Chapter 17

  Gu Pan held a professional book as he sat by the window, but his gaze drifted to the commercial building across the artificial river. From his perspective, it could be considered a bird's-eye view. It was a fitness center on the second floor. At half past ten in the morning, there were fewer people exercising compared to the evenings. On the treadmills by the floor-to-ceiling windows, several men and women in shorts and tank tops were running in place.

  Having lived in this apartment for less than a year, Gu Pan had never paid attention to or observed this haven for fat loss, muscle gain, and body shaping enthusiasts. However, in recent days, he found himself inexplicably drawn to it. Whenever he had the chance to stand by the window, he couldn't help but gaze out.

  At eighteen years old, for the first time, he wanted to shed the label of being physically inactive. He couldn't forget the scrutinizing gaze of Su Chiyuan, who stood below the rock wall. It reminded him of the care conveyed when Gu Xueping looked up at him while playing the ladder game during his childhood. But why did Su Chiyuan, what gave him the right?

  He felt somewhat discouraged. Furthermore, he couldn't forget Yu Yan's mention of "a sense of security," and just a few days ago, Lu Yitong had labeled him as "not being into exercise." Gu Pan pondered if there might be a connection between exercise and a sense of security. Perhaps he should make an effort for the sake of male pride.

  However, deep down, he knew that neither Yu Yan nor Lu Yitong were his true sources of motivation.

  Gu Pan rode his bike to the sports store where Su Chiyuan had taken him to buy climbing equipment before. As soon as he entered, a sharp-eyed sales assistant approached him.

  Ten minutes later, Gu Pan chose the cheapest dumbbell from the row of arm-strengthening equipment against the wall. This left the enthusiastic sales assistant feeling dejected as she had initially guided him towards using a rowing machine and enthusiastically recommended an imported brand.

  Gu Pan went to complete the payment.

  He had used mobile payment apps numerous times. Since he got his first phone in middle school, he has become extremely proficient in using this feature. He understood that with a simple scan, it would instantly link to his mother, Li Danxia's, bank account. However, due to his privileged upbringing, he had always taken this convenience for granted. Hence, he had never pondered his continued nonchalant attitude from the standpoint of a legally adult male.

  However, today, as he stood in front of the cashier, ready to pay for the two dumbbells he urgently needed, he felt a sense of pressure. The more he was certain that this action was truly what he desired, the more burdened he felt... It was an ability that he couldn't acquire immediately, Gu Pan knew. Carrying the shopping bag, he walked out of the store, feeling a heaviness in his heart even greater than the weight of the dumbbells.

  On the street corner stood several young girls wearing waist aprons and headscarves. They seemed to be around the same age as Gu Pan. They were distributing bite-sized desserts on toothpicks to passersby for sampling. As Gu Pan rode his bike past, he also took one. He held the small, shiny, golden cake up to his eyes and stared at it for a while.

  "Please try it! It's sea salt..."

  "Sea salt cheesecake..." Gu Pan almost echoed the girl in unison.

  Later, Gu Pan locked his bike by the roadside and ran into the shop. Under an invisible force, his long-dormant communication skills burst forth, and he managed to touch the owner's compassionate heart with a cheesy and sentimental story. "How about this? Could you help customers bag their items? And if a loaf of bread needs to be sliced, you can assist them..."

  During his conversation with the owner, Gu Pan unintentionally revealed his impressive accomplishment of being randomly pulled into a "numerical calculation" competition and winning the championship while casually wandering the streets after finishing the college entrance exam.

  In this manner, he secured a mediocre position in the pastry room and a paid "math companion" job twice a week, playing against the owner's elementary school son. The owner was willing to pay for one-on-one tutoring as an alternative approach to boost his son's subpar arithmetic skills without the overwhelming pressure of attending training classes.

  After bowing six times, Gu Pan ecstatically flew out. His bike felt like it had acquired turbo wheels, swiftly carrying him all the way back to the residential complex. Eagerly, he once again rushed to Ling Hanlu's balcony. With a screeching halt, the empty clothes rack below extinguished the flames of his two-wheeled inferno in an instant.

  In the early evening, the sky outside Gu Pan's bedroom window was filled with a vibrant glow. He found a suitable spot and, while looking out at the bustling crowd inside the fitness center, followed the instructions in a tutorial to perform dumbbell exercises.

  After completing several sets of exercises, the sky darkened a bit more. Gu Pan lifted his tank top, preparing to head to the bathroom, when he received an unexpected call from Lu Yitong.

