Chapter 6: Falling into a cesspool and choking to death

  At this moment, the two men in suits stood in place talking to each other in a sentence, and from the way they both appeared and the content of their conversation, it was obvious to hear that En Gong was bound to have an accident today, and it would be the kind that would kill him. What exactly do these two people do? It seems that an eerie atmosphere has enveloped En Gong's surroundings.

  En Gong came to the opposite side of the road, looking left and right to find the source of the cries for help, until he found that twenty meters away from him in the direction of a public toilet, and the back of the public toilet is a courtyard, the cries for help that he heard just now came out from there.

  When En Gong quickly came to the place, he found that the large iron gate of the courtyard was in a half-open, half-hidden state.

  And the gate was already crowded with many people who were watching.

  "Someone beat me to it, it looks like there's definitely a good show there."

  En Gong flew to the iron gate and tried to squeeze into the courtyard with his fat body.

  "Coming through, coming through, let me through!"

  "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

  "Holy shit, I'm finally fucking over!"

  It took him a lot of effort to squeeze through the big iron gate to the front of the crowd, which turned out to be the septic tank of this public toilet.

  When En Gong just poked his head slightly out of the septic tank to have a look, a foul odour immediately smoked his head back in.

  I really can't describe that kind of stench for everyone, I guess only En Gong, the person in question, can describe it.

  "Ah, holy shit, smoked to death!"

  En Gong was instantly dazed by the smell coming out of the septic tank, the pungent smell entering from his nostrils, following the respiratory tract through his lungs, and rushing straight to his brain. Seeing that twisted expression on his face, I just couldn't go on.

  "Can someone tell me what happened here?"

  En gong pinched his nose and asked the others beside him.

  "We just came here too, it seems like this big sister's child fell into the septic tank."

  "Look, isn't there a leather ball floating up there!"

  "Hey, this is too pitiful."

  A young man wearing glasses standing to the side immediately explained to En Gong with the same pinch-your-nose motion.

  "Did no one go down to save it?"

  "Where are all the good people at this hour?"

  Looking at the woman sitting on the ground and crying, some people were already starting to get up in arms, including En Gong, and he was shouting harder than anyone else. Just now, someone in the crowd asked 'no one went down to save the woman', and he was the one who provoked the shouting. This kind of person who looks at the scene and doesn't mind it, who just talks but doesn't act, is definitely the same as his father.

  The scene is slowly getting out of control, due to the women's cries attracting more and more people to watch, these people are the same as En Gong, out of the psychology of watching the crowd inside the courtyard. Seeing that the courtyard can no longer be squeezed in more people, and the people inside also began to push and shove.

  "Damn, don't push, the people inside are almost pushed to the edge of the septic tank."

  "Back off back off ah!"

  The one who spoke was En Gong himself, at this time he no longer had the kind of thoughts that just wanted to watch the fun, only to see that he was pushed forward by the people behind him, the soles of his feet were getting closer and closer to the edge of the septic tank, and there was less than a foot's distance already.

  At this time, his thoughts have a feeling that he was forced to Liang shan, but Liang shan good man can not have this kind of that he is now embarrassed and desperate situation, this is the consequence of watch. Here I would like to advise those who like to watch the people watching, watching is not wrong, but don't be blindly uproarious, so not only for the good of others, but also for their own good.

  Just when En Gong was trying to fight off the crowd with his own strength, the phrase 'unity is strength' taught him a profound and poignant lesson.

  "I... No... Will... Swim... Swim... Ah..."

  After a heartbreaking shout, a chubby figure was squeezed and flown out of the edge of the septic tank, the desperate voice not even losing to the cries of the woman who was begging for help.

  That's right the person who flew out was none other than En Gong himself.

  With a 'plop', a huge splash of faecal water, splashed out. Due to En Gong's 180kg weight, the moment he came into contact with the faecal water, all of a sudden the people around the septic tank who were also watching the scene were splattered all over their faces with that...

  "Holy shit, splashed my face."


  This disgusting feeling directly made the breakfast they had just eaten immediately spit out again, and what about that poor En Gong...

  "It's not good."

  "Another person has fallen into the septic tank."

  The septic tank was gurgling with bubbles, but there was no sign of En Gong.

  Many people questioned, he will not be a fool right, fell into the cesspit also do not know to flap twice to ask for help, so choked to death by urine and faeces?

  Here I want to give you some science, this septic tank with the size of the area, it contains methane gas concentration is not the same, but also fell into the pool area is quite large, he was unlucky when he fell into the septic water of the moment just to ask for help, a mouthful of 'fresh soup' immediately poured into the mouth, and even smoked with the choking of loss of consciousness, just so incredible! He lost his consciousness and hiccuped in an unbelievable way. If you do not believe that you can find a septic tank to jump down and try, I guess no one dares to try.

  He really owed it to himself to go and watch the fun, just watch the fun, you have to stir things up. Now that's good, eat your fill and be on your way...

  A few minutes later, the toilet attendant got his colleagues. They dispersed the crowd temporarily, came to the edge of the septic tank, ready to salvage the woman's child, but did not expect another fall into the septic tank of the benefactor, which can be made more difficult to work.

  This grace is also really good at finding trouble for people, originally the toilet keepers heard that someone fell into the cesspool is a headache, when they arrived at the scene in a hurry and heard that another fell into the, which makes the keepers are both embarrassed and speechless.

  At this time, their minds thought of only one thing, fell into the cesspit this kind of thing even have to follow the wind, this is really a big world is not strange ah.

  After several staff's unremitting efforts, the small child was not ultimately salvaged, that is really too much regret, the reason may be that the child's size is too small, the area of the septic tank is too large, so there has been no sign of the child, but the En Gong was successfully fished out. It wasn't too long after he fell into the septic tank, if someone could have done CPR and artificial respiration for him at this time, then he should still be saved, but his mouth was full of that... Since the picture is really too disgusting, I won't give you a detailed description here, you can guess that...

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