Chapter 4 Sham Banquet

  So,Xiaofu Ji came to Qi County secretly,looking around coldly from the sidelines at everything.

  Ming Liu,the deputy county magistrate of Qi County,was used to being domineering.As hearing someone from the court coming to take charge of the Qi County,he naturally felt unhappy.Thereupon Liu discussed with the subordinates about how to find ways to force Xiaofu Ji away.The internal staff of the Qi County were all figuring out how to deal with Ji,waiting for him to obediently fall into the trap.

  A month had passed in a blink way,there was no trail of Xiaofu Ji however.The internal staff in the Qi Couty were actually a bit disappointed.Calculating time should have transferred long ago,but now there was no news of it.

  “My lord,The new magistrate should have come long ago,but now he has been missing for so long.Whether should we send somebody to inquire about it?”

  “It is better for not coming,I hope he doesn’t come at all.”answered by Ming Liu.

  “My lord,news has it come from the urban that city that there is a new magistrate has arrived who will act on behalf of the heaven to use the correct power!”

  “Such a thing going on?”Ming Liu asked surprisingly.

  “Yeah,my lord,the news has already been widely spread throughout the city,it is said that many people have seen him before?”

  “What a little bastard!Daring to against me!I will deal with it!”Liu shouted in fury.

  “But we even can’t have a look on his shadow right now,how should we deal?”the subordinate responsed.

  “And my lord,Xiaofu JI,this guy is not a normal person,whether should we pay more attention on him?”the subordinate told the experience of Ji to Liu.

  In Jiangnan region,except the reputation of“Talented person”,there was another identity of Ji which was a huge rich merchant.

  Unlike bookworms who only knew how to read books of sages,Xiaofu Ji was extremely intelligent,hidden and adept at observing words and expressions.

  Since the age of sixteen, Ji had been on his own, having his own set of ways no matter in life, work or business.

  The Ji’s family went from being a small trader to become a wealthy merchant in Jiangnan region, mainly thanked to him.

  At the same time, Ji had a sense of loyalty and was generous,made many friends, whether it was social celebrities, officials, learned talents, or social knight-errant,even the wealthy families he also was connected with.

  Ji valued emotions and righteousness. Rather than being a scholar, in the eyes of others, he was more like a business of righteousness.

  Before participating in the official examination,Xiaofu Ji had never showed enthusiasm for fame and achievements. Reading and practicing calligraphy seemed like hobbies.The poems and works he left were very few and never considered himself a "scholar" in common life. However, once his articles were published, they became widely popular due to the “profound ideas”.

  After hearing about Ji's experience, Ming Liu became somewhat wary of him.

  "If it's not in the clear, let's do it in the dark." replied the deputy county magistrate Ming Liu.

  Originally,Liu planned to show Ji the power from the begining directly as soon as Ji arrived. However, upon hearing these words, Liu changed his strategies and still showed respect to Ji on the surface.

  "My lord, the county magistrate is here." The attendant outside the door reported.

  "Quick, quick, please!" Ming Liu replied and welcomed Ji personally with a flattering smile on his face.

  Seeing Ming Liu, who had always been domineering, changed his face, the attendant outside the door was stunned.

  Seeing Liu's subservient appearance, people muttered privately, "It seems that this new county magistrate has some skills, otherwise Ming Liu wouldn't be so humble."

  As the old saying goes, every person always has some inherent flaws, relying on his power and bullying the weak, especially in the officialdom.

  Moreover, everybody had heard rumors recently that the new county magistrate was going to act on behalf of heaven to use the correct power. Liu had been notorious for his misdeeds for many years, neglecting the position of county magistrate. The previous county magistrates had fought against him, but they were all defeated finally and fled from this place.

  As soon as the new county magistrate arrived, the deputy magistrate and the magistrate had a competition naturally, and many people had a mentality of "sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight".

  Even worse, pleasing both sides would not affect oneself no matter who won in the future.

  After hearning about this matter, Ming Liu was extremely angry.

  "What a group of brats,after I take the position of county magistrate, I will deal with you little bastards," Ming Liu said angrily.

  Just a few days after the new county magistrate arrived,the prople morale was shooked by Ji. Ming Liu felt deeply in crisis and was eager to win.

  So,Liu quickly summoned his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.Seeing everything under control, this new county magistrate obediently fell into the trap, and Liu's party was overjoyed.

  Just as Liu's party was celebrating, there was a new came that the county magistrate was a fake.

  "What? He's not Xiaofu Ji?" Liu Ming asked in fury.

  "Back to My Lord, after repeated investigation and confirmation by viallion, it has been confirmed that this person is indeed a counterfeit."

  "How could that be happened?" Liu's anger could not be suppressed.

  This was simply teasing him. Thinking about how he had been humbly entertaining this kid these past few days and meticulously planning, It ended up being a fake.

  Everything carefully prepared was actually to deal with a counterfeit and disrupted Liu’s plan.

  In a fit of anger, Ming Liu ordered someone to beat up the counterfeiter.

  "Stop it!"

  At this moment, a young man arrived outside the door, exuding a majestic aura. Although dressed in simple attire, his temperament was extraordinary.

  "Who’s person?"

  "I am the new county magistrate."

  "You are the new county magistrate?" Liu glanced at him with disdainful eyes.

  "What's your name?" Liu continued.

