Chapter 3 Appointment

  Time was like an arrow, ten years had passed in a flash and Xiaofu Ji had grown up.

  When people saw the handsome, chic, erudite, and wealthy "Ji Gongzi", how could they know that he would have such an experience.

  No one knew how they came to be when they left their hometown, how much they suffered, and how they developed later? No one knew that the genius child at the beginning was Xiaofu Ji, although he was recognized as the "the first genius youth in Jiangnan ", because he had already changed his name, and Xiaofu Ji was not his real name. Now, he was about to take up his post, and as a parent official in a region, everything in the past was vividly remembered, which stimulated his soul.

  "I hate it, I hate it so much. I will definitely kill them in the future, "Ji Xiaofu whimpered.

  "Son, don't have hatred. When you grow up, you must become a good official, love the people, and ask for their demands." Chaoyi Xu stroked his head and comforted him.

  "Yeah". Ji nodded forcefully.

  How many deserted nights, Ji recalled this scene again and again.

  That was the last night before Ji's family left their homeland, and Xu Inspector taught him. From that evening onwards, Xiaofu Ji secretly made up his mind to embark on a career and change the world in the future.

  Ten years had passed, and Xiaofu Ji did farewell to his friends and came to the destination

  During the Tang Dynasty, Jinshi and, although extremely honored, only obtained the qualification to become officials and could not directly serve as officials. To enter the official career, one must also pass the re examination of selecting officials by the Ministry of Personnel. The re examination of the Ministry of Personnel was mainly divided into two subjects: "Hong Ci" and "Ba Cui"

  There were four selection criteria: "Firstly, one should have a strong and majestic physique; secondly, one should have correct language; thirdly, one should have beautiful calligraphy; fourthly, one should have excellent literary and scientific skills." Only those who met all four criteria could be appointed as officials. And there were two types of fillinng an official position: one was to work in the Royal Library to organize and transcribe ancient books, with the aim of allowing them to continue reading to enrich their knowledge; One was to serve as a deputy position at the county level or so, with the aim of enhancing their political skills in practical work. This period was a probationary period, with a duration ranging from one year, two years, three years, five years, and even eight years. Upon the expiration of the probationary period, the court shall officially issue a decree to hold the position. Those who faied must wait three years before taking the exam again. If they still failed, they must pass three or four exams until they fully reach the standards. The term "former Jinshi" referred to by the Tang people referred to those who failed the second round exam

  Xiaofu Ji, after being a Jinshi and later, quickly passed the re examination of the Ministry of Personnel and achieved excellent results, receiving commendation from the Minister of Personnel. Because he was excellent in all aspects of inspection, he was awarded the position of County Magistrate of Qi County (skipping the deputy position around the county level), which was considered as a formal entry into the official career

  Ji arrived in Qi County and was not urgent to take up his duties immediately. Instead, he quietly delved into various places to investigate the situation of the people

  The area of Qi County had fertile soil, a wide area, and a humid climate, making it a good place to live and it was a place for commercial settlement. It should be considered a fertile land, but in recent years, however,it had becoming increasingly sluggish. This Qi County was a treasure trove, but in recent years, county officials had been frequently changed, taxes had been heavy, public security was chaotic, and the people were struggling to make ends meet. What was the reason for the current situation

  After a series of investigations, Ji finally found the reason. It turned out that all of this was due to the deputy county magistrate of Qi County

  Ming Liu, the deputy county magistrate of Qi County, was a local tycoon. Although he had read books, he had not obtained any official status

  Due to his strong influence and the recommendation of officials,Liu worked as a staff member in Qi County. Over time, he gradually rose to the rank of county magistrate

  In the blink of an eye, he had been the deputy county magistrate in Qi County for 10 years. Ming Liu was a "local tyrant" in Qi County. Without proper discipline, handling government affairs was solely based on his personal likes and dislikes, and could not tolerate opposition from others

  Levied and extorted, forcibly occupied land, oppressed women and children, and did all kinds of evil. The local people had a deep hatred towards their bones, but they had no choice but to do so

  As the saying goes, "The hadrosaurus does not press the local bully." In Qi County, people only knew that there was a the deputy county magistrate, but they did not know that there was a county magistrate. The county magistrate was just a puppet. Be obedient and obedient as a puppet, everyone was at peace; If he wanted to interfere, Liu would use all kinds of means to make the county magistrate unable to stand firm. Over time, the county magistrates who came to work in Qi County had all fled this place, and the positions of county magistrates were often vacant and frequently exchanged, which was why

  Xiaofu Ji came to Qi County, knowing that this trip was not easy, but he had made up his mind and vowed to pull out this malignant tumor to the death

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