Chapter 31

  Gu Pan tidied up the pile of outdoor gear along the bedroom wall. He organized everything neatly, big and small items separated and categorized, making it look much tidier.

  Since entering his sophomore year, life had become much busier than before. In addition to working at the bakery every other evening, Gu Pan also signed up to join the Mountaineering Club at the School of Management.

  The club invited a teacher from an off-campus mountaineering organization to give lectures. They covered everything from understanding clothing and equipment, basic knot-tying techniques, to efficient walking in different terrains, and self-rescue in cases of hypothermia and frostbite. This guidance helped him break free from ground zero theoretically.

  His newly acquired gear was displayed prominently in his bedroom, catching his eye every day. Those items seemed to have some kind of spirituality, responding to him, waiting together for the day they would be put to use.

  His ability to choose this outdoor sports organization from among the numerous clubs was probably closely related to Su Chiyuan's positive guidance. The appropriate expansion of interpersonal relationships gradually led him away from sleep difficulties. Just as Su Chiyuan hoped.

  Several times when Mr. Su asked about his recent situation, he came close to mentioning this new interest. But having just shaken off the label of being a "sports idiot," not long ago, and with some progress made on the green lawn, he remained cautious about categorizing himself as an outdoor sports enthusiast. Moreover, he always felt that if mountaineering remained only a theoretical discussion on paper, it wasn't something to be proud of. So, he didn't bring it up.

  In this way, he quietly shed the identity of being socially passive in the School of Management and took a big step forward.

  Time moved forward with a new rhythm.

  One evening, just before heading out to work, Gu Pan's phone buzzed with an unfamiliar international number. Hesitant but intrigued, he answered the call.

  "Gu, buddy! How's life treating you?" The number seemed odd, but the voice was unmistakably Su Chiyuan's.

  It had been about half a month since they last spoke. Gu Pan pulled over his bike, intrigued. "Su, aren't you out of the country?"

  "Yeah, just took a trip and had to deal with some unexpected stuff. Oh, this is my backup phone, forgot to charge the other one. It's been too long! How've you been?"

  "Surviving, you know, eating, sleeping, the usual!" Gu Pan struggled to keep his excitement in check amidst Su Chiyuan's warm greetings.

  "Haha, good to hear! I'll be back this week. Let's catch up then, yeah? Oh, and I've got a little something for you... See you this weekend!" Su Chiyuan's voice sounded relaxed and friendly, promising a reunion full of surprises.

  Out in the western outskirts of A City, the reservoir has become quite the hotspot for fishing enthusiasts over the past couple of years. Su Chiyuan called up Gu Pan for a fishing rendezvous.

  "Man, I'm clueless about fishing!" Gu Pan shook his head, hands on his hips.

  "Haha, buddy, it's been a minute, and now you're speaking with your body... Don't sweat it, with me by your side, you don't need to be an expert."

  And true to his word, Su Chiyuan took care of all the prep work. From weighing down the lead, dangling the float, baiting the hook, to setting up the nest... Gu Pan watched in awe.

  The two of them, each with their canvas stool, settled by the waterside where the grass was turning yellow.

  "It's been a minute since we last hung out, and man, you've changed a lot. Hey hey, when did you get that haircut?" Su Chiyuan's eyes sparkled with surprise as he admired Gu Pan's new 'do.

  "Just felt like it."

  "Looks sharp, more macho now. And hey, I've noticed you've been hitting the gym? Bulkier than before."

  "Dumbbell curls, crunches, and a few others... kinda like this..." Gu Pan freed up one hand and mimicked some single-arm pull-up moves in the air. It wasn't a show-off, more like his muscles remembering the good old days on the lush green lawn.

  "Nice, making silent moves, huh?" Su Chiyuan grinned, his eyes twinkling with pride and amusement. "Got a lady in your life now?"

  "Huh?" Gu Pan's grip loosened, almost losing hold of the fishing rod.

