Chapter 48

  The school bell had just rung when Xu Shuping sent over a photo right on the dot.

  In the picture, a woman held a dainty, round paper box in her palm. It was about the size of a beer bottle cap, with a delicate pink cloud pattern in the background. At the center was an elegant image of a lady holding a fan.

  "Guess what it is?" Xu Shuping asked over the phone.

  "I know. It's your youth."

  "You’re too sharp... Well, aren't you going to come over and share it with me?"

  "Alright, be right there!"


  Ten minutes later.

  Ling Hanlu was drawn into Xu Shuping's private soup and tonic sanctuary by a tantalizingly sweet aroma.

  "Wow, that smells amazing!"

  "Of course!" Xu Shuping replied with pride, lifting the lid. "Come closer and have a look. Do you know what it is?"

  Ling Hanlu peered into the small pot, observing the piles of white, pink, and round, smooth ingredients. She couldn’t quite figure out what they were. “What kind of fancy stuff is this?”

  “Listen up! This is peach resin, snow swallows, and gorgon seeds... the ultimate beauty elixir.” Xu Shuping pointed out each ingredient with her ladle before scooping a bowl and handing it to Hanlu.

  “Shuping, your complexion really has improved lately. Your skin is so smooth and glowing. How does that saying go? ‘There are no ugly women, only lazy ones…’” Hanlu took two eager sips. “I’m gonna follow your lead!”

  “Oh, please! Talk is cheap. You need to start coming over more often… Seriously though, Hanlu, besides my improved complexion, do you notice anything different about me today?” Xu Shuping’s face had a subtle warmth, a glow that hinted at something deeper, but she yearned for her best friend to notice it on her own.

  “Hmm…” Hanlu squinted, scrutinizing her closely.

  When Hanlu didn’t catch on, Shuping spun around, waving her arms as if performing some mystic dance. “Girl, how can you be so clueless?”

  “Is this a new workout routine? Or maybe a new hairstyle? New eyebrows?” Hanlu examined her carefully, holding her bowl, but couldn’t spot any other changes. She shook her head. “Just spill it! I’ve been so buried in work lately, my brain’s fried.”

  Xu Shuping extended her left wrist right under Ling Hanlu's nose. "You rely too much on your eyes. Didn't you catch the scent when you walked in? Here, get closer and take a whiff!"

  It finally clicked for Hanlu. The reason for today's visit was to share her best friend's "youth." She leaned in, inhaling the sophisticated and timeless fragrance of a century-old brand.

  This was the scent Xu Shuping had cherished for twenty years—a delicate, sweet aroma with a faint hint of floral notes. Yet, such a pure and beautiful fragrance had once been angrily discarded into a trash bin. Ling Hanlu reflected on how prejudice and narrow-mindedness, when armed with the righteous fury of moral judgment, could destroy youth and even life itself.

  "Thank you for being so strong back then, Sister Xu!" Ling Hanlu slurped another spoonful of the tonic, the sound conveniently masking the sobs in her heart.

  "What? You're acting all weird."

  "I want to hug you!" Ling Hanlu quickly pulled Xu Shuping into an embrace, her hand still holding the bowl while the other wrapped around her friend's back. "I mean, thank you for being so strong and bringing the Xu Shuping I know safely to me."

  "Oh, you're getting all mushy on me. Thank you too, sweetheart! But hey, there's something I want to tell you. I'm not sure if you'll still want to hug me after I do."

  "Go on, spill it."

  Xu Shuping filled another bowl and handed it to Ling Hanlu. She waved it away. "No more for me. One bowl's enough. It's good stuff, but my stomach's feeling a bit off. Don't want to waste it."


  Ling Hanlu felt a tightness in her chest, an intermittent discomfort. But seeing Xu Shuping's strong urge to talk, she forced a smile. "What's up? Tell me."

  "Well, the other day, Liang Chen and I went on a spring outing."

  "To a park? Maybe the botanical garden outside the city? Or…"

  "None of those places. They have nothing to do with my youth."

  "Then where?"