  "I am the newly appointed county magistrate by the court. Don't you know my name?"

  "You guys are a group, right? You stinky kid,wanting to do this again?"

  I'm not easy to mess with. It seems like I'll punish him if he goes on still.Liu thought to himself.

  "Come on, take him."

  Liu was feeling angry,he didn't expect a fake one to leave yet,another one had arrived.

  He was directly imprisoned the man without speaking.

  After dealing with the counterfeit county magistrate incident,Ming Liu, as usual, lived a freely life as the county magistrate.

  The beautiful concubines around Liu made him very happy.

  Just as he was enjoying life leisurely, someone from the court found him.

  When Liu heard someone coming from the court, he immediately tidied up his clothes and prepared to welcome.

  "Where is Xiaofu Ji, the new county magistrate?"

  "Back to my lord, this new county magistrate has not yet arrived, in order to welcome the county magistrate, we have made full preparations early, and we have been waiting for him for more than a month.

  These days, we are also sending people everywhere to search, and so far we have not found him.

  I really don't know where the new county magistrate is.” Liu replied, gesturing left and right with his eyes.

  "Yes, my lord. We are looking for the new county magistrate every day,legs have broken, and we still haven't found them. ”

  "My lord, this new county magistrate regards himself as a Jinshi, he is arrogant and doesn't go to his position on time, we villains look for him every day, please be aware of it."

  Everyone echoed Liu left and right.

  "How did I hear that he came to the county three days ago

  "Three days ago?"

  "Three days ago...... Is it ......?"

  Liu seemed to think of something, and he was suddenly embarrassed, eager to find a hole to get into.

  "You think about it again, did anyone come three days ago? Truthfully recruited. ”

  Only then did Ming Liu realize that the young man who came to the county government three days ago was Xiaofu Ji.

  Liu Ming was angry at the time, and saw that he was dressed extremely simply, which did not match the image of a rich son, and when he asked him, he was hesitant, so he expected that he was a fake.

  Hearing the tone of his superiors, Liu knew that he must have already known about Ji's detention by himself, and it was useless to argue, but it would only increase his disgust, so it was better to explain honestly.

  "It's all villains who are confused, I have no eyes so that misidentify adults, everything is a misunderstanding." Liu explained.

  "Quick, hurry up and invite the lord." Liu commanded.

  Xiaofu Ji was quickly invited out of prison.

  "Hmph, that's what you're prepared for?"

  "Relief angry,my lord it's all a misunderstanding." Liu explained again.

  "Misunderstanding? Ming Liu, I heard that you were much bolder ,but I didn't expect it to be so rampant. He is the new county magistrate appointed by the imperial court, and you dare to detain him privately, you want to disobey the imperial court? ”

  "Disobedience to the court?" Liu was so frightened that his face turned pale. Although he was a local overlord, how dare he bear such a crime.

  "Disobeying the imperial court" and "openly imprisoning the imperial court officials", to put it seriously, it is a rebellion!

  "My lord, even if lending a hundred guts, I don't dare to disobey the court!”

  All this is a misunderstanding, begging lord to raise his noble hand and let me,the villion,go, I will not dare not to make a mistake again. Liu immediately begged for mercy.

  Liu saw that his superiors didn't give face, so he turned to ask Xiaofu Ji.

  "My lord, Liu county deputy just recognized the wrong person, and now I am fine, I hope you will bear with me." Ji said.

  "Now that the bitter master has forgiven you, I can't say anything more. Ming Liu, you must be cautious in your words and deeds in the future,and you must not act mischiefly, otherwise I will never be spared. ”

  Speaking ended, the superior brushed his sleeves and left.

  This catastrophe finally escaped, Liu suffered a dumb loss, and he couldn't come out of the bitterness.

  How could he have thought that the "fake county order" incident was just a "smoking bomb" thrown by Ji, aiming to test himself, disrupt his plan, and win the attention of his superiors at the same time, it was really "killing two birds with one stone"!

  Liu irritated by petty annoyances, where would he feel good in his heart.

  He thought that was embarrassed enough a few days ago, but he didn't expect that today was the most embarrassing.

  "Thanks for lord’s kind words. I mistook the lord, it's really guilty, and I specially prepared a banquet to make amends to the you,my lord, and hope that you would accept it. Liu said to Ji.

  Xiaofu Ji expected that this would be a shame banquet and was ready to resign.

  At this time, the people around Liu also began to beg, everyone talked one after another,Ji couldn't refuse,and if he refused, he seemed to have a extremely pettiness of character, and and quibble.

  So, Ji went to the banquet head-on.

  "Today, thanks to the kind words and persuasion of lord, the dotage should be grateful. The coming day is long, and I hope that lord will help me more. Come, a toast to your lordship. ”

  Liu deliberately emphasized the words "the coming day is long", and looked at Xiaofu Ji with an evil smile.

  "Lord is talented, and we can't reach, and hope that the lord will give more guidance in the future. Come, a toast to your lordship. ”

  "Lord isan outstanding figure, we should serve ourselves wholeheartedly to rise step by step in order to respect lord. Come, a toast to lord to rise step by step. ”

  Liu’s party talked one after another,Ji had been dizzy after several loops.

  Although all the fancy words were spoken by each of them,there was something in every word, and there was a hidden threat.

  A group of people in Qi County were all Liu's sworn friends, and Xiaofu Ji could be said to be embattled this time

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