Chapter 2The crime of cheating emperor

  Time turned to ten years ago.

  No one would have thought that today's brilliant “Childe Ji”who was just an ordinary child ten years ago, a wretched poor child.

  It was when the old emperor was in power. In order to recruit talents, the old emporer had subjects selection for outstanding youth.Regardless of origin, as long as the age of 12 or under 20 could sign up, selected could also meet the emperor, and then taught by the court loyalities, entrusted with the important task in the future.

  For this selection, the old emperor attached great importance to training excellent youth, in the future could assist the prince.

  Since the An and Shi Rebellion, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty had been declining.In recent years,in order to restore national strength, the old emperor adopted the policy of reforming taxes and raising the people first and carried out a series of reforms on grain transportation, salt price and grain price.

  The old emperor was generous and merciful. Over the years, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty was restored, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. However, the hidden dangers of the An and Shi Rebellion were not eliminated. The forces of Earl Pan were still strong, the old emperor scrupled the power of Earl Pan,taking appeasement policy to old soldiers who from the army of An and Shi returned to the Tang army, at the same time,sorting out the stacked political problesm from the period of Emperor Xuan and Su through the correcting their own mistakes and clear the wrong of members from the royal families,so as to seek ways to forge ahead.

  However, due to the complexity of internal affairs and external invasion, the expansion of eunuchs' power, the old emperor often felt that the spirit was willing but the strength was insufficient.

  In recent years, the old emperor felt that his body was not as strong as before, so he put his hopes on the prince, so he deliberately broke the class background and selected outstanding youths to help the prince so that the prince could break through such a passive situation.Xiaofu Ji was only 10 years old at that year.

  This selection was very popular, for people from humble backgrounds, it was a great opportunity for them to enter the official career. In addition, the selected youths were supported by the court, and led by the important officials.They would have a promising future.

  Seeing the registration date was about to close, Ji due to the age was too small, only 10 years old, it was about to miss the great opportunity.

  For Xiaofu Ji,he was just a child, did not think so much.He only knew that everyone was actively signing up, and for him, who was smart from a young age, participating in the selection was just to satisfy a child's desire to perform, to be praised or so. Although he was young, he had always been the first in the school! Seeing that he was not able to participate in the competition, his young mind had an unspeakable grievance. The neighbors also felt sorry for him as well,so some people persuaded Ji's parents to sign him up.

  Finally, under the persuasion of everyone, the old couple of Ji also tempted.After all, their son was so good, and so eager to participate in, in any case, could not bear to lose such a golden opportunity.

  The old couple of Ji were honest business couple, although these years to make a lot of money, but also suffered injustice. If the son could really be selected, later could turn over to become a senior official,this was the beauty they dare not to dream of! After some struggle,the old couple of Ji, who had always been honest, made a bold decision and lied about Ji’s age to sign up.

  They would not have thought that this would have brought them to the brink of extinction.

  The day of selection was coming, and the students who studied hard on poetries and books were fully prepared for this day's competition.

  On this day, the students actively participated in the competition. After three days and three nights of encouraging competition, the final result would be announced.

  Through the comprehensive evaluation of poetry, etiquette, painting and articles, Xiaofu Ji lived up to expectations and won the first place.

  What a great child,although only 10 years old, but all of his aspects were outstanding, so the name "prodigy child" of Ji was more and more widely spread. The Ji family had become the home with whom the rich gentry and aristocrats were gotten along.

  The old saying"Extremes are dangerous.”“Misfortune and blessing depend on each other.”The fame of "prodigy child" the more widely spread, the more attention.

  Soon, Ji lied about the age of thing was denounced. Ji's parents never thought that their intolerability could hurt their son.

  One day, a group of people in government agency rushed into the house and took away Ji.Xiaofu Ji, a 10-year-old child, was brought into court without understanding anything.

  Facing of the evil officials, he did not understand why he was arrested, what kindm of wrong he did exactly.He cried helplessly, but,no one will sympathize with him in here,after experiencing some torture,he was put in prison.Wet ground,miserable crying and scurrying cockroaches and rats around him,Ji was afraid, curled up in a ball,loneliness,despair,a never had fear lingering in his heart, this was Xiaofu Ji life would never forget the nightmare.Tears were useless in this dank dungeon.

  Ji's parents saw his son arrested, anxious as fire, they did not know what happened, why their son was arrested. When they were busy with a mess, the officials rushed into their home again, but this time even the old couple of Ji were brought together into the court.Only then did they realize that their family had committed the crime of "cheating."

  "Cheating"? For the old couple of Ji, Ji’s family generations no official, they were also small commoners without much diploma culture, honest to do a small business, even the had never seen the officials in the capital,not to mention the high above the emperor! Since they had never seen theemperor, how talk about "cheating"?

