Chapter 34

  "The Time Corridor," a small tavern, nestled on the busiest commercial street in A City. Among the plethora of hotels and restaurants, it doesn't stand out.

  On the east-west street, its storefront isn't large, and its location isn't the best. Next door to the east is a Korean fried chicken joint, while to the west is a dessert workshop. Both exude youthful energy, contrasting with her calm and nostalgic vibe. However, her specialty dish is quite famous, earning countless praises within a small circle. So, even though it's not bustling, it still attracts loyal diners.

  Su Chi Yuan lined up three types of sauces. "Gu, pick your own."

  This is the third dish of the night, salad sauce fried prawns. Its illustrious name and colorful picture are prominently displayed at the entrance. It's the signature dish.

  Gu Pan dipped into the honey mustard sauce. After chewing a few bites, he struggled to discern its excellence. But his palate wasn't refined enough, perhaps even perfunctory, failing to distinguish it from ordinary fried foods. Yet, a glance at Mr. Su's expectant eyes made Gu Pan feel obligated to show appreciation at times.

  "Mr. Su, how did you find this place?" Gu Pan scanned the decor of the shop once again, silently recalling the various bars, small eateries, and climbing gyms they had previously visited. Each had its own style. Trying to deduce Su Chi Yuan's consumer taste and inclination from these visits was too challenging. He even felt that these places embodied the preferences of not just one but multiple individuals at different times.

  What's even more puzzling is that, many times, Su Chi Yuan seems to place himself in a supporting role. His presence appears solely for the purpose of being able to closely observe Gu Pan's enjoyment.

  "This place? It was recommended by a friend. How's it, does it suit your taste?" Su Chi Yuan inquired, concerned whether the venue for this invitation met Gu Pan's expectations.

  "I... think it's pretty good. You haven't eaten much, are you afraid of the high calorie content?"

  "Oh, not really. But today, you're the star. Just taste on my behalf." Su Chi Yuan scooped up some mushroom soup and drank it, then pushed the plate of prawns toward Gu Pan.

  "I'm the star... Mr. Su, is today another special day? I wanted to ask over the phone, but you didn't give me the chance." Gu Pan had been trying hard to avoid bringing up this "awkward" question since they sat down. Although he still couldn't figure out what his relationship with Su Chi Yuan really was.

  "Don't overthink it. Just consider it as my post-service follow-up, understanding the current situation of the seeker for help. So I can adjust the rescue strategy in time."

  "But you've never charged me, have you? On the contrary, you often foot the bill." Gu Pan always remembered that his relationship with Mr. Su began with what he thought was a "patient" relationship.

  "Sigh, kid, can we not be so serious? *cough cough*..." Su Chi Yuan cleared his throat and took another sip of soup. "Gu, you're studying tourism management, right? As far as I know, there's a course called Simulation Tour Guide. Don't worry, you'll have the opportunity to show off in the future. I'm looking forward to you taking me around the world to search for delicacies. I don't want you to..."

  "I know, you don't want me feeling like I owe you anything, or carrying a burden. I'll give it my all."

  "Hehe, alright. So, where do you want to go first?"

  "How about a domestic trip? Is that okay with you?" Gu Pan fixed his gaze on Su Chi Yuan, as if seeking approval or some sort of cue from his expression.

  At the threshold of his thirties, Su Chi Yuan was entering the prime of his life as a man. His face, with its superior features and humble expression, seemed just right—some edges smoothed by experience, yet some still retained a touch of defiance. As Gu Pan looked at him, this man seemed like a benchmark. Everything about him was just right, even his age of over thirty had become the shore Gu Pan couldn't wait to reach.

  "Alright, a domestic trip it is, your call!" Su Chi Yuan smiled, seeing the genuine enthusiasm in Gu Pan's sudden serious planning of the itinerary. "So, any specific place in mind?"

  "How about Luoyang, the ancient capital?"

  "Hmm, tell me more."

  "Alright, Luoyang has always been on my list." Gu Pan vividly described to Su Chi Yuan the ancient capital he had stepped into through books. He spoke of the magnificent Tang and Wu dynasties, the Silk Road, the renowned peonies, and the line 'If you don't believe it, take a pomegranate skirt out of the box'... At the height of his enthusiasm, he offered a plate of grilled chicken wings to Su Chi Yuan.

  Su Chi Yuan took them with delight, saying, "Remember what I said? When a person encounters the right person and the right thing, they become extraordinary. It seems that when you talk about what you truly love, you shine. Do you believe it? Because right now, you're shining!"


  "Absolutely! So, when we go to Luoyang, what are you going to treat me to?"

