Chapter 1

  As the saying goes, the cause of the past life, the fruit of this life, predestined reincarnation, karma. The bitterness and joy, sadness and happiness, laughter and tears of all beings, the debts that should be cleared, the love that should be returned, will all be wiped out the past after death. In fact, death is not the end of life, should be said to be the beginning of another life.

  After a person dies, he enters the jaws of death, walks on the way to Charons’s boat, watches the Karma stone, steps on the lookout platform, crosses the Lethe, and is reborn on the Naiho bridge.

  Every person's samsara in every life is so, but there is one person who has escaped the limitations of these six paths of reincarnation. His second life is destined to start a new chapter.

  The person mentioned above, don't you think it's niubility? In fact, that's the hero of this story, an average-looking, bloated little fat guy.

  You ask who he is? Then I will now briefly introduce, everyone listen up.

  The main character's last name is Eun and first name is Gong, and everyone calls him Eun Gong. When you hear this name for the first time, don't you think this name is really cheap? I don't know who gave him this name, but the person who named him is either an illiterate person without culture, or he's ever an idiot. That's so bad, the person who named Eun Gong was his father.

  Every time someone called Eun Gong, these people would always have the feeling that they were being taken advantage of by him. Ah shucks... Even I, as an outsider narrating the story, felt extraordinarily awkward, but Eun Gong didn't want to do it, because it's only perfectly justified for a father to give his son a name.

  The city where Eun Gong lives is called Beidu City, which is one of the top tier cities in the country. He is now a junior at the Beidu Medical University. When many people hear the words "medical university", they always think that it is very high, but in fact, Eun Gong is the bottom of the class, in the three years of school, except for the knowledge of physiological hygiene and gynecological expertise, he did listen attentively, but the other knowledge about medicine can be said to be a complete lack of understanding, in addition to picking up girls in school is picking up women, alas.... He's really no good at anything. This is really inherited from his father, then what does his father do?

  Eun Gong's father's name is Eun zhun. Listening to this name, I know who he inherited his stupid naming style from, and he must have inherited it from his father.

  This is a family of uneducated people, from generation to generation, what kind of cheap names have they come up with. Seriously, we have not seen their family tree, if they take out their family tree to show everyone, it can definitely make people laugh for three days and three nights, and finally have to go to the hospital to do. Why did they have to go to the hospital? The jaw fell off, not to go to the hospital can not!

  Enjun is a local famous old gangster, from the age of fifteen began to live in society alone up to twenty years. When he was seventeen, he met a woman who was ten years older than him. Yes, that woman was Eun Gong's mother, and she gave birth to Eun Gong, and then there was no more.

  It is also possible to see Eun zhunas a gangster is really no future, in addition to his person very good sex, so that Eun Gong's mother can not see hope, finally Eun zhun successfully losed his wife, raise the Eun Gong. Until now the old man is still a gangster, this Nima when can live hope ah

  Public examination of medical university is also put forward, at first all the people around this thought when the father is to let his son not like him to become a waste talent for him to go to school, but who knows that the old guy's real idea is another purpose..

  early morning..

  Engong lay in bed tossing and turning in nightmares.

  In gong's dream, a dignified monarch in imperial dress was sitting in a bleak hall questioning him. These days the same dream every day, presumably this king, someone can guess who is.

  Yes, he is the king of the emperor in charge of the underworld, the chairman of the highest authority of the underworld, the yinsi male group is serious C, the facade of the underworld, the spokesman of the organization. Because title too many, the business card is really not put, no longer described, anyway Hell NO.1 is.

  Lord Yama asked solemnly to the benefactor who was kneeling under the great hall.

  "Kid, do you know me? Know who I am?" The En-Gong replied with a horrified look on his face. Of course I know you, you have been summoning me back and forth for several nights.

  "I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown from you."

  "I've never done anything unforgivable in my life, much less offended you, have I?"

  "What exactly do you want, my beloved Lord Yama."

  "OK... Even if I've done bad things, the most I can do is to take a bus to escape the ticket or use a mirror to peep under a girl's skirt, that's not a crime punishable by death, right..."

  Hearing En Gong's reply, Yan Wang continued with an impatient face.

  "Stop... stop... stop... Stop... Stop..."

  "I an not interested in your bored nonsense."

  "Surname En's kid, look at how suffocating your life has been."

  "Do you want to die earlier? End this life a little faster?"

  Lord Yan did not directly address En Gong by name, mainly because his name was too damn difficult to speak.

  At this time, En Gong's face was blue, which persuade people to die earlier ah, En Gong he is not an idiot, so he reluctantly replied to Lord Yan Wang.

  "I don't want it, I haven't had enough in my life!"

  "You don't see me hanging around girls every day, I haven't even had a serious girlfriend, I haven't held hands, I haven't kissed mouths, and I'm still a virgin, can the plot not be so nonsense!" "Please, let me go back!"

  "You say you're a supreme monarch, why do you fight with me every day, a small person."

  "I am not sweet pastry, you do not summon me all day to relieve boredom, okay."

  At this moment of life and death, facing the face of a dignified Yan Wang adults, En Gong used his life's best a strong point, to answer the master sitting in front of him above the hall, that is, bullshit. To pretend to be a fool to answer the question, in the northern city of En recognized the second, no one dares to admit the first, this point of confidence he still has, after all, this kind of En Gong is shameless character successfully like his father.

  "I lets you choose your life again because I wants you to live well again, what are you doing always pulling so many useless things with me!"

  "I really damn well want to get you killed right now."

  Eungong knelt on the cold hall, he secretly raised his head a little bit, then his eyes made to look upwards, the reason for this was because he really didn't dare to look squarely at Lord Yama above the hall.

  He found that since listening to the words he said just now. The Yama King above the main hall almost didn't let his mouth fall out in anger. It seemed like Lord Yama was really angry this time. Just as En Gong was trying to coax Lord Yama with some complimentary words in an attempt to ease the awkward atmosphere at this moment, Lord Yama did not give him this opportunity. Only to see, Lord Yama grinned at his disdainful white grin and swung his hand backward,he sent Eun Gong's entire body flying with a roll and flew out of the Palace of Hell...

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