  As for his son, he was only 10 years old, although brilliant, but after all, still a child!

  Isn't it a joke that a 10-year-old child who had never seen the emperor committed the crime of "cheating the emperor"?

  However, there was no reason for them to distinguish in the court, the people in government agency told them that the emperor asked the age of more than 12 years old and under the age of 20 to sign up for the selection of talents, Xiaofu Ji lied about his age, that was "cheating." "Cheating" was a felony,executed by law.

  In this way, Ji’s family was sent to death prison. Together into the prison,and a babbling little girl – Xiaomei Ji. She is Xiaofu Ji's sister, only 3 years old, because no one to take care of her,so when mother of Ji was taken away, Xiaomei was taken away with her as well, entered the death prison together. In this cold and damp dungeon, the family desperately waited for the arrival of death.

  Perhaps their fate should not be ended here, but they really escaped. First of all,the person who they need to thanks is Xiao Wan,she is Xiaofu Ji's aunt, a tragic mysterious woman.

  Saying Xiao wan, that could have to mention her talent and mystery.

  No one knew her name or where she came from, including Ji’s uncle.

  She was knowledgeable,gental, piano, chess, painting and calligraphy proficient in everything,and her appearance is also beautiful. Such a girl, it was not necessary to guess that she must be of high birth.

  But why did no one know who she is, because what happened could not be said? Was she losing her memory? No, in fact, she knew, but she did not want to tell.

  She and Xiaofu Ji's uncle met in the An and shi Rebellion.

  In the second year of the An and Shi Rebellion, the rebels occupied the city and killed the people in the city in crazy,everyone was on the run. At this time, Xiaofu Ji's uncle saw a small beggar on the side of the road is crying, everyone is on the run, but she was indifferent, it seemed her heart was already dead.

  When the rebel butcher's knife was about to kill, Xiaofu Ji's uncle quickly pulled away the little beggar, but she didn't cooperate and didn't want to go. Say it’s too late, than it’s too fast, Xiaofu Ji's uncle took her back hard, saved her life. Later, after cleaning up, he found that she was a little beauty. Xiao Wan told XiaoFu Ji’s uncle that her family in the An and Shi rebellion fled were dead, only left her one, they died miserably,she had been desperate at that time, had no desire to survive.

  Later, after Xiaofu Ji’s uncle careful comfort and care, Xiao Wan gradually had the desire to survive. However, whenever her family is mentioned, she was always heartbroken and devastated. In order not to touch her sad thing, XiaoFu Ji’s uncle would no longer ask. Therefore, no one knew what her last name was, where she came from, and no one asked about it.

  Ji’s family a arrested,Xiaofu Ji’s uncle and aunt were anxious, everywhere to ask about their things.

  When they heard Ji’s family was taken into the death prison,Xiaofu Ji’s uncle and aunt almost fainted.

  After all these years of the An and shi Rebellion, the relatives dead or injured many, for years, finally everyone got together again, lived and worked in peace and contentment, had not lived a few years of stable, and now unexpectedly out of this kind of thing. Fortunately, Xiaofu Ji's aunt Xiaowan was a wise woman,she quickly calmed down and first inquired about the ins and outs of the whole thing.

  Although the thing about Ji’s family denied age to participate the selection was in violation,but the punishment was severe. Moreover, such a case had never been encountered before, whether to "cheat the emperor" to deal with it was still up for debate. Ji’s family was common people, and did not contact with the official family in all areas, and had no any deep hatred with anyone, why the punishment so heavy?

  This time,why Ji's family suffered this great disaster was because they offended the local prefect – Yong Wu.

  Wu’s family and Ji’s family had no any contact actually,all because Xiaofu Ji robbed his grandson's laurel inadvertently.

  Prefect Wu had a grandson to participate in this year's outstanding youth selection competition, before the Taishou made a lot of preparations, contacted many examiners privately,was hoping that his grandson could be the final laurel.

  Everything was under control. Unexpectedly, a man out of the blue and an unknown child got the crown. Hearing this news, the domineering prefect Wu was furious. Later, he learned that Xiaofu Ji was lying about his age to participate in the selection.

  Therefore, Prefect Wu ordered officials to arrest Ji's family,beat them severely andprion them in a "crime of cheating the emperor".

  After knowing the ins and outs of things, Xiaofu Ji's uncle and aunt sold their property and asked people to intercede for them everywhere.

