Chapter 64


  In early August, a rare cool day settled over City A. Gu Pan and Lu Yitong met up for their third visit to audit summer classes at the university's satellite campus.

  Ling Hanlu sported a white tee paired with a long denim skirt, and white mid-heel sandals, standing at the lowest step of the classroom stairs.

  In the middle of the front row sat the girl who always chimed in or reminded the teacher of the time, still in her fangirl stance, gazing attentively ahead.

  Meanwhile, at the back of the classroom, seated against the wall, another avid fangirl sat beside Gu Pan. Her self-trimmed bangs clumsily fell over her forehead.

  "Why do you keep bobbing your head?" Gu Pan was getting annoyed by the constant movement of the girl beside him, happening almost every thirty seconds. They still had two minutes before Ling Hanlu's class began.

  "Don't you see? It's my bangs!" Lu Yitong turned to pout and roll her eyes, flicking her eyeballs upwards to highlight her bangs to Gu Pan.

  "You don't even have bangs... oh wait, you're not hiding them anymore?"

  "Ugh, I mean the part up top!" Lu Yitong grumbled, fussing with it. "See the problem now? There's a chunk missing."

  "I clocked it early. Thought this was the hot new thing," Gu Pan glanced at the obvious hack job in the thick, snipped hair. "So, not the freshest look then?"

  "What a garbage trend! Total disaster! Regretting this big time!"

  Gu Pan zeroed in on the spot where Lu Yitong's bangs were noticeably absent, right above the nose. The girl had a slim, sharp nose, and the missing chunk highlighted it like a knife cutting through the brush. Unable to hold back, Gu Pan burst out, "Did you hit up the barber for some payback?"

  "Who'd I hit up? Did it myself. Man, what a screw-up!"


  Gu Pan couldn't help but laugh out loud. Folks in nearby rows turned to stare. Among them was a familiar face—Lin Sicheng.

  For Gu Pan, this "Brother Sicheng" meant something special. He'd been the one to first pull Gu Pan into Ling Hanlu's academic world, sparking a serious crush. But soon enough, it became clear that mere curiosity wouldn't cut it. Gu Pan never crossed paths with this old classmate in evening classes again.

  So now, seeing him here, Gu Pan figured he was just like most of the others, here for the easy credits.

  Maybe Professor Ling's credits seemed like an easier ride for them? Gu Pan silently mused.

  Gu Pan nodded a greeting to his old classmate. Lin Sicheng appeared to have refined his features with a subtle movement, like delicate porcelain that couldn't handle rough treatment. As he turned, the sparkling stud earring on his left ear caught everyone's eye.

  Gu Pan felt a twinge of confusion, struck by this strange sense of unfamiliarity.

  It wasn't until Ling Hanlu's captivating English filled the air that he snapped back to reality.

  Two hours later, as the bell rang, the classroom emptied in two distinct streams through the front and rear doors.

  In the corridor leading to the stairs, Ling Hanlu hurried with her laptop, Gu Pan and Lu Yitong close on her heels.

  At the corner, Ling Hanlu's phone rang suddenly. She fumbled in the pocket of her long skirt, almost dropping something. Lu Yitong, quick and agile, stepped forward to assist.

  "Heh, probably another sales pitch!" Ling Hanlu muttered, eyeing the flashing screen hesitantly.

  Lu Yitong peeked over, remarking, "Doesn't look like a scam or ad. Could be something else!"

  "Should we pick up and find out?" Ling Hanlu smiled, seeking approval.

  "Let's see what's cooking!" Lu Yitong nodded enthusiastically, her curiosity unmasked.

  Ling Hanlu answered. The voice on the other end instantly transported her back a few days, reminding her of the successful heart-to-heart on the balcony.

  "Hey, Teach, remember me?"

  A friendly broadcaster's tone, but tinged with sadness, each word heavy with anguish.

  "You... that girl?"

  Ling Hanlu's response puzzled Gu Pan and Lu Yitong, who exchanged puzzled glances.