  "I'm going back to my hometown tomorrow. I wanted to invite you to watch a play today as a way to thank you for picking me up that day. Some classmates had already booked tickets, planning to go with their boyfriends. But due to a sudden situation, they can't make it, so I thought of giving this opportunity to you... If you refuse, I'll assume you're still mad. You're a guy, so you probably wouldn't still be angry, right?"

  After listening, Gu Pan felt his sweaty tank top suddenly tighten above his abdomen, as if it had bound him with a sense of unease.

  After quickly rinsing his body, he pulled on the T-shirt that had just been returned to the sofa. The clothes had been subjected to scorching temperatures throughout the day, and the lingering heat had not yet dissipated. They enveloped his moist skin, absorbing moisture while also inducing perspiration. The tips of his damp hair hung down, forming droplets of water that trickled onto his neck, covered in a thin layer of fuzz.

  Downstairs, outside the house, as soon as his body immersed itself in the still sweltering air, the water droplets evaporated into thin air. Gu Pan carried with him the fresh scent of bath gel and a subtle hint of youthful fragrance as he hurried towards the theater.

  Lu Yitong was scanning the surroundings, like a radar. Because she was unsure from which direction Gu Pan would suddenly appear in the vast square. She had to capture that moment, every dynamic and static aspect of Gu Pan's appearance, and she didn't want to miss any of it.

  During the high school sports meet, while she secretly observed Gu Pan, he had yet to become acquainted with her. The tall, long-legged boy with a fair complexion sat alone by the edge of the field, engrossed in his own world of music, seemingly unaffected by the energetic atmosphere surrounding him. To the young girl, his air of independence became the most mesmerizing allure. She quieted herself and steadfastly maintained her gaze, never letting it falter.

  Later, when the boy was called upon to substitute in the relay race, she became the most exuberant cheerleader by the side of the track. The boy's ears were filled with the rush of wind and the fluctuating cheers, but he was unaware that within one of those voices, alongside the enthusiasm, there was also an expression of admiration.

  Being in the same city as Gu Pan, Lu Yitong became increasingly convinced that fate was presenting her with an opportunity. And with the help of Gu Pan's aunt, Li Qingxia, she felt even more determined to achieve her goal.

  On a summer night, the crowd gradually thinned out in the theater square. Lu Yitong stood on the steps, continuing to survey the area while feeling her heart race with anxiety. She even pondered how she could subtly hint during a later phone conversation, allowing someone who had stood her up to realize their mistake and feel remorse within the warmth of her understanding. After all, in a certain sense, being "owed" was an incalculable asset for a girl.

  However, the undercurrent in her heart came to an abrupt halt. Gu Pan had arrived.

  "I knew you would come!" she exclaimed.


  "This play has had an amazing response during its tour in other cities, and tickets were in high demand. My classmate almost missed out on buying one, but luckily someone returned their ticket, haha, it was such a coincidence. In the end, both of us managed to make it. Brother Gu Pan, do you believe it's destiny that cannot be defied?"

  "Alright, I understood," Gu Pan responded indifferently.

  "Hmm? Why do I feel like you don't really enjoy watching plays?"

  "What makes you think that?" he replied.

  "It's just a feeling. You don't even care about who's performing in the play, or what the play is called... Well, it's being performed by the popular 'Sorrowful Deep-Fried Dough Sticks' theater group that has been on fire in the past two years. The play is called 'Annie's Double Happiness.' You won't be disappointed!"

  "Alright. Should we go in now? Oh, I'll go buy some popcorn and drinks..." Gu Pan's limbs moved faster than his words.

  "Take me with you!" Lu Yitong stepped forward, attempting to grab hold of Gu Pan's arm. However, he quickly turned around. Fortunately, her movement wasn't too exaggerated, avoiding the embarrassment of missing her target in front of everyone.

  It was already late at night, around ten o'clock when the performance ended. The heat outside the theater had dissipated.

  Lu Yitong, still wanting more, walked down the steps and asked Gu Pan about his thoughts, discussing the standout moments of the play. Gu Pan gave generic responses, while his attention was on the ride-hailing app on his phone.

  "What's the specific address of your classmate? I can order a ride to take you there," Gu Pan said, showing the icon of a mini program on his phone screen.

  "It's actually not too late now. How about we take a leisurely walk and call a ride if we get tired?" Lu Yitong earnestly suggested.

  They chose a relatively quiet path outside the theater and began strolling under the moonlight. Lu Yitong's high-heeled sandals echoed loudly in the tranquil surroundings. Feeling self-conscious, she tiptoed. However, this threw off her balance, causing her pace to slow down. Consequently, she naturally latched onto Gu Pan's arm. "Gu Pan, you won't blame me, will you?"

