Chapter 4: Being a Hooligan to the Death

  Hey... Honestly, I don't serve the sky, I don't serve the earth, I don't serve anyone, I just fucking serve En Gong's father, this man is also too awesome.

  Previously, when En Joon was looking for En Gong's mother, he found a woman who was ten years older than him, and as a result, his wife ran away.

  This time he seems to want to find another young mum for En Gong, and her age is even ten years younger than him.

  I just want to say one thing to En Joon, you are quite capable of doing it, you want to experience the whole experience of the young cow eating the old grass and the old cow eating the young grass, you are really bullish!

  "Heh heh heh..."

  "I know my sister is nice."

  "Wouldn't think so much of us."

  "Besides, I'm calling you sister now, but I can't tell you when I'll change my mind and call you Little Mother."

  En Gong replied Zhao Ling with a bad smile on his face.

  Although it is a joke, but for En Gong, he thinks it is still quite good, after all, a family without a woman is not possible, if you do not find a woman to take care of his father, when his father is old and follow him to live, on the kind of En Joon's style of handling the situation,En Gong how to find a wife, althoughEn Gong is now even a girlfriend, but at least he is young ah, the opportunity is still there.

  "But stop, you are only a few years younger than me, I don't want a son as big as you."

  "Recognising you as my son, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage then."

  "Besides, that old immodest rascal of a father of yours, I'm not going to follow him."

  "There's not enough to fear for him every day."

  "I said I'd let him come and help me sell breakfast, and he went so far as to tell me that brotherhood is much more important than women."

  "You tell him to go as far away as he can!"

  "There's no salvation for that kind of person, and I can see now why your mother left that immodest old man back in the day."

  "Day in and day out it's just like there's no business, the gas is getting to him!"

  Zhao Ling said helplessly to En Gong, that grumbling expression made En Gong didn't dare to help his own dad to defend himself and plead for leniency.

  Although Zhao Ling's words were not very nice, they were all true. From this, it could be seen that En Joon, this person, was nothing but a shit in Zhao Ling's heart.

  "But even though it's said that your dad isn't a good person, he's really attached to you."

  "He thought of every possible way to let you go to North Metropolis Medical University, so it can be seen how important you are to him."

  "How much is expected of you."

  "From that point of view, he still has a reliable side."

  Zhao Ling was very relieved as she continued to say to Enuch.

  Then, was En Joon really doing what was best for En Joon?

  What En Gong said next immediately disproved everything Zhao Ling had said before.

  "Pull back, Sister Ling."

  "You've all been fooled by that old thing."

  "I thought my dad was doing it for my own good at first, too, but he got drunk at home that day and talked himself bald."

  "He said he was a gangster, fighting every day, this day a wound tomorrow a colour is very common."

  "Paying for me to study medicine is to save a little more money on medical bills in the future..."

  "That's all. Do you guys really think he's that great?"

  "If he were really doing me a favour, it wouldn't be called grace."

  "Since ancient times it is the son who pits his father, my family is just the opposite, the father pits his son he never brings hesitation."

  Well, this really left people speechless. It turns out that this is the ultimate purpose for him to let his son go to medical school. It really suited that idiom too well, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first. This is paving the way for his own rogue career in advance, it seems that En Jun really intends to be a rogue until he dies...

  After listening to En joon's words, Zhao Ling looked at him awkwardly.

  In Zhao Ling's heart, this was indeed something that En Joon could do, that old hooligan's way of thinking was not quite the same as ordinary people.

  Time quickly reached eight o'clock in the morning, the morning stall's busy day was coming to an end, the office workers had already returned to their jobs one after another. Zhao Ling started to close the stall on time as usual, and En Gong was also helping to clean up the dishes at the side.

  While En Gong was concentrating on helping Zhao Ling.

  Suddenly, he felt something behind him peering at him all the time, and this feeling was more than once, when he walked out from his house, he had already felt that something was wrong around him, but he couldn't find out where there was something abnormal.

  "What's wrong with you?"

  "Why are you soulful?"

  Zhao Ling looked at the absent-minded Enuch and asked in a hurry.

  "Oh, nothing."

  "I'm just a little worried about my dad."

  Seeing the puzzled Zhao Ling,En Gong didn't want her to worry too much about herself, so he casually found an excuse to answer her.

  Before Zhao Ling could say anything else,En Gong's phone rang, interrupting their conversation.

  "Hello, son."

  "Finished eating?"

  "There's nothing to do but help your little mum with her work. Dad I'll be back as soon as I'm done."

  The person who came to the phone was no other than Enjong. This sentence 'little mum' made his said Zhao Ling's face instantly flirty red, and what followed was Zhao Ling giving him a scolding.

  These two were back to their usual early morning bickering, with no regard for En Gong's feelings at the moment. Why should his feelings be taken into consideration? The main reason is that these two people usually speak in a way that is very much unacceptable to En Gong, not to mention the one who cursed, the one who was cursed instead was very intoxicated by it, what does this mean?

  Hey! This old man in order to a smaller than their own beautiful woman, but also kind of open up the old face to go.

  "Where have you been?"

  "And don't give me a clear explanation before you leave!"

  "In case something happens, don't I have to make arrangements for you?"

  En Gong did not have a good mood to the phone on the other side of the dad a taunting, although they are the parents, but also may be because of the family's sake, they are at home nothing you scold me I dislike you, no big no small has been used to.

  Without the kind of seriousness between father and son, more like friends will not be constrained, what to say, at least there is no barrier, in fact, this is also quite good.

  "Bah... Bah... Bah..."

  "So damn bad luck!"

  "You little brat, you're looking forward to something happening to your father every day, aren't you."

  "I won't even die if you die."

  En Joon immediately disliked back, so he immediately answered En Gong's first question.

  "This time, it seems like it's because of the ownership of a pay toilet in the downtown area."

  "Boss, that's why hundreds of people were summoned to negotiate in front of the toilet."

  "That seems to be the general cause of the incident."

  Hearing that his dad had gone out early in the morning because of this matter, En Gong was so depressed that he almost didn't take a backseat.

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