  "Yeah, Teach. Had a fallout with my bestie, feeling pretty low."

  "Wanna chat with me? Or..."

  "Yeah. Talking to you's always soothing. How about face-to-face?"

  "Face-to-face? You...?"

  "I'm in A City, at a KTV alone. Could you swing by and keep me company?"


  "Please, Teach? I'm really struggling here..."

  The girl's tearful tone knit Ling Hanlu's brows involuntarily. She glanced at Lu Yitong with concern, then at Gu Pan. Both looked back cluelessly.

  "Gu Pan, remember that girl I mentioned? She's at a KTV, drowning her sorrows. Something's off with her vibe. I'll check on her... Here, hold onto my stuff, maybe take it home?"

  With that, she handed Gu Pan her laptop bag and other items, then swiftly descended the stairs. Gu Pan couldn't stop her in time.


  Upon arriving at the KTV where the girl was located, Ling Hanlu was soon followed by Gupan and Lu Yitong. They waited outside a drink shop nearby, ready for any developments.

  In the eyes of these two young children, Ling Hanlu was completely unaware and lacked any counter-surveillance skills, making her easy to track. But rushing in might be too reckless; they could only wait passively.

  An hour later, Gupan couldn't hold back anymore. But all he heard was that her phone had been switched off.

  Sweat beads formed instantly on his forehead.

  "What do we do?" Gupan panicked, at a loss.

  "What else can we do? Let's go in!" Lu Yitong, carrying the laptop bag entrusted to her by the goddess, rushed into the drink shop.

  However, once inside the bustling singing venue, they lost their direction...

  As they searched between numerous private rooms, Ling Hanlu was already being toasted by a group of people. After downing seven or eight beers, she lay half-conscious on the sofa, surrounded by four stylishly dressed girls.

  One of them was the girl with the pleasant broadcasting voice.

  She crouched by Ling Hanlu's legs, pulling the "teacher's" white t-shirt from under her skirt, rolling it up to reveal her bra. She signaled another sister to help pull off the t-shirt.

  She patted Ling Hanlu's cheek, confirming that the "teacher" was still conscious.

  "Sorry, teacher! Didn't expect you to be knocked out after a few beers. But you can hear me, right? You have to hear me!" the girl said, taking a swig from her beer bottle.

  "Why...?" Ling Hanlu's shoulders were pinned down, unable to move. The loud noise in the room made the assailants feel invincible.

  "You must think you made an impression on me that day, right? Yes, you gave a good lecture, and I was deeply moved. But do you know why I ended up on this path you despise? Because of you, damn teacher!"

  The girl grew increasingly agitated. She paced back and forth, a trapped animal. Her fingers dug into her tousled hair, desperate to calm down. Finally, after kicking over a microphone stand, her speech began to return.

  "My homeroom teacher in junior high was an English teacher. About forty years old, usually very gentle and lenient with students who made mistakes. Everyone treated her like a friend. The school had a rule back then that students couldn't wear skirts higher than their knees. I followed that rule. But one day, she called me to her office. She said my skirt was too short. I argued with her, saying it was exactly at knee level, how could it be against the rules? Guess what she said?"

  "...," Ling Hanlu shook her head, futilely struggling.

  "She said, 'Girls like you, relying on your young and good figure, always want to show off. Since that's the case, why bother coming to school? You might as well go out and sell yourself early, don't waste what your parents gave you.'"

  "Yeah, that's harsh."

  "I know! At that time, it was just her and me in the room. She didn't need to maintain her teacher image, so she vented all her hatred towards young girls on me. She made me admit my mistake immediately. But I didn't think I was wrong. Then she physically tore my clothes off and threw them on the ground. There were no cameras in the office, and even if there were, they would conveniently malfunction. She wasn't afraid. And who would believe the word of a student, especially a good-looking one with potential to be a bad girl..."

  "That's awful."

  "Right, you think it's awful too, huh?"