  "Gu Louzi."


  "It's an ancient food. It's said to be similar to baked buns. Minced lamb stuffed inside the buns, with other ingredients on top, then grilled. I have a classmate from a small town nearby, he said there's a master chef in his hometown who claims to be the heir of Gu Louzi. I'll go check it out first and figure out the way to take Mr. Su there. What do you think?"

  "Alright, I'm looking forward to it!" Su Chi Yuan admired the radiance emanating from Gu Pan's whole being, astonished by the immense energy in the usually reserved young man. He found himself willingly listening, even though he was usually a person who lived off his debating skills. Unconsciously, he was drawn into the moment, until tears welled up in his eyes.

  "Mr. Su, are you...?" Gu Pan couldn't understand Su Chi Yuan's current emotions.

  "You reminded me of someone. It's nothing. Please, continue." Su Chi Yuan wiped his eyes and glanced out the window. Outside, about an inch of snow had already accumulated on the window sill beside him. "Do you remember what time the snow started falling?"

  "Around noon! I had just finished my noodles, and was tidying up when someone shouted that it was snowing."

  "This is the first snow of the year... Do you like snow?"

  "I've never had the chance to see really heavy snowfall, you know, the kind that's huge. I'd like to go to a snow village and see it."

  "Someone else said the same thing... Gu, how about we go out for a walk later? This is the first snow, after all!"

  Su Chiyuan drove Gu Pan home. When they were 500 meters away from the residential area, Gu Pan asked to get off. He said he wanted to take a walk alone.

  He secretly pondered if there was even a one in a thousand chance of encountering Ling Hanlu? The name was chilly, yet it belonged to a woman with a warm personality.

  Gu Pan chose a path with sparse footprints. He felt that places rarely visited by people were more likely to encounter spirits. But just a few steps in, he heard a sudden high-pitched female voice explode ahead. Snow fell from the branches with a rustling sound.

  He followed the sound. As he approached the corner, he heard a series of dull and muffled thuds coming from the dark.

  Gu Pan swiftly appeared. The light was too weak to see their faces clearly, but he could discern two figures.

  One of them was curled up, seemingly lacking in physical strength. Just as Gu Pan was about to assist, that person broke free and lunged at him.

  "Get him! Get him!" the high-pitched female voice exploded again in the night sky.

  Gu Pan listened and intercepted the person. As the woman from the shadows approached, getting closer and closer, Gu Pan's eyes widened along with his lips, forming a circle of fear.

  "Lu Yitong?"

  Seeing that the person approaching was Gu Pan, Lu Yitong immediately changed her posture from one hand on her hip to one hand on her chest. She looked as if she had just been through a harrowing experience, dragging her words with a crying tone, "Gu Pan, thank goodness you're here, or I would have been in big trouble! It's a robbery!"

  "You're still in trouble? Look at me!" The person was on the verge of tears.

  "Whether you're in trouble or not, you'll explain it at the police station!" Gu Pan pressed him against the wall, pinning his hands behind his back.

  The lighting in the cop shop lobby was pretty decent. Finally got a good look at that dude's messed-up mug. His mouth was all swollen, and he had some serious bruising around his eyes.

  The cops were giving Gu Pan props for being all "tough as nails against the bad guys" with approving nods. Gu Pan was thinking about telling them that this was just a typical case of women being able to hold their own. But seeing Lu Yitong acting all meek as a mouse on the sidelines, he decided to hold his tongue. Plus, the truth about the attacker getting his butt kicked by the victim would come out eventually during questioning, so no need to rush.

  Then it was Lu Yitong who couldn't help but blurt out, "He's my dude!" She pointed over to Gu Pan, looking pretty proud of herself.

  "Oh, I see..." The cop's eyebrows twitched a bit, like they were rethinking the initial view of the dude as a "hero" or "knight in shining armor." Trying to call what went down between family or lovers a "heroic save" always sounded fishy. "So, can you two tell me what went down?"

  "Yo, Officer, this dude's a total scumbag! Almost had me in a real tight spot..." Lu Yitong pointed angrily at the jerk, inching closer to Gu Pan like she was looking for backup.

  "Oh, give me a break!" The jerk got hauled off to the interrogation room by another cop. Passing by, he heard Lu Yitong's totally bogus accusation and jumped in to defend himself, "I never had any intentions towards you, you know? Robbery's all about whether you're my type... and you're definitely not my flavor..." He got cut off before he could finish.

  His crazy talk caught everyone off guard, leaving Lu Yitong feeling embarrassed and pissed. When she later gave her statement, she kept it short and sweet.

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