Chapter 33

  "Ling Hanlu, are you still on campus?"

  "Just wrapped up class."

  "Could you swing by my office? There's something I need to discuss."

  "Of course."

  With that, Ling Hanlu hung up the phone and made her way straight to the administrative building.

  It wasn't a place she frequented often. She reckoned she only went there about three or four times a semester, mainly for seminars.

  Fang Yucheng's office was on the seventh floor, alongside the heads of the German, Spanish, and French departments.

  As Ling Hanlu knocked on the door, she noticed it was slightly ajar. A voice from inside responded, "Come in!"

  Ling Hanlu leaned forward, cautiously peering inside.

  Leaning forward with her neck craned, Ling Hanlu cautiously edged her way into the room.

  The floor gleamed, almost blindingly so. Ling Hanlu meticulously rubbed her shoe soles on the doormat outside, fearing to desecrate this pristine sanctuary with even a speck of dust.

  On tiptoes, she moved slowly until she finally stood in the center of the office.

  To her right, against the wall, just a foot away, sat a small, pale-colored three-seater sofa. But she wasn't sure if her coat, tainted with chalk dust, was worthy of touching it.

  She simply stood, hands at her sides, surveying the immaculately clean space around her.

  Footsteps approached, gradually growing louder.

  The person who emerged from the cubicle didn't expect Ling Hanlu to be standing there waiting. Seeing her, he quickly greeted her, his voice tinged with a hint of remorse for the delay.

  "Why don't you take a seat?" Fang Yucheng said as he removed the thin rubber gloves from his hands and approached. He then took off his dust mask and peeled off the snow-white sleeves from his arms. Once his attire was back to normal, he gestured for Ling Hanlu to sit on the sofa.

  "Fang Director, what's with..." Facing Fang Yucheng, who appeared in the office like a mix of a beekeeper, an astronaut, and a forensic expert, Ling Hanlu couldn't suppress her curiosity and couldn't help but inquire.

  "Oh, sorry about that, Professor Ling. I thought you wouldn't come so soon, so I took the opportunity to tidy up the bookshelf in the cubicle. Interested in taking a look?" Without waiting for Ling Hanlu's response, Fang Yucheng immediately stepped back, making way to the cubicle door. He invited Ling Hanlu into the realm of academia and ideas.

  The bookshelf had four tiers. A wooden ladder leaned against the wall, just tall enough for his 6-foot frame to reach the top shelf for rearranging the books.

  The arrangement of the books reflected an unusually meticulous style. It seemed that these paper objects were not just the crystallization of human wisdom but also endowed with special significance. They tested whether their owners' care bordered on obsession.

  "The Director's love for books is truly moving," Ling Hanlu exclaimed as she looked around.

  "I tidy up about every two weeks. Of course, sometimes when it's particularly busy, I might forget. Occasionally," Fang Yucheng said, lifting his chin slightly as he reviewed his work with a mix of humility and pride.

  "Oh, that's quite frequent..."

  "Tidying up is actually about purifying the internal circulation," Fang Yucheng maintained his upward gaze at the bookshelf, exuding a natural stubbornness from his neck. This stubbornness, combined with the depth in his words, silenced the visitor momentarily.

  About seven or eight seconds passed.

  "Purifying? Internal circulation?" Ling Hanlu finally reacted. She wasn't sure if Fang Yucheng's words were a metaphor or some other form of expression beyond her realm of knowledge.

  "We all need some cleansing," Fang Yucheng cast Ling Hanlu a hopeful look, eager for her response. It was earnest, extending beyond mere anticipation of a scholar for an academic protege. He felt this female teacher had the capability to reach his intellectual heights, while also hoping for other types of resonance from her.

  "Oh, Director Fang, your exploration runs quite deep..."

  "Where? That's too much praise." Fang Yucheng's ears unexpectedly felt warm at Ling Hanlu's response, a physiological change he rarely experienced.

  As a heavyweight in the English Department of the Foreign Language Institute, he had received countless accolades at various levels. What scene hadn't he witnessed? With stars surrounding him, whether it was just for show or out of genuine respect, he had never blushed. But now, he distinctly felt something long dormant in his veins surging. "Uh... Professor Ling, don't just stand there, have a seat!" He took the initiative to dispel the odd atmosphere in the room.


  "I'll be right back." Fang Yucheng went to the sink to wash his hands. The cool flowing water helped him calm down quickly. At least, there shouldn't be any noticeable changes on his skin, whether it be the reddening from heat or the standing of hairs caused by agitation... He couldn't appear like an inexperienced kid.

