Chapter 21

  As Ling Hanlu stepped out of the airport terminal, her eyes immediately caught sight of the shimmering silver sedan, its hazard lights blinking in the distance. Xu Shuping popped his head out from the driver's seat window, waving enthusiastically at her.

  With two hefty suitcases in tow, thudding against the side of the car, Ling Hanlu didn't hurry to respond to Xu Shuping. Instead, she seemed to be brewing a storm of emotions, a faint smile dancing at the corners of her lips as she glanced into the backseat, searching.

  "Don't turn around! Silly you!" Xu Shuping leaped out of the car and made his way towards the trunk. "Hurry, get your things in. Let's get going!"

  "Where are the little ones?" Ling Hanlu felt a twinge of disappointment. After all, Xu Shuping had promised just the day before to bring their two little treasures along to welcome her at the airport.

  "The kids' grandparents are here, they took them out for some fun," Xu Shuping grunted as he and Ling Hanlu struggled to lift the bulky suitcase into the trunk.

  "Oh goodness, really?" Ling Hanlu teased, "I had a surprise all planned out for the little ones! You can't imagine how much effort I put into finding the perfect gifts for them...just wanted to give them a little...surprise."

  "Surprises...they don't need surprises," Xu Shuping remarked.

  "Then who does?" Ling Hanlu settled into the back seat, stretching her swollen legs after the long flight, relishing the comfort. "Xu Jiejie, your car is so spacious, it's so, who needs surprises?"

  "...Who needs them, who knows," Xu Shuping's eyes flickered with a hint of emotion, only to be interrupted by the insistent honking from behind. "Ah..."

  "Shuping, it's been a few days, and your style has changed!"

  "I'm not qualified to change," Xu Shuping said, sensing the strangeness in her words, feeling uneasy. "I mean, this is just how I am, where else could I change to?"

  "You're acting strange," Ling Hanlu pulled out two figurines with vastly different styles from her bag. "Look, I thought I'd witness the kids dancing with joy, but alas. They would've loved these!"

  "It seems you truly care about them. Maybe I should just give them to you."

  "Shuping, what's gotten into you?"

  "It's nothing, let me just drop you off at home first!"

  Green Garden Community. Xu Shuping trailed behind Ling Hanlu, pushing the large suitcase, sighing all the way. When they were only fifty meters from their destination building, she finally couldn't hold back her complaint: "Just like last time, the roads are so narrow, the car can't even fit."

  "Sorry to trouble you!" Ling Hanlu quickened her pace upon the reminder, eager to return home and check on the plants and flowers inside, the touches of charm injected into her life under Xu Shuping's careful curation.

  "Don't worry, they're doing just fine!" Xu Shuping had spent enough time with Ling Hanlu to often understand each other's thoughts without the need for words.

  Pushing open the door, the scent of mingled flowers, fabrics, books, and sunshine filled the room, a result of its prolonged closure. It immediately evoked a sense of warmth and familiarity in Ling Hanlu.

  The hostess stood in the center of the living room, surveying her surroundings. "Shuping, did you come last time to help me clean? Otherwise, it wouldn't be this tidy."

  "Well, it wasn't that dirty to begin with. I just dusted a bit," Xu Shuping replied, heading to the bathroom to wash her hands.

  "What's this?" Ling Hanlu was drawn to a piece of paper on the corner of the dining table, inching closer. She spotted a securely attached sticky note with neat handwriting that read "Secret Recipe for Sea Salt Cheese Cake..."

  The writing was small. From ingredient proportions to temperature control, everything was meticulously detailed. Ling Hanlu read aloud each word softly. When she reached the part that said, "The taste of the pastry is influenced by the mood of the maker, so please try to maintain a pleasant mood," she couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, Shuping, where did you learn all this?"

  Xu Shuping finished washing her hands, droplets of water still clinging, when she was drawn by Ling Hanlu's infectious laughter filling the room. "What's so amusing?"

  "What's the use of leaving a secret recipe on a note? You could've just told me directly, haha!" Ling Hanlu handed it over, her laughter still ringing.

