Chapter 5 With static braking

  Ming Liu and others spoke with each, every sentence had a meaning, and there was a hidden threat.

  Facing this situation, Xiaofu Ji was naturally confused.

  Although he was a county magistrate, he was surrounded by people from Liu, and his every move was under his surveillance.

  Moreover, the court had requirements for newly appointed officials, which were probationary periods ranging from one year, two years, three years, five years, and even eight years.

  Upon the expiration of the probationary period, the court shall officially issue a decree to hold the position.

  Those who failed must wait three years before taking the exam. If they still failed, they must pass three or four exams until they fully reached the standards.

  Ji was not familiar with this place and people here, if Ming Liu and others obstructed him, not only would he not be able to achieve his goals, but in a year's time, it may be difficult to say whether he could maintain his current position or not.

  "Lord isan outstanding figure, we should serve ourselves wholeheartedly to rise step by step in order to respect lord. Come, a toast to lord to rise step by step. ”

  Xiaofu Ji recalled the words of Liu and others time and time again, sleepless all night. He knew that he currently did not have the ability to confront them.

  The hadrosaurus hoes not press the local bully, "Ji thought to himself. How dare he openly challenged Liu and others when he were new here?

  After a struggle, Xiaofu Ji took the initiative to seek peace.

  “My lord, what do you mean by Xiaofu Ji? What should we do? "Liu Ming's subordinate inquired.

  This kid was really cunning. This must be his strategy to slow down his troops, and you must not take it lightly, "Liu Ming instructed.

  “My lord, shall we... "said the subordinate with a" killing"gesture.

  “Shoo shoo, you'll know how to fight and kill all day. Can you use your brain a little? "Liu replied.

  After experiencing the last incident, Liu had restrained himself, and as a last resort, he would not engage in the idea of "killing".

  “Send a few people to keep an eye on Xiaofu Ji and report to me every day. I want to see what trick this kid has up his sleeve? "Liu instructed

  So Liu and others used an excuse to take care of Ji Xiaofu poorly, offending him and dispatching two men, two women, to take care of Ji.

  Ji knew they were spies, but he had no choice but to agree with a smile on his face.

  In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

  Over the past month, besides reading and practicing calligraphy every day, such as writing articles and drawing pictures in his spare time, Ji has really done nothing? "Liu Ming pursued.

  “Reply to my lord, there is indeed no such thing.”

  “Did he secretly meet anyone? "Liu asked again.

  “No. This also make me feels strange.”

  Liu, one party, defeated several county magistrates and had already summarized a set of experiences

  They had also figured out the possible measures they may take and had already thought of countermeasures, waiting for an attack.

  They had seen various difficulties and challenging situations, secretly arranged counterattacks,sought outer aid, and had all come up with countermeasures.

  But who knew, at this moment Ji didn't do anything, and they had no idea.

  Over the past month, Liu and his party had been nervous and cautious in their actions and words to avoid being caught by Xiaofu Ji.

  On the contrary, Ji lived a carefree life.

  Four servants served Ji well, eating whenever he wanted, sleeping whenever he wanted, and playing wherever he wanted. In his spare time, Ji read books and did some writing, and lived happily ever after.

  That was"with static breaking, disrupting one's mind" was also true!

  Liu and others couldn't help but send someone to explore Ji.

  Ji stated that he was new to Qi County and was not familiar with the situation within it. Government affairs could be handled by Liu County deputy magistrate, and everyone valued peace and benefited each other.

  After a month of hard work on guard, Liu Ming and his party were already exhausted. In the officialdom, although there were struggles, more often than not, it was about mutual balance and peaceful coexistence

  If Xiaofu Ji really thought that way, it would be a good strategy. Everyone should enjoy their own well without violating the river.

  Liu was afraid it was just that Ji said yes but mean no,having another plan.

  Although Liu slightly relaxed his vigilance towards Ji, he still felt uneasy and asked the servants to continue monitoring.

  It's really ironic. Liu and others worked hard and guarded every day, exhausted. However, Ji was there, having a easy life. He lived a carefree life, laughing happily every day.

