Chapter 54

  Gu Pan emerged from the bathroom, holding a small makeup mirror that Lu Yitong had left behind, and headed to the balcony.

  He carefully examined the scar on his forehead from various angles, comparing its appearance under indoor and natural light.

  After applying the ointment Ling Hanlu had given him for two days, he had checked his reflection in the mirror no less than two hundred times. Each glance convinced him the scar had faded more than the last. He completely ignored the scientific fact that scar fading is a slow process. To him, this ointment was nothing short of a miracle cure!

  Growing up, Gu Pan rarely paid much attention to his appearance, except for a brief period when he first noticed the dark fuzz above his upper lip. Once he got used to it, he barely looked in the mirror again.

  He never heard his family comment on his looks. His mother, Li Danxia, never chose her partners based on their appearance, and she held the same indifferent attitude toward her son’s looks.

  In truth, Gu Pan was quite handsome. He was lucky enough to inherit the best features of both his parents, especially his large, expressive eyes, a gift from his mother. During his junior and senior high school years, however, his introverted personality made him more focused on studying and less on socializing. Consequently, he never really had any “highlight moments” to attract the opposite sex. Lu Yitong was the only girl who recognized his hidden charm.

  What truly inspired Gu Pan to improve himself, inside and out, was Ling Hanlu.

  He got into working out. Crunches, lifting dumbbells—he threw himself into building a physique that screamed “manliness.”

  He shaved his head, cutting off the hair that had always shielded his forehead. Along with it, he trimmed away the emotional walls that had always guarded his heart. Stepping beyond that barrier, he found himself in a whole new world.

  Now, in his twenties, Gu Pan gazed at his reflection. He no longer worried about the constant battle with his mustache or the persistent pimples that popped up now and then. The bold scar around his eyebrow, still raw and healing, felt like a badge of honor marking his journey. And a badge doesn't need to be on display all the time. When it eventually fades, the growth it represents remains forever in his veins.

  Gu Pan admired himself on the balcony for a few minutes. When he walked back inside and noticed his phone buzzing, he saw two missed calls from Su Chiyuan.

  “Hey, kiddo, taking it easy at home this weekend?”

  “Yeah, I’m planning to hit the library later. Gotta look up some stuff.”

  “Nice. How’s your face healing up?”

  “Some spots are scabbing over. No biggie.” Gu Pan mimicked the gentle touch Ling Hanlu used when she applied the ointment to his scars, softly tracing his fingers around the healing skin near his eyes.

  “Let me see!”

  “What?” Gu Pan’s fingers trembled, accidentally pressing on a sore spot. “Ow…” He barely managed to hold back a groan.

  “Can you do a video call? Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Gu Pan instinctively touched his forehead. Just hearing Su Chiyuan's voice made him reach for it. He knew that the touch he felt in that room, 500 kilometers away, wasn’t just a dream. It was Su Chiyuan's way of trying to fix something broken, using his eyes and fingers. Gu Pan didn’t quite understand how his passive acceptance could help Mr. Su. Yet, the thought of hurting Su Chiyuan by saying no felt even worse.

  Without hesitating, he initiated the video call.


  “Lower your head a bit and hold still. Let me see it clearly,” Su Chiyuan’s voice was gentle but firm, guiding Gu Pan’s half-hearted attempt to show his injury.

  Gu Pan moved the camera, focusing it directly on the scar.

  Su Chiyuan let out a rare, deep sigh. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to fade easily. How about this? My friend’s wife is in the medical aesthetics field. I can take you to her for a consultation. I really don’t want you to…”

  “You don’t want me to end up with a scar, right?”

  “Exactly. With all the advancements in modern medicine, especially in cosmetic technology, you have to trust…”

  “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Su. A little scar doesn’t scare me. Besides, it’s already getting better—you can see it. And I’ve got my miracle cream!” To reassure Su Chiyuan, Gu Pan held up the ointment, flashing a confident smile.

  “Oh, I’ve seen that before. It’s an imported brand. A colleague brought me a tube from a business trip. My wife used it for a burn, and it was just okay. noy so good !”

  “Maybe she didn’t use it consistently?” Gu Pan couldn’t help but feel a bit defensive about his “miracle cream.” Su Chiyuan’s casual dismissal of it rubbed him the wrong way. But now that he was in his twenties, even when defending his beliefs, he tried to do it with subtlety and restraint.

  “Yeah, maybe. But where’d you get it from? Your girlfriend? Girls usually know more about this stuff. Us guys, not so much!”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Remember we talked about that girl at the restaurant by the reservoir? The one your mom liked. What happened to her?” Su Chiyuan’s face appeared on the screen with a slight smirk, clearly curious for more details.

  “We’ve cleared things up. It wasn’t as messy as I thought it would be.”

  “That’s good. Does your mom know? You mentioned she could be pretty strong-willed…”

  “Yeah, she knows. We had a bit of an argument over the phone. I might have been a little too harsh. But she’s my mom. She gave me life. I need to be more respectful.”