  However, the Prefect Wu was a person who keened on face-savig.Depriving Xiaofu Ji’s laurel,giving them some lessons, and found a reason to send them away was not impossible either. But how could he bear when he thought that his proud grandson had been defeated by a 10-year-old kid? Showing such talent when he urinated like still. What if he succeeded in the future and becomes a high official then held a grudge? Prefect Wu galloped officialdom for many years, could be described as step by step alarming, cruel and ruthless,he would never be soft for everyone that may block his way.

  "One never does,two never stops.Rather than leaving disasters in the future,it was better to cut off the roots of the grass."Prefect Wu was ruthless in his heart, then determined to put Xiaofu Ji to death.

  Things had developed to this step, it seemed that there was no turning point, but Xiao Wan did not want to give up.

  After experiencing the tragic experience of the tragic death of her family, she became particularly strong and cherished the family more. Her family no longer had relatives, and Xiaofu Ji's uncle only had one sister,Xiaofu Ji’s mother, left. Their parents and other siblings all died in the An and Shi Rebellion. After the war ended, they relied on each other and lived a stable life. After experiencing repeated strikes, they learned that Jiangzhou inspector Chaoyi Xu was an upright man, he was jealous of evil, cherished talent, often pleaded for the people.

  "Yes, go to the Lord Xu," the Xiao Wan said firmly. Therefore,Xiaofu Ji's uncle and aunt traveled thousands of miles to Jiangzhou to see Lord Xu.

  In fact,Chaoyi Xu and Wu Taishou had known each other before, and they had been an official in the early years.

  Prefect Wu was cruel,treated people as fish,Xu knew.Once, Xu told Wuabout that, did not expect to be framed by Wu, he also suffered from prison, fortunately, there were people protecting him from the difficult in the capital. However, Xu was demoted. For many years, Xu's career path was not smooth and related to this Wu. Xu was an incorruptible official with remarkable achievements, but he could not be reused because Wu deliberately suppressed him. Wu had a huge power , Xucould not be compared,could only swallow the suffering. After all these years of pressure, Xu also learned to endure.In the absence of evidence to move down Wu, he would not easily provoke Wu.

  Ji Xiaofu uncle and aunt all the way to Jiangzhou, did not expect to be refused to visit.

  Although Chaoyi Xu was sympathic with Ji’s encounter, but he knew that this matter of thing was not enough to move Prefect Wu down, perhaps he would be grudged by Wu and got a loss again, so did not want to get involved in.

  "If even Lord Xu does not want to help us, I am afraid no one will dare to help us," Xiao Wan teared.

  This was their last hope. In order to seize this last hope,Xiao Wan wrote a bloody paper, stepped by stepped kowtow to the door of the Xu mansion,the couple of them knelt in front of the door of the Xu Mansion for five days and five nights.Finally, Xu was moved by them and treated them.

  Chaoyi Xu sincerely admired this pair of ordinary couple and his heart was deeply stimulated.

  "They can go out of their way for their relatives,Why should I not punish adultery and eliminate evil,treat death as my final destination?"

  Xu was asked himself worthy of the emperor, worthy of the people, so many years, he had been being loyal to the patriotic, pleading for the people, but now suddenly felt ashamed of his own cowardice.

  After hearing the story of Xiaofu Ji, he exclaimed: “The reason why our sanity emperor chooses the best subjects is for the prosperity of my Tang Dynasty. The youth is strong, the country is strong, Xiaofu Ji has this talent,that’s the blessing of Tang obviously. If such a good talent also dies in the hands of evil people, the world in the hands of this group of corrupt officials, then what hope can our Tang have?”

  Xu was thirst for wisdom, although not seen Xiaofu Ji yet,he also made up his mind to protect this child to the death.

  Imperial Censor Xu specially came from Jiangzhou to participate in the case of Ji, for them to get a time, Prefect Wu and others had scruples, dare not to decapitate them easily. At the same time,Xu secretly sought help from the capital's mentor,requested for using leniency in meting out punishment for Ji’s family. After a series of maneuvers, Ji’s case was approved by the court: "By the spirit of valuing the talents of our emperor, amnesty Ji’s family a capital crime." At this point, the Ji’s family was spared.

  And if they got away with this, they were all good? It was not that simple. Who's Wu? Would the man he was determined to kill get a good life? It was easy to hidein the light, but difficult to guard against in the dark, and it was easier to kill a common prople in his territory than to kill an ant. However, after years of ups and downs of the official sea,Xu was very clear about the character of Prefect Wu,but he had thought of it long ago. Therefore, before Prefect Wu had reacted, Xu secretly ordered people to release Ji's family, and told them to leave immediately, changed their names and never returned, and avoid Prefect Wu in all of their resft of life.

  Since then, Ji's family had left the homeland, and his childhood had begun a new journey.

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