  Taking it, Xu Shuping scrutinized it closely. Suddenly, she looked up, her gaze fixed on Ling Hanlu's face. Her eyes were unfocused, seeking something to anchor her thoughts, to trigger a memory. As a mother of two, her mind was often cluttered, leading to occasional lapses in mental acuity. "Hanlu, I felt something was amiss the moment I entered. I recalled, a boy had visited."

  Xu Shuping led Ling Hanlu to the kitchen, recounting how lucky it was that the boy had helped out that day, preventing the new oven from turning into a disaster.

  "So, the recipe was left by him?"

  "Yes, he pressed it onto the table as he left. I was about to head out, so I didn't return to check. He mentioned he was one of your students and lives in this community."

  "My student... What does he look like?" Ling Hanlu's curiosity had waned considerably. She seemed to seek confirmation from Xu Shuping.

  "Tall, with big eyes, not much of a talker. Just... happened... to be wandering around your building." Xu Shuping's words carried a deliberate emphasis, dwelling on subtly nuanced phrases. As a woman reaches a certain age, barring any unexpected situations, her mental faculties tend to align with those of a wily old fox.

  "Oh, I'll think about it."

  Upon learning that the recipe wasn't authored by Xu Shuping, Ling Hanlu's mind was already mostly set on the youth she had encountered several times. With the brief description of his appearance, the answer had already dawned. But since Xu Shuping claimed it was a "coincidence," it was likely just another act of kindness.

  "Mmm, do good things and good things come back to ya," Ling Hanlu murmured softly. Those were words she'd heard Gu Pan say on their trip to C County. The kid not only had old-school vibes but also backed it up with some real actions. She was buying into it.

  Right now, her genuine sense of relief was enough to sweep away any doubts she had about the authenticity behind all these "coincidences."

  Xu Shuping had reserved a restaurant to welcome Ling Hanlu.

  Before heading out, they both made some quick adjustments to their appearances in front of the vanity mirror.

  Xu Shuping paid special attention to her eyebrows, sculpting them into high arches with delicate ends, reminiscent of a European beauty from the Renaissance period. Ling Hanlu simply applied a touch of lipstick. As Ling Hanlu gazed at Xu Shuping in the mirror, she couldn't help but notice that beneath those elegantly arched eyebrows, her cheeks seemed to glow with a newfound radiance.

  An inner glow. Ling Hanlu couldn't help but wonder if this was just a coincidence.

  The restaurant was situated in a bustling downtown complex. They were ushered into a private booth, and Xu Shuping suggested having some drinks. Ling Hanlu readily agreed.

  As they sat side by side, they barely grazed a few specialty dishes before Xu Shuping leaned against Ling Hanlu's shoulder, her cheeks flushed as she murmured, "Keep pouring, fill it up again!"

  Ling Hanlu gently supported Xu Shuping's head on her shoulder, savoring the reception feast alone. Sweet and sour fish, seafood vermicelli, sesame oil wheat lettuce... all Ling Hanlu's favorites. This woman truly understood her.

  About fifteen minutes later, the hostess finally snapped out of it. Her first question was, "What time is it? Time to pick up the kids!"

  Still feeling groggy, she sensed her cheek pressing against someone's shoulder and abruptly sat upright in alarm. Upon realizing it was her best friend beside her, she relaxed and sighed, "Oh, it's you!"

  "And who did you think it was?" Ling Hanlu chuckled, relishing the tender texture of the squid tentacles as she took a sip of wine. Glancing over, she couldn't help but notice Xu Shuping's eyebrows, reminiscent of early Hollywood goddesses, and nearly burst out laughing. "Why the retro eyebrows? Feeling nostalgic?"

  "Huh?... Oh, no, I have to pick up the kids, our second one..." Xu Shuping absentmindedly touched her eyebrow bone while reaching for her phone.

  The call was answered by the kids' grandmother. The elderly lady reassured Xu Shuping that she would take care of their second child tonight, relieving her of any worries.

  Upon hearing this, Xu Shuping couldn't contain her excitement, her eyes shining brightly. "Hanlu, once we're done eating, let's change venues!"

  They headed to a music tea house on the top floor of the shopping mall. It was quieter and more spacious than the bustling dining area downstairs. Xu Shuping let Ling Hanlu choose a spot where they had a clear view of the small stage, and where they could converse privately without much disturbance.