  "Easy there, don't spook the fish... " Su Chiyuan sensed the boy's unspoken nerves and gave him a knowing smile.

  As the noon approached, Su Chiyuan took Gu Pan to a farmhouse nearby the reservoir. Technically speaking, it was more of a rural restaurant with a farmhouse ambiance.

  Su Chiyuan carefully selected the plumpest catch of the morning and handed it over to the chef for preparation. "Trust me, this place knows its way around the kitchen. Let's wait and see!" He gave his companion's shoulder a reassuring pat.

  In no time, the steamed fish was served, adorned with ginger, scallions, and red chili, all skillfully set aside by Su Chiyuan.

  Just as Gu Pan was about to dig in, Su Chiyuan picked up a piece of fish belly and placed it delicately on Gu Pan's plate. "Here, have this. No bones in here. Wouldn't want you to get pricked. This kind of fish, tender meat but plenty of bones..."

  "Mr. Su, I thought you'd retired that catchphrase," remarked Gu Pan, raising his chopsticks, resigned to the "low-energy" tag he seemed to bear under Mr. Su's watchful eye. He tried shedding the label of physical ineptitude, only to find himself slowly labeled as low-energy in life. Indignant, yes, but refrained from protest, convinced it all stemmed from good intentions.

  Su Chiyuan chose not to respond directly. Instead, he continued to pick out the choicest morsels and offer them to Gu Pan. "Fancy a drink, buddy?" Without waiting for Gu Pan's response, he signaled to the waiter.

  Su Chiyuan abstained from alcohol, mindful of the driving he had to do later. Meanwhile, Gu Pan downed three shots of white liquor and soon began to lose control of his expression.

  "Easy there, it's still early," Su Chiyuan advised, handing Gu Pan a stack of napkins. "Wipe your chin."

  "Haha, reminds me of when my mom used to scold my dad for getting all tongue-tied when he was drunk. Turns out, this is what it feels like!" Gu Pan chuckled, his words slightly slurred, his tongue peeking out as if to illustrate his surrender to the intoxicating influence.

  "Kid, you holding up alright?" Su Chiyuan glanced at Gu Pan's sturdy hairstyle atop his flushed, slightly tipsy face, a sense of warmth filling his heart. "How about we call it a day and catch some shut-eye in the car?"

  "No way, Su, Mr. Su, you're selling me short. How about tossing me a brain teaser?"

  Su Chiyuan held back a chuckle, his voice slightly shaky. "Let's skip the math. Back at the reservoir, I hinted at your love life, and you didn't bat an eye. Come on, spill the beans. Who's the lucky lady, and what's the scoop?"

  "I'd rather not spill."

  "Not feeling it?"

  "Nah." Gu Pan nodded vigorously, like he was warding off an interrogation.

  "Have you confronted her?"

  "She plays coy. I can't crack her facade." Gu Pan's nostrils flared, a silent protest under the influence of spirits.

  "Haha..." Su Chiyuan finally let out a laugh that could draw a crowd. "I'm dying to know about you two."

  "It's not us. It's my mom who's smitten."

  "Have you talked it over with her? She can't play dumb forever, especially when it's about her son's happiness."

  "My mom's superstitious. Thinks the girl's a good luck charm."

  "Well, well... That's a new one on me. But stranger things have happened. Does your mom call the shots at home?"

  "Yep." Gu Pan nodded again, his head drooping as if Atlas himself was paying him a visit.

  "Care to elaborate?"

  "My mom ain't much of a bookworm, but she's a real card player. I swear, ever since I can remember, she's been running properties like a landlady. Later on, she even set up a gaming den. From the time I was knee-high to a grasshopper till now, it's always been my pops chauffeuring me around; she couldn't care less. But you bet your bottom dollar she wanted to see my report card, and she loved nothing more than a bit of one-upmanship, especially when cards were on the table."