  "Of course it's awful. I believe teachers shouldn't casually label students as bad girls. As for you, you weren't bad originally, but unfortunately now you are. But why put it on me?"

  "Unfortunately, your tone of voice when you talk to her is too similar to hers! You act like a saint! That day on the phone, I almost screamed in fear. Oh my god, I'm still scared of her now. But did I act well? Did I make you believe it? Do you feel like you've upheld the great moral standards and feel particularly noble? I know people like you love to be praised, okay, I'll let you enjoy the sense of accomplishment. Do you know? I came to City A this time especially for you, is it touching to cry?"

  "You, give me my clothes back!"

  "Don't worry, let me leave a memory."

  She winked at her partner and asked for her cell phone. Just raised the video. Suddenly, the box door was slammed open. Several girls were caught off guard and screamed.

  Lu Yitong followed Gupan rushing in. Seeing the scene, she was momentarily stunned. Then she sprinted towards the private room, calling out for security guards to stop those attempting to flee.


  Ling Hanlu, wearing a white T-shirt with a torn neckline, held her chest as they emerged from the police station, rain pouring down.

  Lu Yitong pulled out a sun umbrella from her bag, opened it, and draped it over Ling Hanlu's shoulders.

  "Gupan, come closer! My umbrella is huge... Aren't you feeling the rain?" Lu Yitong said.

  "No need." Gupan not only didn't come closer but stepped forward. With hands in pockets and head tilted up, raindrops fell on his face, hiding the traces of his heartache.

  "Yitong, let him be for a moment," Ling Hanlu said.

  "Yeah! Sister Ling, I'll stay with you tonight, afraid you'll have nightmares. People with bad intentions are scarier than ghosts."

  "I've already delayed you both so long, how can I..."

  "It's an honor to sleep in the same bed as the goddess!" Lu Yitong interrupted.

  "Alright! Thank you," Ling Hanlu said.

  They booked a ride-share car. Gupan escorted them home. Once inside, he navigated the kitchen with practiced ease but spoke less than usual. Even after warming two cups of milk and bringing them over, he remained silent.

  Ling Hanlu recognized the troubled and guilty look on the young man's face. It wasn't hard to gauge his current mood. He must have felt responsible for Ling Hanlu's predicament, burdened with an undeniable duty.

  However, Gupan was burdened even more by his promise to Ling Kangwen. He felt defeated.

  "Today's events, it's my fault. Yitong, help me analyze. I want to hear a girl's perspective," Ling Hanlu reflected, trying to steer Gupan away from despair.

  "I think, sister, you overestimated your ability to influence a scammer over the phone. Especially one who was so grateful on the spot. I'm curious, did you believe it because it was your ideal outcome? Is that right?" Lu Yitong replied.

  "Haha, I can't explain it. Looking back, I was definitely deluded."

  "Thank goodness nothing worse happened. That's fortunate!" Lu Yitong made a cross gesture on her chest, then crossed her fingers in a prayer-like pose.

  "Where did you learn that? Pretty convincing," Ling Hanlu teased, but then a deep self-doubt overwhelmed her again. "Lately, I've been hearing this phrase a lot: 'Don't advise kindness without experiencing hardship.' But from another perspective, could today's lesson be not to underestimate others' malice without experiencing it firsthand? But that's impossible to predict, isn't it? What if someone's chance at redemption is lost due to your hesitation? The key question is, are you willing to take on that risk?"

  The three fell into silence.

  Gupan wasn't invited to speak, just listening on the side. Ling Hanlu's mention of "others' malice" made him ponder deeply.

  He couldn't tell this woman about the bloodstains he saw on a girl's pants when he was eight, re-evaluated by his eighteen-year-old mind as a brutal shock. The suffering of others, the suffering of Yuyan. The malice of others, the malice of Yuyan? What kind of malice was that?

  Gupan forced himself to stop delving into the past. This woman in front of him had just experienced humiliation and hardship; her emotional wounds were fresh and needed comfort for healing.

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