  “Give it some time. When you feel the moment is right, maybe apologize. Like you said, she’s your mom after all.”

  "I reckon it ain't gonna cut it. Not everything can be fixed with an apology. I'm stuck between two choices: either betray myself or defy her." Gu Pan stared at the blurred figure on the screen, unwavering. He didn't care to read others' expressions, nor seek approval or dissent. This was his decision, about someone he had made up his mind about. "There ain't no third way."

  "How deep does your mom's superstition go, anyway? You mentioned that term before. Apart from that so-called 'lucky' girl, everyone else seems to bring her nothing but bad luck. Is that how she sees it?"

  "Yeah, pretty much."

  "So, what's the basis for her likes and dislikes? Zodiac signs? Or..."

  "Age. She can't accept any woman older than me." Gu Pan shifted his gaze to another blurry spot in the background.

  "Hmm... I'm wondering if I'm onto something here. Are you really interested in an older woman? Just having a vague idea wouldn't normally cause such friction with your elders. You need a specific person to shake things up, to truly ignite your motivation, right?"

  "Yeah," Gu Pan nodded, still not lifting his gaze. He wasn't surprised that Mr. Su had read his thoughts and figured it out; he felt no shame about it either. But the potential implications unsettled him, mixed with a secretive thrill.

  Su Chiyuan's eyes were once again drawn to the sudden flush on the young man's forehead. He gazed intently and asked, "So, that ointment, was it from that woman?"

  "Yes," Gu Pan lifted his head now. Bringing up "that woman" and finally addressing his romantic involvement with someone of the opposite sex presented an opportunity. He met Su Chiyuan's gaze squarely, hoping to uncover something unusual in those eyes across from him. If by some unfortunate chance he was indeed the subject of Miss Lu's prediction, if Su Chiyuan saw him as a stand-in for a homosexual partner, then human nature suggested there would be jealousy in those eyes. The intensity of that jealousy could vary greatly.

  However, he didn't pick up on any of that. What came through from the other side was only warmth and affection.

  Gu Pan felt his scant twenty-something years of life experience were inadequate, and he drifted into a haze of confusion.

  "Hey, kid, what's got you daydreaming?" Su Chiyuan reached out as if to break through the screen and console Gu Pan. He chuckled, "Come on, no need to be so down. How does that woman feel about you?"

  "Ling... She knows I like her. But she hasn't said she likes me back. That's how it is."

  Gu Pan found it oddly satisfying yet perplexing to discuss matters of love so openly with Su Chiyuan. Their conversation became increasingly laden with questions, but he didn't want to interrupt. Accompanying Mr. Su on this journey was his duty.

  "Tell me!"


  "You and her." Su Chiyuan didn't bother hiding his curiosity.


  Before they knew it, they were delving into Gu Pan's acquaintance with the older woman. He recounted a version he had shared with Lu Yitong, omitting personal details and framing it as an old classmate's introduction during an audit of classes at a nearby school, where her talent had captivated him and admiration had grown since.

  Su Chiyuan found this explanation plausible. Half serious, half teasing, he praised Gu Pan's bold pursuit of an older, knowledgeable woman and expressed his eagerness to meet her.

  Gu Pan agreed, responding to Su Chiyuan's seemingly playful invitation in kind.

  As their conversation wound down, they exchanged polite pleasantries and prepared to end the video call. Suddenly, a small hand shot out from beneath Su Chiyuan's arm, trying to grab the phone. Normally composed, Su was startled by this ambush and nearly lost his grip, causing the screen to jolt before returning to normal.

  Before long, Gu Pan saw Su Chiyuan through the camera, sternly lecturing someone off-screen. It was probably about entering the study without permission—how could you just barge in without Dad's consent? How could you grab someone else's things like that? The final words made Gu Pan sigh. Su Chiyuan said, "I don't want you..."

  The call ended amidst the child's sobbing and the sound of running footsteps. As the child ran out, calling for their "Mom," Gu Pan felt an unexpected pang of pity. He vividly remembered how Su Chiyuan had just glared at the child with such intensity; even if he only saw the side profile, the sternness was palpable. Yet when Mr. Su turned back to face his "kid," his expression instantly softened.

  This once again highlighted to Gu Pan the limits of his own life experience.

  He closed his eyes, seeking solace, letting himself be absorbed by the calm morning air of the weekend.

  In mid-May, the scent of jasmine, wisteria, and lilac began to fill City A. The lilac blossoms in the neighborhood were blooming in large, fragrant clusters.

  As he took in the gifts of nature, Gu Pan felt a moment of peace and tranquility. However, the sound of the child's sobs lingered in his mind, unable to fade away.

  He couldn't quite understand it. Whenever he was confused, his thoughts turned to Ling Hanlu.

  This innocent woman, unfairly burdened by her mother Li Danxia’s bizarre theories, labeled as “older” and “unlucky.” Just a few buildings away, what was she doing amidst the blooming flowers?

  He wanted to find her. Cook a delicious meal to save her, and in turn, be saved by her.

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