Chapter Nine Sage Yuyang, Invitation to the Wang Mansion

  The princess consort reached out and frantically felt around Wanyan Kang’s body, eagerly asked:

  “Kang’er, where are you injured? Let me have a look!”

  Wanyan Kang grabbed his mother’s hand and said: “Mother! I am fine now, please don’t worry. It’s my unfilial that has caused you concern!”

  As the princess consort was worrying about her son’s injury, Mu Yi hearing the commotion inside the sedan chair was filled with curiosity and furrowed his brows.

  Fang Yichen seeing Mu Yi’s expression, naturally knew what was going on, but he kept silent only casting a cold glance at the group, planning how to deal with these martial arts scoundrels later.

  Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the martial arts scoundrels from the Wang Mansion later, several martial arts experts from the Wang Mansion were still discussing without concluding.

  Seeing the princess consort so nervous about the young prince’s injury, two guards immediately approached Fang Yichen and Guo Jing with rattan whips in hand, ready to strike and cursing:

  “You little beasts dare to injure the young prince, do you want to die?”

  Fang Yichen didn’t bother to dodge, swiftly grabbing the whip that one of the guards had pulled over. With a quick twist of his wrist, he wrapped the whip around it and tugged at it.

  The guard couldn’t withstand his immense strength and stumbled forward.

  Fang Yichen raised his leg and delivered a sidekick, sending the guard flying several meters away, screaming in pain as he rolled on the ground and lay still.

  Meanwhile, Guo Jing sidestepped and hooked the wrist of the guard wielding the whip, sweeping his leg, causing the guard to fall to the ground.

  Guo Jing then took the whip and thrashed him three times on his back and said:

  “Why are you randomly hitting people!”

  Many commoners who had been beaten and scolded by the guards before considered it a common occurrence.

  Now seeing Fang Yichen and Guo Jing pay somebody back in his own coin, they secretly applauded.

  The other ten guards seeing this cursed loudly and rushed forward to rescue their companions, only to be captured one by one by Fang Yichen and Guo Jing and thrown back.

  Peng Lianhu, Spiritual Master, and Hou Tonghai saw this and rushed forward to catch the thrown guards, then quickly joined the fray against Fang Yichen and Guo Jing.

  Seeing this, Fang Yichen quickly stepped forward to intercept Peng Lianhu and the Spiritual Master, two formidable experts. Meanwhile, the Three-Headed flood dragon Hou Tonghai pounced on Guo Jing, and they exchanged punches and kicks vigorously, with palm shadows flying everywhere, making for quite a lively scene.

  After consuming the spirit fruit a few days ago, it attained the purification effect of the spirit fruit and approximately doubled it compared to before.

  Although he couldn’t defeat Hou Tonghai, he could barely hold his ground.

  Peng Lianhu and Spiritual Master joined forces to attack Fang Yichen, which was quite shameless, but in order to please Prince Zhao they did it without hesitation.

  Initially, they thought that with the combined efforts of two people, they could easily capture this kid. But to their surprise, he was exceptionally slippery, and they couldn’t even catch a corner of his clothes.

  Fang Yichen employed his spatial awareness, perceiving every move and attack route of the two individuals. With such a cheating tactic, there was no way for them to escape detection, was there?

  Moreover, he seized every opportunity to counterattack between their moves, delivering powerful punches and kicks that made Peng Lianhu and Spiritual Master howl in pain, but they couldn’t do anything about it.

  At this moment Mu Yi couldn’t care less about anything else and secretly changed direction and focusing his attention on the sedan chair.

  He saw a corner of the embroidered curtain lift slightly, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes and a few strands of hair. This eyes were filled with tenderness and concern as they gazed at the young prince, showing unparalleled care.

  Mu Yi stared at those eyes, feeling as if he had been struck by lightning, rooted to the spot like a statue and unable to move.

  After toying with the two for a while, Fang Yichen grew a bit impatient. Just as he was about to strike harder to injure them, a voice suddenly shouted:

  “Everyone, please stop!”

  A silver-gray figure suddenly flew out, waving silver threads in the air, precisely intervening at the moment Fang Yichen and Guo Jing separated from their opponents.

  Peng Lianhu, Spiritual Master, and Hou Tonghai quickly leaped back to avoid the silver threads.

  Both sides stopped and turned to look at the newcomer, who was a middle-aged Taoist priest clad in a silver-gray Taoist robe, holding a silver whisk in his hand.

  Hou Tonghai shouted: “Who are you? Do you want to die? How dare you meddle in the affairs of the Wang Mansion?”

  At this moment, all eyes outside focused on the Taoist priest. They saw that he had a clear and bright complexion, with sparse three clusters of beard under his chin, wearing white socks and gray shoes, completely dust-free.

  At first glance at the man’s attire, Fang Yichen recognized him as Wang Chuyi, one of the Seven Masters of Quanzhen Taoism, also known as Master Wang.

  The Taoist did not answer, but extended his left foot forward, then retracted it, leaving a deep imprint on the ground, nearly a foot deep.

  In the midst of the early snowfall, with the ground barely covered by a thin layer of snow, he casually extended his foot and left behind an impressively deep imprint in the snow and dirt. His footwork was truly extraordinary, shocking to behold.

  Peng Lianhu exclaimed: “Is this Taoist master the renowned Iron-Foot Immortal, Master Wang Yuyang?”

  The Taoist bowed and said:

  “Master Peng you are too kind. This humble one is indeed Wang Chuyi. I dare not accept the title ‘Immortal.’”

  After intimidating the crowd from the Zhao Prince’s residence, Master Wang from Quanzhen Taoism proceeded to admonish Wang Kang, even declaring his intention to report Wang Kang’s actions to his master Master Qiu Chuji.

  Wanyan Kang fearing the consequences and immediately plotted in his heart. He first pretended to apologize to Fang Yichen and the others.

  Then insincerely invited Master Wang Chuyi to the Wang Mansion for a banquet that evening, and led the Wang Mansion’s group back home.

  Seeing the matter settled, Master Wang then took Guo Jing by the arm and led him aside for a private conversation.

  Fang Yichen, knowing the connection between Quanzhen Taoism and Guo Jing, so didn’t interfere and accompanied Mu Yi and her father back to the inn where they were staying.

  After a brief consideration, he suggested to Yang Tiexin:

  “Uncle Yang, why don’t you and your daughter stay at the inn where I’m staying?”

  “I sense that the young prince may not have noble intentions towards Miss Mu, so it would be wise for us to stay together for mutual support. What do you think?”

  Yang Tiexin pondering over his words and thought:

  “Today, this young man fought two formidable opponents single-handedly and emerged victorious. Such exceptional martial skills at such a young age are truly unprecedented in my life.”

  “Since Ning Ci and his younger brother have already made a verbal engagement, it's only right that they look out for each other.”

  Given the circumstances, it makes sense," he said, going with the flow.

  Given this consideration, he then push the boat along with the current and said:

  “Alright then! Just to be safe, my daughter and I will stay together with Fang Yichen and Guo Jing. It'll definitely be much safer.”

  With the decision made, Yang Tiexin and his daughter immediately packed their belongings and left the room. They joined Fang Yichen and Huang Rong in the inn where they were staying.

  Not long after, Guo Jing returned to the inn with Master Wang.

  At that moment, an invitation to a dinner from Wang Kang arrived, sent by Wanyan Kang. After Master Wang explained the situation to Fang Yichen and the others, he took Guo Jing with him to attend the dinner at the Wang Mansion.

  The two of them on their way and ended up causing quite a bit of trouble.

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2024-05-26 21:45:16