  Ling Hanlu sat down on one end of the leather sofa. On the coffee table in front of her was a cup with a wine-red cover. Between the cup's mouth and the lid, a thin stainless steel piece extended, which intrigued her. She leaned in closer, close enough to smell the faint aroma emanating from the cup. The slightly sweet scent of tea, mixed with a hint of dried fruit. As she leaned in further, looking like someone unfamiliar with the world, Fang Yucheng, who had returned from washing his hands, noticed.

  "Professor Ling, go ahead, this tea is brewed for you." Fang Yucheng's eyes behind his glasses sparkled with a hint of amusement. "It's been steeping for a while, so the temperature is just right now." He personally handed the wine-red porcelain cup with distinct feminine traits to Ling Hanlu.

  "The aroma is very sweet, what's it called?" Ling Hanlu lifted the lid, revealing a variety of round and flat dried fruits in the metal filter, most of which she couldn't identify.

  "It's a fruit tea brought back by a friend from Southeast Asia, highly praised by the locals for its appetizing, refreshing, and digestion-aiding effects. They say it even has skincare and beauty benefits... Of course, Professor Ling is already very beautiful." Fang Yucheng's expression was sincere. "Truly captivating."

  "Mmm..." Ling Hanlu took a sip of the tea, not yet having the chance to swallow it, and pondered how to express her gratitude in a timely and appropriate manner. So, she murmured twice between her throat and lips. But in doing so, she ended up sounding even more perfunctory.

  However, these two murmurs carried another layer of meaning in Fang Yucheng's eyes. He felt that Ling Hanlu was beginning to relax in front of him. No longer was she the subordinate showing utmost respect to her superior, but rather closer to a woman who relied on favoritism and was somewhat arrogant. At least, he was willing to think so.

  "Hehe, drinking tea once won't make much of a difference. But in the future, we'll have plenty of opportunities to communicate and drink tea together."

  Fang Yucheng "scheduled" at least three months' worth of seminar plans with Ling Hanlu for the future. Calculating, it meant that approximately every three days, Ling Hanlu would come here to discuss the sub-projects she was responsible for with the primary investigator.

  This wasn't Ling Hanlu's first time leading such academic research projects, and when she was in charge, she didn't require members to report progress or modify details so frequently. Of course, Director Fang's project was at the national level. With different stakes, the degree of rigor naturally should be different too, right? Ling Hanlu found this reasoning quite consistent.

  After the seminar, it was already late in the day. Ling Hanlu politely declined Fang Yucheng's invitation to dinner, but couldn't successfully refuse his offer to drive her.

  Initially, she tried to leave first under the pretext of "living nearby." However, Fang Yucheng said, "Letting you walk alone at night would be me being ignorant and lacking manners." This statement left her in a dilemma. She had no choice but to indulge this man's obsession with gentlemanly conduct. But what she didn't anticipate was that her indulgence would extend her journey home by nearly ten kilometers.

  "Ling Hanlu, I'm really sorry for making you take the long route with me. It's been a while since someone sat in the passenger seat beside me. Thank you!"

  Fang Yucheng drove along a quiet road outside the university campus. The sound of the car wheels crushing the dried leaves of the camphor trees echoed with a brittle resolve. Along the way, the road signs and the colorful graffiti on the walls... they were all the things Ling Hanlu had selectively forgotten over the past two years.

  Two years ago, in that news report, Ling Hanlu witnessed the scene of the "night demon" attacking under the guidance of a legal reporter. Since then, she had once regarded this road, full of bloody crimes, as a forbidden zone. For a long time, labeled as the "widow of the night demon," her world almost collapsed.

  Ling Hanlu believed that Fang Yucheng didn't intentionally bring her here at this moment. But her deliberately avoided gaze gradually woke Fang Yucheng up from his initial surprise. He immediately accelerated and drove away.

  "Ling Hanlu, I'm sorry. I didn't consider it properly. Please forgive me."

  "Director Fang, you don't have to... It's just that I didn't adjust myself properly, hehe. After all, I'm just an ordinary man."

  Ling Hanlu tilted her head back, trying to force back a certain emotional overflow. But the pressure from the roof, where her gaze landed, imposed an even greater sense of oppression on her, leaving her confined to a certain mental dilemma, unable to stretch out.

  "Ling Hanlu, Ling Hanlu..." Fang Yucheng adjusted the volume and tone just right, rescuing Ling Hanlu with his whispered words.

  "Huh?" Ling Hanlu felt as if she had been gently shaken from a nightmare.