  Since Ji's recent days, all government affairs had been handled by Liu and his party, making him very relaxed and spending a lot of time writing articles.

  He changed his previous low-key style and participated in various poetry clubs and made friends through literature, instantly gaining a great reputation.

  “My lord, this guy is showing off his talents everywhere, and everyone outside admires him very much. "Reported by subordinate.

  “Let him go, as long as Qi County is still in our hands, "Liu replied. Although he was angry, he had no choice.

  Also,my lord,Ji not only shows off everywhere outside, but also teaches domestic slaves how to read. "The subordinate continued.

  What a stinky kid, he really doesn't miss any chance to showcase himself. It seems that he still can't shake off the scholarly spirit of a scholar, "Liu Ming thought to himself.

  Let him go! "Liu replied

  “But my lord……”

  “What are you trying to say, don't hesitate.”

  Liu Ming was a bit impatient.

  Reply to my lord, Ji treats the servants extremely well. He never puts on the airs of his master and calls them siblings. He not only increases their monthly salary, teaches them to read and practice calligraphy, but also arranges to introduce them to a good mate and exempt them from slavery. I feel that the biggest girl ,Reddy is somewhat biased towards him, "the subordinate added.

  “Little bitch, she even wants to marry to Ji? she doesn't know who she is, "Liu Ming cursed.

  “It seems that women are really unreliable. I need to find another one, "Liu Ming thought.

  “My lord, he is trying to buy the popularity. We have to be on guard.”

  The words awakened Liu.

  “Let me think it over.”

  Liu Ming retreated it over, lost in contemplation.

  Xiaofu Ji was handsome and unrestrained, knowledgeable and talented. At a young age, he passed the imperial scholars and became a county magistrate. His future is limitless.

  Since the beginning of this month, many local tycoons in Qi County havd paid him a visit, and some even intentionally brought their daughter who had not yet out of the cabinet to visit him, the purpose of which was self-evident.

  If he really became in law with a wealthy local family and received their support, then he would really be difficult to deal with.

  He had a great reputation and a high voice outside, which was a dangerous signal. Now he had started to buy the popularity, and it won't be too late when he grew stronger.

  The more Liu thought, the more afraid he became.


  “My lord, what's the matter? "Liu secretly instructed his subordinate and then held back.

  On this day,Xiaofu Ji, as usual, went to attend a poetry meeting.

  As he was passing through a forest, a group of robbers suddenly emerged, repelling those around Ji and robbed him.

  “Every heroes, I have no intention of disturbing you at dawn. I hope you will forgive me a lot.”

  Ji quickly donated the silver and handed over all the valuable things on his body to them.

  “It looks like a whitefaced scholar, brother. Let's leave! "Said one of the robbers.

  Ji Xiaofu had been wandering the world and earning a living for many years and knew that 'there was a way to ‘honor among stealing'.

  Today's group of robbers were coming with great force. They were not ordinary hooligans, but must be disciplined, organized, and specially trained.

  Robbers like them generally follow the rules of the ganghood, which were "seven no seizes, eight no grabs" - the same as "robbers" not grabs, marries daughter-in-law and daughter not grabs, funeral not grabs, moves not grabs, ravines and docks not grabs, widowers widows orphans and childless couples not grabs, doctors not grabs; Blindly not grabbing, mute not grabbing, crazy not grabbing, paralyzed not grabbing, monk not grabbing, Taoist not grabbing, nun not grabbing, and those who rush to the capital for exams are not grabbing.

  Xiaofu Ji was dressed as a scholar and had already donated his belongings. According to morality, they would not embarrass him.

  Ji saw that robbers had the mind to leave, so he bowed respectfully to them and turned to leave.

  “Wait, wait... you said your name is Xiaofu Ji, and you are the new magistrate of Qi County, Xiaofu Ji? "The bandit leader suddenly shouted.

  Ji saw that this person was ferocious and seemed to hold a deep grudge against him. He didn't dare to agree casually, so he remained silence.

  “Kill him for me!”

  Suddenly, the bandit leader gave an order and swung a knife at him

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