When Fang Yichen displayed his extraordinary abilities, he startled Huang Rong once again, leaving her with even more questions in her eyes.

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2024-05-26 21:45:16