  "...Ling Hanlu, are you okay? Um, I suddenly thought of something." Fang Yucheng seemed somewhat hesitant.

  "I'm sorry, what did you want to say?"

  "I... I'd really like to take you to my hometown sometime. Just now, seeing you like that, this idea just popped into my head. I hope Ling Hanlu doesn't feel offended."

  "Absolutely not. Oh? When you mentioned home, where are you from?"

  "The northwest. Endless desert smoke... Sunset over the river... I've seen it all."

  "Ah, the northwest. It's always been part of my travel plans. But I haven't managed to make the journey yet."

  "Is that right? I'd love to show you around there, let you experience the clear skies after snow and the sight of wild geese over the vast expanse... It's bound to open up a whole new world for you!"

  Upon hearing this, Ling Hanlu couldn't help but feel deeply moved. Touched by Fang Yucheng's guidance and his lofty vision. But then, she couldn't shake off the image of his flamboyant persona in the director's office earlier, and the nickname "Fang Spray" Xu Shuping had given him. It was like he effortlessly switched between two different personas, mysterious and profound.

  Fang Yucheng didn't pull into the complex. He stopped beneath a streetlamp just outside the perimeter wall.

  Before Ling Hanlu stepped out of the car, Fang noticed the chalk dust lingering on the bottom of her coat. He felt it might be too forward to clean it himself, so he hinted with words and gestures for her to brush it off.

  As the car door shut, Fang hurriedly rolled down the window. "Hold on!" he interjected, aiming to correct Ling Hanlu's self-perception, "Ling, you just said you're just an average Joe. I beg to differ."


  "In my book, you're anything but average, untouched by the mundane..."

  "Fang, what's this about...?"

  "Head home sooner, you've been held up long enough. Grab a bite, take care of yourself. Goodnight!"

  Unlocking the door, Ling Hanlu couldn't shake off Fang Yucheng's peculiar behavior throughout the day, especially his praise of being "untouched by the mundane." It was quite unexpected coming from a middle-aged intellectual who seemed to have a slight obsession with cleanliness... Ling Hanlu's footsteps seemed to float as she stepped inside.

  She wanted to share it with someone immediately. It was more urgent than dinner.

  "Hey? Hanlu?" Xu Shuping answered, speaking in a hushed tone.

  Ling Hanlu couldn't help glancing at the living room clock. It was only eight o'clock! The teachers' reading room hadn't been open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings since October. Normally, Xu Shuping would be at home playing educational games with her child or watching cartoons. But the background sounded extremely quiet and empty. It was nothing like indoors. Distant dog barks could be heard, and the gentle sound of flowing water was faintly audible.

  "Shuping, aren't you home right now?"

  "Yeah, I'm out for a walk." Xu Shuping stepped on the dry leaves underfoot, making a crisp crunching sound.

  "Is Little Treasure there? I want to talk to him." Ling Hanlu regarded this fortunate baby, who had come into the world, as her own.

  "You mean Little Treasure? It's getting chilly, didn't take him out. If he catches a cold, it's trouble for everyone... adults and kids alike..."

  "Then who's taking care of him at home?" Ling Hanlu grew concerned.

  "His little aunt."

  "But I remember you saying you finish work early on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and you were planning to give the little aunt a day off..." Ling Hanlu persisted with her rational analysis.

  "Hanlu, why do I feel like I'm being interrogated by you?" Xu Shuping joked half-heartedly. She might find a way to dodge her best friend's "interrogation," but she wouldn't get angry.

  "I haven't..." Ling Hanlu suddenly fell silent.

  "To tell you the truth, I didn't tell them about the reading room not being open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings." Xu Shuping took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. There was a sense of resignation after a decision to "give up resistance."

  "Oh, but why not?"

  "Hanlu, I... I'm with Liang Chen. Don't overthink it, we haven't done anything. Just taking a walk. I'll be back before half past eight. I know my limits."

  "A walk... Shuping, do you know where I passed by on my way home today?" Ling Hanlu almost choked as she prepared to reveal the rest to Xu Shuping.


  "We passed by the... outside wall of our college..."

  "Why would you go there? Didn't you say just thinking about that road makes you uncomfortable? And you went to look for trouble!" Xu Shuping's heartache bordered on anger. She felt a sense of frustration at Ling Hanlu's self-infliction. "Are you punishing yourself?"

  "I'm fine, don't worry. But Shuping, take care of yourself... That guy died, but there are other bad people out there. Don't stay out too late! Gotta go!"

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