  "...Go on," Su Chiyuan said, reaching for the bottle of booze he'd been about to top up, checking the proof on the label, and then firmly setting it back down.

  "If I aced a test, she'd be all over me with hugs and presents. But if I fell short of her expectations, she'd bring up my cousin to knock me down a peg."

  "What, are they really that impressive?"

  "My cousin was the city's science whiz back in high school, and my other cousin topped the district in the humanities... My ma would dredge up their glory days, making me feel like a nobody. A shame to the family name."

  "Do you ever stand up to her?"

  "A couple of times. I'd say, 'Who says there's a dime a dozen of geniuses in the world? Why does your son have to be a cut above to deserve a bit of respect?'"

  "And how does she take it?"

  "She'd bring up her tough childbirth every time, saying she almost bit the dust bringing me into the world. With that kind of history, how could I, her disappointing son, talk back? So, eventually, I just bit my tongue..."

  "And your old man? Doesn't he have anything to say about it?"

  "Pops would skulk off to have a smoke. He'd tell me, too, how tough it was for my ma back then. She had a major hemorrhage and took half a year to bounce back. Then, when she was nursing me, she needed a minor surgery in a pinch, but she refused anesthesia, fearing it'd mess with my smarts through her milk. Pops told me to just go along with her."

  "Just kept on going like that?"

  "Yeah! Before the college entrance exam, I thought, once I'm off to study in another city, away from her watchful eyes, things would get better. But it wasn't that simple, really wasn't..."

  "Remote control?" Su Chiyuan's expression turned serious.

  "My mom calls me every weekend, wanting to hear about my week. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, but strangely, if she ever misses a call due to some real business, I start feeling jittery. Like I need to hear her say 'good son' to feel at ease, haha... But, man, I'm so tired! Because..."

  "Because why? There's a famous psychological phenomenon called the gaslighting effect..." Su Chiyuan's words trailed off as he saw Gu Pan holding his head, looking like he was about to collapse, so he quickly got up and stepped over to the table to support him.

  The car rolled to a stop just outside the apartment complex. Su Chiyuan waited patiently for Gu Pan to gather his bearings enough to mumble out the door number before offering a steadying arm as they made their unsteady journey through the gate.

  Once inside the apartment, a heavy weight seemed to descend upon Su Chiyuan's shoulders. He gently tapped Gu's cheek, inquiring whether he preferred to recline on the couch or retreat to the bedroom.

  Rather than replying verbally, Gu Pan suddenly darted towards the nearest bedroom door, tugging Su Chiyuan along as he swung it open and ushered them both inside.

  Standing amidst the room's dim illumination, Gu Pan leaned against Su Chiyuan with a goofy grin, repeatedly expressing his gratitude, while Su Chiyuan found himself transfixed by the enigmatic and haunting cross-stitched depiction of a black widow on the wall. An uncommon sense of unease settled over him within this dimly lit space.

  Without assisting Gu Pan in reclining, Su Chiyuan seemed to anticipate that they had stumbled into the wrong room and remained poised to depart at any moment.

  "Gu, are you certain this is your bedroom?" Su Chiyuan reached out for the wall's light switch, only to find Gu Pan leaning heavily on him for support.

  "Don't you think so? Did we take a wrong turn?" Gu Pan swayed slightly, his eyes half-lidded.

  "Yeah, I suppose... we must've taken a wrong turn," Su Chiyuan surveyed the room. Just then, a delicate floral fragrance wafted through the air from an unknown corner of the room. He inhaled deeply, feeling as though a mischievous sprite lurked nearby, beckoning him, tempting him. Following the faint, familiar scent, his gaze settled on the wardrobe against the wall...

  Even in his middle age, Su Chiyuan found himself unable to resist the allure of curiosity. He settled Gu Pan on the edge of the bed and slowly approached the "mysterious" wooden furniture. He reached out, almost touching the curved door handle... but at the last moment, he hesitated, retracting his hand.

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