  They ordered a pot of green tea made from bamboo leaves and poured it into two small glass cups, each taking a sip.

  On one side of the stage, a girl played a piano piece, one of those modern pop songs with catchy tunes that easily get stuck in your head. Xu Shuping listened with a disdainful expression.

  "What's up?" Ling Hanlu noticed Xu Shuping's lack of engagement, sensing that her friend's earlier unusual behavior lingered.

  "Sigh, I still prefer Chopin and Schubert..." Xu Shuping's eyes narrowed slightly, the remnants of their earlier dinner's intoxication creeping back.

  "Come on, you're killing the vibe," Ling Hanlu gestured for her friend to join her in having some tea.

  "Hanlu..." Xu Shuping suddenly stood up. "Wait here!"

  Without waiting for Ling Hanlu's response, she briskly walked toward the backstage area.

  Two minutes later, a staff member called the pianist over, whispering a few words to her. The pianist nodded and disappeared into a small room behind the stage.

  Shortly after, another performer took the stage.

  It was Xu Shuping!

  "Hanlu, this E-flat major nocturne is for you. Welcome home!" Xu Shuping lightly touched the microphone stand before returning to her seat. She took a deep breath, stretched her shoulders, and with a slight movement of her arms, began playing the keys.

  In the audience, Ling Hanlu's lips parted slightly, her head tilted to one side. She knew she should fully immerse herself, as any guesses or speculations about the music other than the performer's intentions would be disrespectful. But she couldn't shake off thoughts of Xu Shuping's retro arched eyebrows and her unusual "lightweight" state after dinner. They must have collectively summoned Chopin from Xu Shuping's fingertips tonight, Ling Hanlu thought.

  As the piece concluded, applause erupted throughout the tea house. Ling Hanlu looked around proudly. The hands of several young people in the corner, still held high, mirrored the elevated state of Ling Hanlu's heart over the past few minutes... They were deeply impressed by this "ordinary" tea patron's performance.

  "Hanlu, I was so nervous just now. Did you notice? I made several mistakes, and my fingers were shaking," Xu Shuping quietly returned to their table.

  "You scared me out of my wits! Shuping, you're hiding too much, it's not fair!" Ling Hanlu gently cupped her friend's face in her hands, as if trying to unlock a secret through touch.

  "I learned from my aunt since I was little, studied for nine years. She's a college music teacher," Xu Shuping said before calling over a waiter to refill their water.

  "Shuping, when you were sitting in front of the piano just now, you seemed particularly light, as if you were about to take off... Seriously! I've been away for half a month, did you go to a cave to cultivate or something?"

  "What cave... But, 'take off,' I like that term," Xu Shuping chuckled. "However, am I really that exaggerated?"

  "Not at all! Shuping, I've always admired you, but after today, I think I might start worshiping you," Ling Hanlu couldn't help but glance around, noticing other patrons observing them and seemingly discussing them in hushed tones. Her pride and happiness were akin to a fan dining with their idol.

  "I..." Xu Shuping hesitated, her fingers that had earlier touched her eyebrow bone now pressed against her cheeks. The alcohol had long dissipated, but her face still felt warm.

  "You see, you've got it all—happy family, understanding mother-in-law. You're living my dream, you know?"

  "But sometimes, I envy you!"

  "..." Ling Hanlu was momentarily speechless. If it were someone else expressing envy over her recent experiences, knowing what she had been through in the past two years, it could only be interpreted as malicious or insincere.

  "Say it. I won't blame you," Ling Hanlu's expression turned serious.

  "I envy your unknown future..."

  "But what's there to envy about an uncertain future?"

  "It's just... it's just what you said, being 'light,' being able to take off. Look at me, can I still be 'light' once I leave here?" Xu Shuping's eyes glistened with tears, a hint of a smile on her lips. She spread her fingers apart, palms facing each other, placing them on either side of a snow cedar-scented candle on the small table. In the dim light, she stared at her hands, feeling a strange sense of unfamiliarity, as if she had never really looked at them before.

  "Xu Jiejie, what's going on with you?" Ling Hanlu looked at Xu Shuping, her face adorned with vintage makeup, especially those brows, carrying a mixture of sorrow and defiance. She too became engrossed, as if a voice was reminding her to confront them properly in the future.

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