  "Hanlu, is there a place that, when you close your eyes, plays like a movie in your mind? You can see every detail—the sounds, the expressions, the colors, the wind, the trees, even the dog in the corner. And the smells, like braised pork, lingering on your tongue?"

  "Where did you go that's so mystical?" Ling Hanlu held her chest, feeling a twinge of pain. She wanted to tease Xu Shuping for her artsy flair but didn't have the energy.

  "We visited an old mansion in an ancient town, the home of a Ming Dynasty tycoon. The area around it has been developed into a tourist spot. You must have heard of the famous local dish—braised pork knuckle."

  "Oh, I get it. But why there? What's the significance?"

  "Look," Xu Shuping pulled a small pink paper box from her bag and handed it to Ling Hanlu, ready to give a hands-on explanation. "This is it."

  Ling Hanlu took the box and instantly understood. "Ah, youth."

  "After my dad threw away the balm, he started monitoring me even more closely. Once, a few classmates invited me to go on a half-day trip to the ancient town. At first, my dad was okay with it, and even packed me some snacks. But then, out of nowhere, he got all suspicious. He found out that some boys were going, too, and he just lost it. That night, he flat-out banned me from going. Not even my mom could change his mind."

  "So, this old town became a sore spot for you?"

  "Yeah. To be precise, going to that ancient town with a boy was something I just had to do." Xu Shuping bit her lip, as if sealing her vow with unyielding determination.

  "Otherwise, you wouldn’t rest in peace?" Ling Hanlu, feeling Xu Shuping’s resolve, found herself mirroring the intensity.

  "I was dead set on it back then, but I never got the chance. More importantly, I never found the right person."

  "Until you met Liang Chen." Ling Hanlu sniffed the balm box. The exquisite packaging of the old brand didn’t let any of the fragrance escape.

  Xu Shuping smiled softly. "Go ahead, open it if you want to smell it. Just fiddling with the box doesn’t do any good."

  "Heh, true enough. So, did you guys take a tour bus? Or…"

  "A ride-share. I wanted to save travel time so we could explore more at the site. After all, my old regret was buried there. Getting the right timing, place, and person together—it wasn’t easy."

  “Did you try the braised pork knuckle? How was it? As good as they say?” Ling Hanlu’s body was rejecting the idea of food right now, making her question sound half-hearted. But she pushed through it, knowing Xu Shuping was eager to share.

  “The meat was tender and not too greasy. The usual stuff you’d expect. It was good, but those ad slogans definitely hype it up a bit too much. Oh, and you know what? I didn’t expect this, but Liang Chen was so considerate. Before he started eating, he cut up the pork knuckle into small pieces.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “He said he noticed my makeup was really well done and didn’t want the sauce to mess it up.” Xu Shuping pointed to her cheek. “Cutting it into small pieces made it easier to eat neatly.”

  “Ha! Worried you’d ruin your look. That’s pretty thoughtful of him.”

  “Then we went to explore the mansion, checking out those grand old courtyards. He kept reminding me to watch my step over the thresholds. A few times, he even helped me along.” As she spoke, a subtle, complicated expression appeared on Xu Shuping’s face.

  “Annoyed? Like he was treating you like his mom?”

  “Sigh, not quite annoyed. More like... I felt a bit reflective. And honestly, what right do I have to be upset? I was using him to fulfill my own little dream.”

  “Shuping, come on, you’re not that cold-hearted. ‘Using’ him? Give me a break,” Ling Hanlu chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Alright, you got me. I was being dramatic. I wasn’t really using him. It’s more like... I used the pork knuckle as a pretext.”

  “So, how did he react when you told him your story?”

  “It’s hard to say. His face didn’t give much away. But I can imagine he thought, ‘Here’s this older woman making up excuses to spend time with a younger guy.’ Probably thought I was a bit lonely or something. Why else would she be playing a nocturne like that?” Xu Shuping spread her fingers, playfully mimicking a piano in the air.

  “Haha! So, did he just fuss over you the whole time?”

  “Pretty much. Later, we stumbled upon a tour group, and we just kind of blended in to listen to their guide. Liang Chen was so captivated by the story of that Ming dynasty tycoon. The guide talked about how the guy struck it rich from fishing and then moved into silk, tea, ceramics, and even opened pawn shops and security services. Liang Chen’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. I had to nudge him a few times to keep moving, but he was completely entranced.”