  "No problem, let's take it slow," Gu Pan said, gazing in the direction indicated by the lamppost. Thankfully, this path wasn't too lengthy.

  However, as they were about to reach the end of the path, Lu Yitong unexpectedly leaned into Gu Pan, as if nudged by an invisible hand. "Gu Pan, I have a leg cramp. Can you support me and help me sit over there?"

  Gu Pan looked towards the spot Lu Yitong was referring to, and indeed, there was a wooden bench! In a short span of about ten seconds—leaning, supporting, and a leg cramp—the sequence of events was both astonishing and seamless.

  Deep inside, he marveled, "How incredible!"

  To A City, he was a stranger. The neighborhood they currently found themselves in was completely unfamiliar to him. The high heels, the small path, the echoes, and the conveniently placed bench during the leg cramp... Each element seemed perfectly timed and flawless. Besides feeling amazed by the magic of it all, what else could he do?

  On one side of the bench, there were a few clusters of oleanders. Pink or white, their colors were difficult to discern under the lamplight. A small number of leaves extended out, creating a separation between the resting individuals and the busy road. However, this was merely a comforting form of concealment.

  Yet, Lu Yitong was emboldened by this concealment. She cautiously grabbed Gu Pan's arm and pulled him closer to her waist, sensing his desire to break free, she tightened her grip. Taking advantage of Gu Pan's confusion, she suddenly let go, leaned to the side, and pressed her lips against his... meeting the lips of the person she admired.

  But the contact was brief, immediately followed by separation.

  The unfamiliar act of intimacy made her slightly anxious. However, she was unwilling to let it end there. Weighing her options, Lu Yitong carefully leaned in again...

  "Don't move," Lu Yitong's trembling fingers grasped Gu Pan's wrist. Her thumb lightly stroked his skin, alleviating any uneasiness, while also seeming to implore, "Don't move, let's enjoy this lovely moonlit evening together."

  Gu Pan didn't move, nor did he try to break free. A certain command button in his mind seemed to be triggered, causing him to focus and immerse himself in an exploration that was both novel and profound to him. Almost involuntarily, he gently cradled the back of Lu Yitong's head with one hand. His reserved lips slightly parted as he spoke in a deep voice, "Have you ever kissed before? How do you do it?"

  "Kiss... I haven't done it before. Let's give it a try, I think we'll figure it out," Lu Yitong nervously yet excitedly replied, her voice trembling. "Gu Pan, you smell so good, did you take a shower specifically for this?" Gu Pan skillfully diverted the girl's emotions with his response, allowing her heartbeat to stabilize.

  "Smell good? Oh, I happened to have exercised before going out, so I took a shower after sweating," Gu Pan explained.

  "Mmm, no wonder, it smells great!" Lu Yitong took another deep breath, but she only allowed herself to indulge for two seconds because the boy in front of her was cradling her head and assuming a stance that was more enticing than his scent. "Gu Pan, you just asked me how to kiss, and I don't know, let alone any specific techniques... If you genuinely want to, then this will be my first kiss. Hehe, you don't know either, that's perfect... Let's give it a try!"

  "Alright, let's give it a try," Gu Pan adjusted his upper body, relaxing his shoulders. "Is it okay if I support you like this? Is one hand better, or should I use both hands?"

  "It's up to you, either way is fine," Lu Yitong replied.

  Two beams of headlights came towards them, piercing through the branches and leaves of the oleander, creating scattered patches of light on Lu Yitong's face. The sound of sudden braking made Gu Pan's eyes widen. Lu Yitong also snapped out of her dazed state. Simultaneously, they looked towards a black sedan parked on the main road.

  The car window rolled down, and the sound of a child crying could be heard from inside. The woman tried to comfort the child but was immediately silenced by the man. He made a strong effort to control his voice, but his tone remained firm and unyielding.

  After a short while, the child stopped crying. The car door opened, and the woman stepped out to take a sigh of relief before promptly returning to the car.

  Amidst the sound of the engine, the black sedan set off once more. It drove past the oleander branches and flowers, and the driver's side window remained partially open. From inside the car, a sentence floated out, "Dad doesn't want you to be stubborn from a young age, to lack self-discipline in the future...". This familiar sentence instantly prompted Gu Pan to stand up and take two steps toward the roadside. The car had already driven out of sight. The unyielding and stern words, "don't want," spun around in his head.

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