  “But then, the mood killer... finding out that the tycoon and his whole family were executed.”

  “Yeah, talk about a downer.” Xu Shuping’s expression softened, tinged with sadness. She remembered how Liang Chen’s excitement faded when the guide mentioned the grim fate of the tycoon’s family. “They all got wiped out... It’s so brutal, don’t you think, Hanlu?”

  “Absolutely... But, did you guys take another ride-share back?” Ling Hanlu wasn’t keen on dwelling on such a grim story, especially when she was already feeling off.

  “Yeah, he ordered the car,” Xu Shuping said with a hint of a smile.

  “He couldn’t bear to let you pay for both rides?” Ling Hanlu asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Maybe, but I think there was more to it. On the way there, he sat up front, and I was in the back. But on the way back, he sat right next to me.”

  “Was it because...?”

  “He wanted to talk. Just to talk.” Xu Shuping set down the bowl and spoon she’d just picked up to clean.

  “Did he say anything... interesting?” Ling Hanlu leaned in, her curiosity piqued.

  “Nothing scandalous or romantic. He asked if I remembered when he got beat up. I said of course, I even helped patch him up. Then he told me he quit that nightclub job, and now he’s really struggling with money.”

  “Is this about that business deal with his old friends?”

  “Yeah, they still don’t have enough to get started.”

  “So, why tell you all this?” Hanlu’s curiosity grew.

  “He needed to borrow some money. Honestly, halfway through the ride back, I could tell he had something heavy on his mind. When he finally said he was short on cash, I understood why he looked so troubled when we were listening to the guide at the mansion. Hanlu, when young people have dreams of starting something new, and you can help... you should.”

  “Did you help him?” Hanlu asked, genuinely interested.

  “I agreed to lend him the money right away. Even this morning, I was wondering why I said yes so quickly. Maybe it’s because I’ve always felt like I missed out on that kind of boldness when I was younger. And honestly, Liang Chen... he’s a kindred spirit. You don’t meet people like that every day.”

  "‘How much did you lend out?’

  ‘Three hundred thousand. Liang Chen said he needed that much. I had him come back with me to the neighborhood and gave him the cash. Exactly three hundred thousand.’

  ‘…’ Ling Hanlu let out a long sigh. ‘Why do you keep so much money at home?’

  ‘It's from my investment in finance with a college friend after graduation. It's pre-marriage property. It was my first time doing such a big project behind my dad's back, you know? I was so excited. Can you understand? I didn't save it, just took the cash and kept it.’

  ‘For emergencies.’

  ‘Yeah, that works. When Liang Chen mentioned borrowing money that day, I immediately thought of this sum.’

  ‘You’re okay lending it out without feeling guilty?’


  ‘But aren't you anxious? What if...’

  ‘If something happens, I’ll just use that three hundred grand to put out the fire in my heart for my everlasting youth.’

  ‘Shuping, you really haven't fallen for him? Like, that way.’

  ‘I get what you mean. Seeking thrills... But how would it end up? Abandoning everything for him? Even if my marriage isn't a military one now, I wouldn't do that. Besides, you know, sitting so close to him, seeing his young, smooth face, I just thought, "Don't be silly!"’

  Ling Hanlu seemed to understand something. She dissected Shu Ping's thoughts, probably thinking, can a face so smooth and lacking in wrinkles hold the essence of an older woman's life? Yeah, any young, smooth face, older women should really think twice, right?

  The afternoon passed as the two women chatted, nearing its end. Ling Hanlu said she needed to go back and finish her manuscript. Her languid expression and pale lips struck Shu Ping as unusual.

  ‘Hanlu, are you feeling unwell? Menstrual pain, or...’

  ‘Chest tightness, and my stomach hasn't been great lately. I'll go home and rest first.’

  ‘Take it easy.’

  ‘Don't worry.’

  With a growing sense of oppression in her chest and concern for Shu Ping's mid-life rebellion, Ling Hanlu slowly made her way home."

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